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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Verna Bloom best remembered as Mrs Wormer from the film Animal House has gone on to the big cucumber farm in the sky. RIP
  2. Weather outside has turned cloudy with a chance of "Rainsong" in the forecast. Looks like maybe 5-7 days of "A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall" so I hope that "When the Levee Breaks" everyone is not crying "Who'll Stop the Rain?"
  3. big wonderful shapely American thigh...
  4. Not to mention it is lame. Somebody posts a photo of their kids on your friends list and if you don't comment about the "cute kid" a lot these narcissists get butthurt and de-friend you. Plus who really gives a damn about seeing what somebody had for lunch? Just the lameness is reason enough to pass on that.
  5. I read where employers look for people's facebook pages and then determine if they will hire them. An article said that if you don't have a facebook page an employer can find they will assume that you do anyway and that it is either anonymous or locked down for a reason which is not a positive assumption. Employers will assume then that people have something to hide, so some employment coaches say people should have a facebook page but keep in completely sterile with only neutral content and definitely no access to seeing friends or other associations. Concept is to keep it like a LinkedIn page--- strictly professional and then if they must do social media to that on a separate account. I also heard some law enforcement agencies demand that potential job candidates provide them with access to their social media during background investigations.
  6. The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson. This was when that show was actually good. I got to see several tapings of this show live back in the '70s. That was when it was a 90 minute show. Carson was the best!
  7. ^^^This Add to that now facial recognition software. Anyone who has posted their person photo on facebook or anywhere else is now KNOWN to every law enforcement agency or any criminal cartel or enterprise too.
  8. ...their soft pink purses full....
  9. Bro, From where you are fly northwest until you hit Manila and then make a hard left turn until you reach Phuket Thailand. For 5 dollars more you'll find a gal who is passionate about anyone say.... including Barry Manilow if you like. 😏
  10. What a cute little girl Rick! Nice Job! My compliments to your DNA. Kip
  11. Well, then I'm glad we cleared that up. Maybe it's the chilly weather out here today, or this damn clear beautiful air is getting my sinuses in a twist, but sometimes I find it hard to figure out the riddles inside some of the posts around here; I clearly don't have the same long history as others do here. All I can say is that Apanther is a decent guy with a lot of great things to contribute to this forum same as the rest of us. If I spoke out of turn, then nevermind (a great album BTW)... or one of the funniest Gilda Radner lines from the classic SNL episodes. Peace
  12. Strider, I'm trying hard to figure out why you think Apanther and I are the same person... that is if that is what you meant by that? I have seen you sort of suggest similar before. Sadly (if that is your intention) that line of thinking makes me feel like you don't believe I am a real person with thoughts, opinions, and emotions of my own. In a PM I sent you I mentioned a certain area where I used to go years ago not far from where you work/live (same city) do you remember? I ask you how would Apanther (from the East coast) know that place I mentioned which is on N Fuller above Franklin--- or any of the details I mentioned about it from many decades ago? Fact is you and I travel along the same boulevards and streets daily; probably eat at many of the same places; attend the same venues---- who knows, have probably stood next to each other in line at the supermarket or a doughnut shop at some point. Apanther is not from where we are from; he and I are not the same person. Think about it. Not sure what you mean by "adults can figure it out" but I can assure you that you are on the wrong track if what I think you are suggesting. Don't blame Apanther for feeling like he got 'trampled under foot'. The person who started that ball rolling wasn't you anyway; they made some snide comments at a bad time in a few people's lives (including mine) and that is where the bad blood comes from. You really don't need to align yourself with all of that Strider. Be the rock and roll guy you are, and stop letting others pull your strings or influence your opinions on people here. I believe I have stuck up for you, Apanther, SAJ and others where it is deserved. And when there is someone who I feel needs a piece of my mind, I give that too. At this point I will just repeat what I said before: can't we all just get along? Kipper
  13. Hey Apanther, How does it feel being me? Erm... or is it how do I feel being you? This is so confusing. BTW, I used a small L when I said "lordy"--- so not thee Lord.
  14. FIFY 😆 Hey did you ever see this funny bit on the TV show Breaking Bad? and then the same but animated version
  15. When did Walter offer you a Mulligan? I never saw that. I think you said earlier that you and Walter don't communicate much outside the forum anyway. If Walter had made that offer he should have posted that the same as Chase and Rick did in expected classy stand up guy fashion in the thread. If someone else had agreed with that offer, me thinks it would have been nice for them to speak up. YOU should have had a shot at a come back in Week 17 Strider, YOU deserved that kind of consideration. I have no doubts your late picks would have been honestly declared as you had them originally--- good or bad for that week's competition. For me it was kind of a let down at the end having the competition between me and just one... oh, sorry.... I mean two other people when it could have been with 3.... oh, sorry--- I mean FOUR other people. And what does "kipper and panther...often in the same language and syntax" mean???? Whisky Tango Foxtrot!!!!!! Do you think I am Apanther? Oh lordy, that is too funny.
  16. How would you liked to be "beamed" in those "transporter rooms"? Tasty!
  17. The original opening theme song for Happy Days was different than the later versions. Originally they had Bill Haley and the Comets "Rock Around the Clock"
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