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Everything posted by kipper

  1. JFK was killed by Oswald with a 6.5×52mm Mannlicher–Carcano rifle loaded with 6.5x52mm cartridges manufactured by the Western Cartridge Corporation of East Alton, Illinois from an allotment of ammunition which was purchased by the United States Marine corps in 1954 for a rifle that the Marines... or any other U.S. military branch--- DID NOT HAVE or ever use.
  2. My favorite cereal killer has always been this guy:
  3. The appeals court which made this decision in California (9th Circuit Court of Appeals) rarely gets any decisions correct. So bad is this group of judges that we here call them "The 9th CIRCUS Court of Appeals". So if they got this one right it means a really good reason to celebrate, because probably the only decision that court has gotten right in years.
  4. I was being sarcastic. The other guy said he was shocked by his passing. You'll get used to me. I have a sharp mind and an even sharper wit. 😎
  5. Yeah, especially since he wasn't that old. He was great! RIP
  6. One my favorite SNL players and probably one of the most intelligent comics I have ever seen is Norm MacDonald---- probably why SNL/NBC fired him. But MacDonald was talking about the manner in which SNL is currently covering Trump and Norm explains why he doesn't think it is funny. Norm as you know spoofed Bob Dole for years on the show, but Norm said it was funny because he actually admired the Dole--- so as Norm says, it gives some humanity to the character and makes it funnier. Alec Baldwin hates Donald Trump, so his derision of the man it too much--- it is actually polarizing and not funny. Dan Aykoyd clearly didn't hate Carter. Same with Chevy Chase and Gerald Ford; Chase didn't hate the man--- and that made it funny. And in terms of Dana Carvey's impersonaton of the Bush I---- also funny and brilliant. So much that the President himself was a fan of Carvey. One you make it mean, then it isn't going to be very funny anymore. If the idea is getting more viewers; why go out and turn off half the country? SNL is clearly in the hate Trump category-- so not funny. Just proof of how out of step SNL is today with most of America. It is the failure of the big liberal coastal cities to not appreciate that theirs in not the only viewpoint. For Example: This was funny
  7. The performance that got him banned from SNL for 10 years (video distorted so it isn't removed by Youtube) And the repeat years later (sanctioned by SNL)
  8. Great series but I kind of hated all of the excessive "T&A" which I suppose was required by some executive types at HBO in their misguided thinking that that would be the thing which would make people tune in and pay for a subscription. Hollywood does that all the time. If they are worried they won't get a R rating they put in a woman's bare nipple in a scene. Don't want a G rating, they add a few four letter words and viola--- a PG-13. To tell a good story you don't need gratuitous sex and violence. Having the proper measure of each is in the art of good film making.
  9. You Can't Always Get What You Want
  10. Yep, and they are all voting for the guy who looks like Larry David this year.
  11. Yep. Flying too low in heavy fog... well, and then of course there are these things called hills.
  12. LOL--- is this a real "family" or are they just paid entertainers? You know... like clowns? Everyday when I see the current news on these "royals" I can't help but feel embarrassed for our cousins across the pond.
  13. My new year's resolution is to be less sarcastic and try to say something nice everyday. Like: “Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.”
  14. Tried watching SNL a few weeks back when Will Farrrell was the host and there was not one laugh in the monologue. When the fuck are these assholes going to get over Trump winning the election 3 years ago? Alec Baldwin who is talented has basically ruined his career continuing to do these lame Trump skits that aren't funny.
  15. Final Standings After 256 Games 1. Bong-Man: 169-86-1**** 2. Walter: 167-88-1*** 3. redrum: 162-93-1***** 4. ebk: 162-93-1**** 5. Strider: 162-93-1** GREAT JOB Bong-Man! Congratulations! Always good to see somebody win who plays it straight up with just one pick list each week. Nice win! Kip
  16. Walter, You are just upset that you have new neighbors down there in the swampshine state aren't you Walter? 😜 Hey did you get your invite to the Mara Lago New Years Eve party? Just kidding Walter. I see you are moving up in the competition this season and I may be handing my tiara over to you on the runway celebration in a few weeks. But no matter who wins or loses, we just have to promise.... no tears... Well, at least not until next November.🤣 Meanwhile GO BENGALS!!!! Because it's not their fault--- the Russians made them lose! I love it when politics spills into threads where you least expect it. Thank you Walter for opening that door! You are real peach! Kip
  17. Posting this music video for Strider. I know he will appreciate it.
  18. Things may be coming to that now. Saw in the news that Prince Andrew is stepping down from all official responsibilities and the Queen kicked his office out of Buckingham Palace. I heard the Queen also cancelled a Prince Andrew birthday celebration for next year. This doesn't look good for the royal family who already have a loooooong history of outrageous and tawdry behavior. Not just this version of the royal family, but going back many, many centuries. A sad state of affairs for such a wonderful nation to have this type of stain continuing to go on in this century. Child rape is a pretty serious charge, even if the girl was 17 at the time. Not sure if that is still considered rape in England, but it is here in America and why Roman Polanski has never returned to the U.S. to face the music. What kind of man would willfully sexual abuse, molest, or rape a child? ALLEGEDLY of course.
  19. Did he have the name Front Row before the O2? RIP
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