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Everything posted by kipper

  1. You realize you are agreeing with the minority opinion on that here in this country don't you? Just a line of talking points used to herd some people into accepting and maintaining a perceived victim status and/or virtue signaling in exchange for their votes. The irony of course is that in itself is the real "greed and corruption" built into the equation of so called "progressivism". A straight path down the trail to "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".
  2. Talking Heads comes to mind too...
  3. Well, to be fair the Byzantines had been collaborating with Saladan and pissing off Rome.
  4. You seem to be doing okay Wally; "coo"l car, nice house in near the glades, and enough spare change to get the premium football package on TV. What went wrong? Did you rob a bank---- or maybe just show up to work and do what normal people do? Not sure why you would be complaining.... seems weird to me.
  5. Listening to the news reports and some reporters say the dumbest things. One reporter on CNN said (paraphrasing here), "the cathedral has survived two world wars, the French revolution and the Crusades...". How uninformed are some of these news people? How would the crusades have been a threat to this cathedral? Do they not know that the crusades were a defensive war against attacks from outside of Europe? And in terms of WW2 France surrendered, declared Paris an 'open city' so the Germans would not have had any reason to threaten this non military target during German occupation, and the Allies never attacked Paris either. Only bombing by Germany occurred after Paris was liberated and there was not widespread damage anyway. I guess some news people don't understand that Paris during WW2 had it easy compared to London, Stalingrad, or Berlin.
  6. We'll see. I hope not, or maybe this would be the thing that wakes up some people in France (maybe Germany too) about some things. Funny you just mentioned this, but a friend of mine who is Jerusalem this week for Passover just messaged me and said that they were walking past a cafe in the Muslim quarter and a TV was on showing the news coverage and some of the people were laughing and cheering. I find that kind of thing to be really SICK. This is history---world history. The loss of antiquities of any religion or culture are a loss to all of us. I hope there was no nefarious involvement in this, but today who knows?
  7. Zepparella does exactly that. Travels in a van (just the 4 women) and sets up and takes down their own gigs---although a few good fans often help them. Stylistically they are smart to not try and be a total cover version attempting to match on stage mannerisms and costumes which gets really boring and really old really fast. Gretchen Menn is a very well trained guitarist--- she gets really inside the actual MUSIC in a technical way. She can actually read music unlike many tribute players. There is also something to be said about a woman's hands and fingers which for this type of playing I think is a benefit. I think the better guitar players be they men or women share a type of hand structure which divides some of the greats from others. My hands are huge ham like blobs of meat and bone much better suited to a brick layer than a guitar player. Jimmy Page would have been a terrible mason, but probably a great proctologist....
  8. Huge amount of scaffolding in the renovation project. With gas generators, welding equipment, there is always a huge risk of fire if proper precautions are not taken. And then add to it a 900 year old interior wooden structure--- well, somebody probably screwed up. It is a sad day, and yet in many ways I think it will represent an image of Europe and European history and civilization which seems to be disappearing in our lifetimes already. Losing a historical place like this is always sad, and yet nothing lasts forever.
  9. The cathedral Notre Dame in Paris is burning to the ground. Hopefully no firefighters will be harmed trying to put this out. Sad news today.
  10. Right company wrong location. This is the old Tower Records store on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. I saw lots of celebs there over the years.
  11. probably in his pajamas at Starbucks having a soy latte before the Bernie rally in Berkeley.
  12. exciting, involving 3 women and...
  13. And now for something completely...
  14. Carney's is great, their chili is better than Tommy's... plus you can buy a beer there. I got burned out on Pink's when I used to work just down the street on La Brea. Then at some point it became some kind of tourist attraction with lines longer than Disneyland. Also could never figure out the meaning behind the "Huel Howser dog" it has two dogs inside one bun--- LOL. If you are really drunk and brave there is always Oki dog, but my new favorite place is 'Boo's Philly Cheese steaks on the corner of Fountain and Virgil. You ought to try that place.
  15. Everybody Loves Raymond Deborah is HAWT
  16. I think you can buy these on etsy
  17. And their latest video. Their drummer 'Clementine' really HITS the drums in true Bonzo fashion. She does better than almost of the men who try to do this IMHO.
  18. Here are two "beauties" one black (not quite like Jimmy's) and one red...red haired that is--- The incomparable Gretchen Menn They will be playing at the famous ROXY on Sunset Blvd this July. Should be a good one and great venue to see Zepparella at. And one more, probably my favorite cover of Whole Lotta Love. Here Zepparella channels the spirit of a true Zeppelin improvisation in that tight but loose tradition. Like no version you have ever heard before. It doesn't get much more sexy than this...
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