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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. Michigan is a scenically beautiful state, and it's near the wonderful Great Lakes. As mentioned above by ebk, Detroit has great museums as well.
  2. Great description, Charles. You've made me want to visit Nova Scotia straight away, too. Here in the Richmond area we have great kayaking opportunities and biking/walking areas along the James River in "plantation country." Some of these plantations are open to the public. We have great used bookstores, record shops, and a world-class French film festival, not to mention lots of Civil War history. Lol.
  3. Wonderful photo, Charles. This photo reminds me a lot of a close relative's Dutch Shepard who's always lounging/standing on the sofa.
  4. I'm aware of this book, and I know it's highly respected. But for most people, the prospect of reading an economic treatise published more than a century ago doesn't hold much appeal.
  5. Welcome to the forum, David. I hope your Dad joins us too.
  6. Geek freak, do you listen to much opera? Which Wagnerian operas do you prefer?
  7. Unsure. At some point between Spring '73 and Summer '75.
  8. Love pop tarts Leftover pepperoni pizza
  9. I have some pretty strong suspicions -- regarding early alien civilizations, the greys, etc, etc -- but I'm not prepared to say that I believe in them yet.
  10. Great post. Like you, the photo of the Afghan girl left me speechless the first time I saw it. Grace Kelly was absolutely stunning.
  11. Probably "War and Peace." But many close seconds -- Les Miserables, etc
  12. Woman's top or not, Page and the other 3 band members are the "coolest" people to ever step foot on a stage.
  13. Yes, Maaike, I see it happening, perhaps slightly more in Europe than in the States. Lipslikecherries, you're certainly not alone with your experience. I have reason to believe that such things are real as well. As you said, "maybe some people are capable of picking up/connecting with things that others aren't? The mind is a powerful thing...I don't doubt it's capabilities." Determining the divide (if there is one) between the subjective and objective aspects of such experiences interests me.
  14. Led Zeppelin was a MUCH better band than the Who. Zep has also outsold the Who by a margin of at least 2.5 or 3 to 1.
  15. In high school I used to picture Plant as being a Shelley or Keats type, and Page as being a Byron (and Paganini) type. With age I realized it was far more complex than that.
  16. I believe the human mind, and the power of the will, are complex and powerful. With that in mind, I have the following question: When some people claim to have seen ghosts and/or demons, or claim to have been in a well-lit room which suddenly went dark after a ritual or incantation was performed, what is really happening? (I should mention that I have spoken to people -- credible people -- who claim to have had such experiences.) Are these people simply hallucinating and/or mentally projecting into their environments? Or are these things occurring objectively in the environment itself? Or both? Thoughts anyone?
  17. Great post. It's true that JPJ probably would have been the heartthrob in most bands. It's amazing how the members of Zep somehow managed to simultaneously seem charismatic and "cool" to the straight men (like me) and sexy and "hot" to the women without alienating either group. It's one of the many fascinating mysteries and dichotomies of Led Zeppelin.
  18. I was under the impression that Page was wearing elements of a Luftwaffe uniform, not an SS uniform.
  19. I watched a T.V. show several nights ago where the argument was put forth that an alien civilization had once (and perhaps still) lived on the moon. The aliens had left remnants of their civilization on the lunar surface in the form of huge bridges, exhaust vents, (now shattered) glass domes and other structures which NASA is aware of and trying to keep secret. At least one former NASA astronaut buys into this theory. I don't know what I think, but I found the show entertaining.
  20. I don't watch much T.V. nowdays, but as a child one of my favorite T.V. characters was Kolshack on the show "The Night Stalker."
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