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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.... You want debate, remember to dial 1 before 9-1-1
  2. Meh... Hey Strider! I was in your neck of the woods having lunch with my brother who works over on Sunset Blvd. I'm sure you recognize this don't you? I can't pass them up. ~Kip
  3. When I was in high school there was a term we used to use which I believe best describes Facebook.. CIRCLE JERK ... and not the band 'Circle Jerks'--- which was great.
  4. You know what they call a doctor that flunks out of medical school? A dentist. “Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it.” ― Rene Descartes ~natch
  5. Shannon Bream... what a dish!
  6. We agree on this Peace Frog. So called "smart phones" have only made people dumb. So sad to see so many people, especially young people heads down in their phones all the time. Groups of young people at diners all individually wasting their lives away experiencing anything other than the life going on around them and right in front of them.
  7. which smelled like Raquel Welch...
  8. Does Jimmy still have any parts of the Dragon still in his possession? I think he said he reused the neck but what came of the body? Paging (no pun intended) Mr SAJ! Any info on this??? So many great guitar stories out there, some tragic and others read like poetry--- like Peter Frampton's '54 Les Paul. ~Kip
  9. There is no stacked deck against anyone smart enough not sit on their own hands--- or on the sidelines. Not sure if you all down in OZ use this saying or not, but here we like to say... "you snooze you loose". g'day mate! ~Kip this amused me.... ~Kip
  10. You mean the decade of the 1950s, the one after winning a world war and coming out of the depression with Americans of all races working at levels not seen in a generation before? The 1950s where the USA became the preeminent world power, an economic power house not only the envy of the whole world but bringing every other nation up to---even a couple we had utterly defeated. You think Western Europe or South and Central America would have been as great as we were in the '50s? You should show some more pride Walter, aferall you are an American who has benefited from our greatness too. Like they say, "a rising tide lifts all boats...." and it did---- and STILL does. 1850s...LOL! Wow, that is going back really far! You think slavery was invented in America? Although it had been debated strongly from the very beginning, half of the county was never for it--- eventually we solved the problem with a little thing called "THE CIVIL WAR" I think you can read about it in these things called 'books" ROTFLMAO! Yeah a civil war. We fixed that horrible problem in-house, no outside nation came in and did it for us--- WE fixed it. Walter, Walter, Walter.... what ever am I to do with you my little ray of sunshine state friend? ~Kip
  11. ^^^ Exactly! This is why I always like people from the granite state. A state full of people with common sense pragmatism I may be moving to NH eventually, I've always liked the idea of "live free or.die". ~Kipper
  12. I would say that lazy, stupid and apathetic are probably good reasons, stupid taking the top billing. As Steve Jones said above, finish high school, don't get pregnant/get anyone pregnant, and get a job. Plus I would add to learn the value of delayed gratification and don't go into credit card debt. I see young people with $1000 cell phones and cable TV packages driving leased cars complaining how they will never be able to have half of what their parents have attained.... so basically back to your original comment... they are stupid. Blaming rich people is just a form of infantile jealousy. There is no stacked deck, half of America doesn't even pay income taxes and gets most of what they have off the backs of taxpayers most whom are not rich either.
  13. Who is to say? Well that's easy, in a free market people get paid according to the value of their work and competition for their skills. Which is why a worker at McDonalds doesn't deserve $15 dollars per hour--- unless of course you can't find a million people willing to work for that amount and then the MARKET drives the price of that labor up. Sorry, but nobody "deserves" anything---not even their next breath if it means someone else has to pay for it. No offense Peace Frog, I really like you, but the notion of "deserves" sounds like how a two year old would look at the world; that they demand and deserve---and are more important than the needs of anyone else around them. But yes we do care for two year olds--- or anyone else old or you who cannot care for themselves. But for able bodied adults we owe them noting, especially not what they ought to be able to achieve on their own for themselves. Because as soon as you attached "deserves" onto something, then all I hear is you saying that someone else deserves less, be they the owner of the business or the shareholders who have invested into a enterprise. Do you subscribe to socialism, or is it more of a charity thing to want to give to others from the pockets of people?
  14. kipper


    tax on the poor and the stupid
  15. When a restaurant adds a 18% gratuity I call the manager over and as why he would want to limit the tip to 18%? Most places that do that do so because there is a tendency with some African-American and Hispanic people to not leave a tip. Some restaurants are now adding a 3% "living wage" FEE to the bill as well; I always make them remove that. Food servers are NOT underpaid where they are receiving minimum wage. The idea is that their income should mostly be from tips which they need to work to earn. $15-20 minimum wage laws are SILLY and only end up with places laying off more people or cutting their hours. Many jobs are not supposed to be careers, and forcing companies to more than the job skills deserve is just plain socialism. Bottom line is that nobody is forced to take any job, if they don't like they can quit. I have no sympathy for people who believe that they can pay their rent and other expenses working at McDonanlds and then demand more money for being a retard. Life doesn't work that way.
  16. Tipping is one of the hallmarks of a healthy capitalist system but tips need to be earned. In Europe they have the tips built into the meal/service, just another form of socialism where even the losers are rewarded at the same level as the winners.
  17. Sugar Tits by Jack Mehoff
  18. Got my new sealskin wallet in the mail today from a friend in Canada. It's beautiful! Thanks Edmund!!!!
  19. I agree 100% and felt that way during the 9/11 WTC attacks too and many more. One thing all these types of people share is that they are all cowards.
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