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Everything posted by DropDown

  1. 52F /11C (well below the seasonal average), raining and thundering.
  2. Around The World - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  3. Oh Strider thanks for brining up jasmine green tea, I forgot I had some. Dammann, of course.
  4. Roast chicken and fluffy butter and chives mashed potatoes.
  5. When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom, or criticize you, remember they're telling you their story, not yours - Cynthia Occelli The key to success in life is to fall in love with what you do, then sell the love - Dr. Wayne Dyer Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended when they realize there are other views - William F. Buckley, Jr.
  6. This Is A Man's World - James Brown
  7. So effortless, even in ruffled girly sleeves and kimonos!
  8. My ultimate rainy day comfort food: tortellini in chicken broth made from scratch.
  9. My own take on mac&cheese, with parmigiano sauce, broccoli, and diced prosciutto. ETA: washed down with a glass of Corvo Novello 2013.
  10. Mina - Il Cielo In Una Stanza. It's the song that accompanies the new Dolce and Gabbana TV ad (starring Scarlett Johansson and Matthew McConaughey) but some might recognize it from the Goodfellas soundtrack: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b6s_kjlhP5U&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Db6s_kjlhP5U
  11. And not to hijack the thread, but the four of them were easier on the eyes than The Rolling Stones and The Who combined, IMHO.
  12. Very true about Jonesy. All four were good looking - even JB, before he started bloating.
  13. I don't know if this one has been posted previously and forgive me if it has, but this IMHO the most beautiful pic I've seen of him.
  14. I'm going to watch TSRTS for the umpteenth time!
  15. I got the white one and I'm putting it on my flared jeans exactly where Percy had his! ;-)
  16. Amish cinnamon bread, made from scratch.
  17. Putting away the last of the summer clothes.
  18. T&B I find Englishmen more charming and less smarmy than my local offerings, but then again I'm currently experiencing acute London saudade. :-)
  19. Spinach, ricotta and bacon pie. Fresh spinach, of course.
  20. Will do! A week from tomorrow...I'm psyched!
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