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Everything posted by kipper

  1. FIFY 😆 Hey did you ever see this funny bit on the TV show Breaking Bad? and then the same but animated version
  2. How would you liked to be "beamed" in those "transporter rooms"? Tasty!
  3. The original opening theme song for Happy Days was different than the later versions. Originally they had Bill Haley and the Comets "Rock Around the Clock"
  4. The original song was titled "Little Greenback" a reference to U.S. dollars being green. If you listen closely to the lyrics Baker actually says greenback. However at some point the title was subsequently titled "Little Green Bag".
  5. Nothing compares with the original by George Baker for both weirdness and catchiness in that Dutch rock and roll off beat kind of pop music thing Also and then more catchy Dutch pop rock and finally... this weird and fun crap too by Mouth & MacNeal
  6. Paging Paul Caruthers! It would be nice if Paul would search out photos of all the beautiful Star Trek women and post a few pin ups here in this thread for all to enjoy. yum!
  7. A lot of people saw a bit of Liberace in some of Trelane's mannerisms and affectations. I think sometimes people also assumed Trelane's "camp style" suggested he was gay, which I don't believe needed to be the case one way or the other. I just think Trelane was "putting on airs" in a rather classic French style which Trelane believed was in period for the character he was presenting himself as to the crew of the Enterprise.
  8. The ______ in the forest brightly feathered They are saying, "Forget the night. Live with us in forests of azure. Out here on the perimeter there are no stars Out here we is stoned - immaculate."
  9. When I woke up this morning I had an overwhelming feeling of dread come over me due to a sudden realization that Led Zeppelin in all likelihood will not be having any further reunions. Page 74 Jones 72 Plant 70 This is not a song about hope....
  10. ^^^ Paper Moon Okay, now I'll go: "I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"
  11. A lot of good years and venues to pick from. Redrum mentioned S.F. but I would add Los Angeles in '69 at many venues in and around the Sunset Strip. The Whiskey, The Roxy, Pandora's Box, The London Fog, The Troubadour, Gazzarri's. After '68/'69 we began to see a shift from promotional tours at small venues to arena rock as it became clear that bands could actually make some money off of touring. Arena rock coupled with FM radio and a shift to album oriented rock at that time really changed the game. Rock and Roll in the early '70s EXPLODED across North America and beyond. The two most renowned venues on the American coasts being MSG and the Inglewood Forum near Los Angeles. Sadly it became too big for it's britches by the time we began seeing 20 minute drum and guitar solos. The staleness sank in, TRUE fans became bored, and a door for new blood and an actual "pulse" of a beating heart came back when punk came along to save rock and roll and reinvent the small venue scene once again..... well, for a little while. Big is not always better. I would have rather seen Led Zeppelin opening for Alice Cooper at The Whiskey than a front row seat at Knebworth. Who wouldn't?
  12. kipper


    Conjecture is not science. In this exercise it isn't much different than religion. Science requires facts which can be observed, measured, and quantified. Too many unknown variables and then all you are doing is speculating. Because "what IF" by intelligent design we are in fact alone? See how that works? All we are reduced to then is two sides of a religion debate. You claiming we resulted from random chaos as a designer, and I claiming an intelligent purpose as a designer.
  13. Jonesy was that you? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4278524/Man-dies-six-ton-pile-porn-magazines.html RIP
  14. kipper


    ^^^ Quote worthy...
  15. Yes, Trelane is believed by many to be part of the 'Q continuum' although I would not say this Q (if he was that) was the one known specifically to J.L. Picard in TNG. The tie in to Trelane by in TNG is of course one of many creative moves likely to tie the fabric of the entire mythology together. Whether it was specifically designed to be that way or not we may not know for sure. But I'm pretty sure that since Roddenberry was still alive at the conception of the "Q" character in TNG, I don't see how the similarities would not have been intentional. In 'The Squire of Gothos' (1967) Trelane refers to "we" as a species/entities who have the ability to change matter and time. Clearly when that was written for TOS there were no future plans for the story line which later becomes Q and the Q Continuum, but being it is a great idea, why not borrow that and expand it?
  16. Very sad news to hear today. Bob Einstein was for my generation one of the great comic writers of his day. He along with Steve Martin, Murray Roman and others were the heart and soul of the Smother Brothers Show writers room. I feel bad for younger folks who never knew some of the great comic writers of decades past--- so many are now gone. RIP Bob (Officer Judy / Super Dave / Marty Funkhouser) Thanks for all of the laughs when we needed them.
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