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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I'm an intermediate skier. I've done some skiing in New England -- Vermont and New Hampshire -- and a little in Europe.
  2. Pagefan55

    Movie Actors

    I also like John Hurt a lot. I thought he was particularly memorable in the '89 film "Scandal."
  3. I was born near Charlottesville, Virginia.
  4. I think Charles lives near Cow Bay -- and near Halifax.
  5. I like the Lake Champlain area. The 5 states that I want to visit are Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Hawaii. Also British Columbia.
  6. Happy Birthday, Charles. Are those two women at the Blue Lagoon in Iceland?
  7. Sathington, you're probably right about I.Q. I'm no expert on the subject, and neither am I up to date on current research. I'm also aware that there have been many different I.Q. indexes used in the past. (Cattel, Terman, etc, etc.) Also, I generally place very little credence in I.Q. scores -- I don't think they matter much. With that said, my understanding of I.Q. is/was as follows: An I.Q. score below 75 signifies mental retardation. The average white American's I.Q. is about 100. An I.Q. in the 140-160 range is superior/gifted. A genius level I. Q. Is above 160. And numerous geniuses in the past (Goethe, Kant, Newton, etc) have had I.Q.'s measuring up around 200. Again, I don't think any of this even matters -- the whole subject is stupid. Lol.
  8. I.Q. tests are pretty meaningless in the overall scheme of things -- they certainly don't measure artistic genius --but I would guess each band member had an I.Q. of at least 130, which is high. I would suspect that at least 1 or 2 of the band members had I.Q.'s in the 140-160 range, which is very high. (160 is genius level)
  9. I've never read Gone With the Wind -- wish I had -- I like the movie, though.
  10. Pagefan55

    War Stories

    I have 4 relatives I'm aware of who fought in wars: 1) My great-grandfather fought for 3 years in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. He received three wounds and was knocked out of the war when he was shot in the stomach at the Battle of the Wilderness. He miraculously survived, went on to father 10 children, and lived to be an old man. 2) My great uncle served in Europe during WW2 as a Colonel/General in the Army. 3) My uncle served in the Pacific during WW2 as an enlisted man in the Marines. 4) My nephew served in Afghanistan as a first lieutenant in the Army.
  11. I like most of these too. "My Fair Lady" is also one of my favorites..
  12. The super moon and blood moon which appeared a few weeks ago were amazing to observe..
  13. This is a very sad and touching post. I was in Gettysburg,, Pennsylvania, on the battlefield, when 9/11 occurred. I didn't hear about the disaster until later when I ventured into the town of Gettysburg
  14. I hand out pretty much the same candy. I love Halloween and giving out lots of candy.
  15. I've read through a LOT of the old threads here, and I've wondered the same thing. Healthy and constructive criticism/debate is fine with me, but some people aren't even genuine Zep fans. It's annoying. Why are they here?
  16. I agree. I loved each of these European cities. Iceland is great too I agree. Well put.
  17. Just ask the ghost of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury. She would probably agree..
  18. Hi messengers, welcome to the forum. Boston/New England is THE place to be in the Fall.
  19. I was a schoolboy when Lennon died and I don't remember hearing much about it. I was traveling on a train from Barcelona to Paris when Princess Diana died. I heard about her death a few hours after I reached Paris. I was on the battlefield in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania when the planes hit on 9/11. I didn't learn of the disaster until an hour later when I entered the town.
  20. Unless you're an avid sailor, the greatest day is selling it.
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