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Everything posted by kipper

  1. screw her. She set it up to have the police come out to help her and then at one point she pulls out a fake gun forcing the cop to shoot her. so suicide by cop hope she rots in hell. all I can think of is the cop who was there to help her who now has to live with what she made him do please dont post sappy bullshit in a thread reserved for honoring people who deserve to be honored. othwise post your charles manson RIP too strider
  2. be careful walter because florida is a dangerous place
  3. Yeah right! John McCain cheated on his first wife who was the woman who waited for him to return from POW. During that time she was in a car accident and lost use of her legs. When Mccain returned from the war I guess his loyalty was really superficial. He was having an afair while still married to the woman who stood by him. really nice guy Strider.
  4. Hi ipman! still a Federal crime so democracy in action. Nevada has legal prostitution, doesnt mean the rest of the country has to have it. this information is available in books ipman. You wont find it printed on the back of your rolling papers peace and love kipper
  5. If she had won then you would be mentioning her every two seconds. BTW I notice you don't complain when waltur brings up Trump all the time. Why the different standard Strider? I thank Obama for one thing, and that is it took him to cure me from my belief in the left was on my side. I thought he would be the one person who brought America together, but he was the one who divided it worse than ever, and HRC would have been worse. "Wouldn't you like to see a woman as president?" had to be the most biased infantile comment any politician ever uttered. If race, gender, or sexual orientation are not supposed to divide us, why does the left use it like a club to divide us by identity politics Strider? You seem like a nice guy, we probably would enjoy sharing cofee and donuts and talking zeppelin, but you need to evolve. Doesnt mean being far right, but somewhere in the middle makes more sense. which thank God is where i learned I had to be just to live with myself and what I hold dear. HRC is not that place.
  6. floridas has more idiots than most places. Lots of morons live in Florida, its really aweful there with heat, bugs, and storms to.
  7. if you throw a wet dog turd against the wall then it is a Wal-turd. Walturds are disgusting shit stains
  8. haha that is funny. Because I'm sure you voted for him. I didnt vote for him either but i find it so funny how suddenly Mcain is now a hero to people just because he was a never trumper. lame
  9. why do you make excuses for any theives?
  10. i was in the discount store and they still had chocolate easter bunnies for sale in the mark down bin. gross!
  11. somebody donated $2000 at the battered womens shelter today anomomusly. made our day
  12. Its obvious who you are and it is very lame. nice try
  13. I love Manhattan. But only in a glass.
  14. Whatever ipman. I have said before that I am dyslexic and its not like I have a great computer available when I post something quickly. Most of the time I try to get stuff posted before my posts crash or I just get a constant disconnect. I live in an apartment and I share my wifi with two of my neighbors so we can afford it. I have always been honest and I am reading more than I used to. So I dont know what the problem is. When you post something I take the time to look it up and read about what you suggest. But I don't take it for granted that you are correct. what I try to do is to see if what you are saying is correct and lots of times you are just voicing the party line. 3 years ago I knew almost nothing about the electoral colege but found an interest in it after watching fox news explain the importance. It turns out to be a brilliant check and balance in the system but it may not feel that way every election. You can think what you wish about me ipman but I know I'm a good person and as such I am always trying to learn and improve myself.
  15. Was this directed at me? I can't even be nice to you without you going apeshit Walter. So what is in Robert's pants BTW? Funny how that is what popped into your head all of a sudden. In the other threat (and there are more than one BTW) people have commented many times on the images projected by the band while on stage. No reason to feel embarrassed by that Walter, we are all adults here.
  16. Hillary never lied? Is that what you are saying? If I understood history correctly then all the reasons why there were compromises before the states agreed to a constitution was because without them there would have been no constitution ipman. Leave slavery out of it, it was a horrble chapter in our history, But would the farming and plantation states ever agreed to a voting system that gave all the power to the northern big cities? I dont think so, so it is was it is. You may not like Trump but half of America does. And I heard on the news that lots of Republicans didnt even vote for Trump and he still won. It said those many people just stayed home probably because they were uncomfortable with him like you say. But I heard that if all the Republicans who stayed out and didnt vote then but are voting now, then the numbers wouldnt seem so high for Hillary. I dont see Trump as a monster but I sure saw Hillary as one. She lied to us for over 20 years. Gee Ipman. I'm dammed if I do or damned if I don't with you. You make fun of my posts all the time and when I try to proofread and fix problems you say it isn't me. Whatever
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