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Everything posted by kipper

  1. who is Rick Scott? Is he a jihadist?
  2. i dont think what I said is unlikely. there are millions of people with hateful ideology just not all of them murder. for example people who hate LGBTQ people dont all abuse them, but they still hate them. I was speaking to where the ideology comes from is all.
  3. Ipman I am so glad to hear you sister in law was not one of those people who ended up being murdered. The fact is there are millions just like this one man who hate the world. They hate women, they hate gays, they hate all other philosophies including many of their own too. The inspiration for all of this comes from someplace doesnt it? I find it hard to even contemplate how any family has peace or how one can RIP when they are murdered in the name of something that is supposed to be about peace.
  4. so true apanther, Isis and all of the similar ideology has contributed way to much to this thread for years.
  5. Just watching the news. More about the ISIS shooter in Florida and also the official electoral count made official in congress and Joe Biden declared Trump the winner.
  6. seems so Strider. Now we hear the shooter was inspired by ISIS. When will this end? RIP to those souls just standing their with there loved ones waiting for their luggage in Ft Lauderdale.
  7. Florida seems to get way more than their share.
  8. thank you ipman for the compliment. I used to read all the time I need to get back into the habit. when I was in high school I had a wonderful English literature teacher. She was at that point in her 60s and had the most beautiful way about her and was enthusiastic about getting students to read. She would mix classic novels with newer novels that many would call controversial. now to many schools ban certain books like Huckleberry Finn and Cather in the Rye. No wonder kids today are messed up.
  9. does that include me too Strider? I happened to pick the better choice which was not necessarily the perfect choice but it was the better choice over that horrible entitled corrupt habitual criminal liar. I hardly see how my choice makes me a racist, sexist, commie stooge just because I didnt pick the worse of two things. RIP to the innocent people murdered today in Florida
  10. The Catcher in the Rye Zen and the art of motercycle maintenence The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Slaughterhouse 5 Ivanhoe
  11. ipman who cares what her personality is her sister was hacked up by these savages who we all want to see dead. It is almost like you get hung up on silly side things when the point was most people wish manson dead. This evil man even has a swastica on his face he would have done just like Hitler if he had the chance to. I dont care if ms Tate is christian or not, that has noting to do with anything.
  12. I am proud of causing no harm to anyone.
  13. poor walter didn't get his way and now he has to pout. You make me laugh walter. Laugh at you that is.
  14. Ipman, so then Obama is a rapist too because you can't prove that he didn't do it. I dont think logic works that way. RIP to the poor people in Turkey killed because they were celebrating New Years Eve and it upset the radical muslims.
  15. A smile today from a unexpected person made me happy today
  16. RIP William Christopher. You were my favorite character on Mash when I was a kid. Everyone needs kind gentle role models like Father Mulcahy was.
  17. his "actions" were that he raped a little girl Ipman. Trump never raped anyone so get over it. now that 2017 is here we need to let the politics of 2016 RIP too
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