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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Keep thinking about this one. Yep, this one really fits.
  2. She is a real babe isn't she. I was hoping to see her this summer, but I'm sure that is off now. I wonder if Jimmy has ever commented on her? Calling Steve Jones.... any info on that?
  3. Or..... not riding around in a convertible might have been an even better prophylactic measure.... don't ya think?
  4. Nah, the virus came to the USA on an airplane
  5. Today he is become "not around". RIP Kenny
  6. Great post Steve and spot on. All of this mythology about the shot Oswald made from that position being beyond his ability is hogwash. The same shot has been replicated many times by other shooters using the same type of rifle; even the same ammo from the same batch of ammo stock. Then there is the "magic pristine bullet" which wasn't so pristine, it was in fact disfigured. Even the misconceptions about the direction JFK's head moved after being hit in the scull by people with no concept about how ballistic and anatomy would make the jet effect from brain matter flying forward throw a human head backward. Most people make assumptions on what they see in movies, not any science. Oswald was the one, and the CIA and FBI were very embarrassed by that. They knew Oswald was a kook and they let him in the hen house.
  7. I don't buy that at all. Eisenhower had already but the brakes on deeper involvement, and JFK post Bay of Pigs was certainly not likely to saber rattle in Vietnam much either. LBJ was just weak.
  8. Norm is a funny guy. Another one of my favorite Norm bits.
  9. She gonna need gills to breath too if I catch her
  10. One of the funniest lines in Jerry Seinfeld's 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee' was when he had Norm McDonald on and they were talking about what if Norm did a similar format show to Jerry's car thing, and Norm said, "it would be called me alone by myself in my apartment eating Count Chocula--- who would want to watch that?"
  11. I kind of like the one who played his wife in Curb Your Enthusiasm Cheryl Hines
  12. I never said Oswald wasn't the lone shooter. I also never said the CIA acting through the Marine Corp or other avenue was behind the assassination. What I find curious however is why so many details like these had to be routed out like pulling teeth, and were not immediately disclosed by the government. Was it just due to the nature of how the CIA and FBI were behaving in the era at the peak of the cold war and not long after the Pay of Pigs and Cuban missile crisis--- or was the lack of transparency something else? Maybe the fact that a lot of Bozos were steering the ship? The fact that a ex Marine nut job like Oswald who had traveled to the USSR and who they ALREADY knew was a lose cannon and a threat could take up a location of high ground and kill the most powerful man in the world while in a CONVERTIBLE vehicle!!! All of the JFK conspiracies stem from parts of the government scrambling to cover their tracks to avoid embarrassment. Personal careers on the line-- political considerations over dealing with the problem of a lack of control and transparency. The "myth" that government smarter than fifth grader. And then a few years later the replacement president decides to ramp up a war in Southeast Asia to look tougher than a war hawk political challenger he is running against in order to win reelection. Now THAT is a conspiracy I believe in. Had Richard Nixon won in 1960 instead of JFK there would have been no LBJ in the sequence of future events. In some way of looking at this Oswald by his lone action was the proximate cause of the Vietnam war. Had JFK survived, his popularity would have continuedand he would not have "wagged the dog" the way Johnson did later on in order to be re-elected. Oswald's good rifle skills therefore resulted in this. Oswald was the Gavrilo Princip of his time.
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