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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. Unless you're an avid sailor, the greatest day is selling it.
  2. The only book I can think of that I think everybody should try to read before they die -- if they can find the time -- is Tolstoy's "War and Peace."
  3. It's true gf. It is amazing -- and amazingly beautiful -- music.
  4. This is the best question in the entire thread, lipslikecherries. What if Stonewall Jackson hadn't died at Chancellorsville?
  5. Try not to be depressed about it, Scylla. We're not all sex driven monsters. Btw, your posts on this thread have been excellent.
  6. The final scene and then the interior shot of the windshield wipers moving back and forth at the end of the film, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"
  7. What if General Lee had defeated/annihilated the Union Army at the Battle of the Wilderness in May, 1864?
  8. I agree. I don't think their differing socio-economic backgrounds was particularly significant.
  9. Fine post, lipslikecherries, you make many excellent points. Allow me to add one thing: There is a huge gulf between truly being in love/making love with someone and merely having sex. For many people -- particularly those who have successfully moved along the road toward self-actualization -- it's very possible to genuinely be in love and make love to someone. (ie -- the sex act becomes much more about spiritual connection and the touching and caressing of each other's souls rather than bodies.) This concept is one of the chief premises of many great works of art, including, notably, Wagner's opera, "Tristan and Isolde."
  10. Cities which I'd like to visit include many in Asia and South America: Beijing, Shanghai, Hanoi, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, etc. etc. Cities which I'd like to re-visit include Copenhagen, Cape Town and Quebec City.
  11. Charles, I visited the Hoover Dam Museum many years ago and I liked it -- amazing. The 5 best museums in the world may be (arguably) the Louvre, the Hermitage, (which has the world's largest collection of paintings) and -- in no particular order -- the British Museum, the Egyptian Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  12. You nailed it. Most of the roughly 15,000 massacred Polish officers were reservists who acted as the civil/social elite of Poland during peacetime. (A huge number of the murdered Polish officers were judges, doctors, lawyers, civil servants, aristocrats, etc.) So by conducting the massacre, the Soviets simultaneously decapitated a huge percentage of Poland's military and civil elite in one fell swoop.
  13. Lol. Janneke, I don't think anybody here is going to hate you for being beautiful or for taking pride in your appearance.
  14. Sorry to hear about your situation, Susan.
  15. How true. It seems like few people today even remember the Katyn forest....
  16. As a history lover, there are to many to name. But both the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War are prime candidates.
  17. Blue, but also like green.
  18. I wanted to mention that Boston also has a number of fine museums.
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