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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. Try clicking the Insert other media tab and pasting in 'Insert image from URL'. If that doesn't work, you may need to update your browser to Google Chrome.
  2. Jeff Beck celebrates his 50th anniversary with a politically aggressive new work http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-et-ms-jeff-beck-hollywood-bowl-20160804-snap-htmlstory.html
  3. ^Yikes. Fortunately for me, nothing like that.
  4. Great additions to any collection! Enjoy them, P!
  5. Believe it or not, it's their first release, the Opiate EP! I often tend to gravitate to a bands first album for whatever reason, be it Tool, Zep, Primus... there's just a certain raw energy there. Aenima is of course, way up there, (Forty Six & 2 is a beast!) as is Undertow. Around Lateralus, they start to become more hit or miss imo, sometimes getting to complex for their own good. Still loads of gems though, Parabola may be their best song of all.
  6. Glad to have you on board, P! It took me a long time to fully embrace these guys, because as you alluded to, they can be quite dark and bleak. I remember 'Schism' getting some airplay on MTV back in the early 2000's (believe it or not, lol) and I had friends that were way into them for years. Then one night I heard 'Stinkfist' on the radio and something just clicked. ...and of course, I'm sure you've seen this posted on this forum many times over the years. (and rightly so!)
  7. I'm surprised that one doesn't get more radio play. Then again, I'm surprised a lot of songs don't get more radio play.
  8. Holy shit! That will give me nightmares for sure, thanks.
  9. People always seem to forget about that release, for some reason.
  10. Someone yells 'Shut Up!' at Robert during HMMT. @0:58 (Everybody go "sssss, sssss, sssss,")
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