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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Why isn't Karen Carpenter on the list, dammit!!!!
  2. There were some corpses in the audience and three people gave birth to a baby while watching. (edit) I do not know if the corpses came for especially this movie or if they had been there before already. For some reason they did not intend to move at all.
  3. The first drugs experience I ever had happened while listening to The Space Ritual
  4. @ Otto Masson First of all thanks for posting The Union, didn't know them and completely like their vibe. Saint Jude are also amazing, know them some years already, dunno if you ever saw this concert before, if not, enjoy: http://www.wdr.de/tv/rockpalast/extra/videos/2011/0325/saint_jude.jsp
  5. Look on Ebay. But why on earth would you wanna buy them, there are zillions of free downloads to be found.
  6. ^^^ At the 95 Page/Plant shows there were special places for tapers. There are also enough pictures of Jimmy while shopping for bootlegs in Japan. http://www.stryder.de/bootleg_jimmy_1.html
  7. I don't see it necessarily as 2 seperate words, but that is open to interpretation. The title itself is spelled as one word on the actual record. This pressing was issued years before the cheap Italian fakes and color vinyls came out (I bought mine about 18 or so years ago as a second hand copy).
  8. The Otto Waalkes ticket rocks, James Doohan also, great autograph.
  9. Just because someone looks a little bit like a deceased person does not make him a reincarnated version of that deceased person. Your "research" is based on nothing, you have no proof that reincarnation even exists. None of the people mentioned in your "documentary" has ever claimed to be a reincarnation of any of the people you mention. Neither did Robert ever have dark blonde or red hair.........
  10. The right side that misses and the dull colors are easily explained, since the picture was made with the protective inners sleeve still round the record. The album is quite easily obtainable, I have exactly the same pressing and bought it for 60 million euro from a man wearing a bowler hat.
  11. Due to instant karma I was lucky enough to win a competition that gave me free tickets to the O2 concert and the rehearsal the day before that.
  12. The movie that you see in the cinema will be the same as on the dvd, so don't worry that you will miss things. I am also looking forward to the dvd, especially since the cinema sound wasn't loud enough (at the actual concert one could feel the bass in the stomach, and that's how it should sound). Hope you enjoy the film. Sometimes it is like being right on stage with them.
  13. You are the only female from Denmark I had the pleasure to meet. Welcome to the forum, enjoy the stay!
  14. That kinda questions would be more fitting for the annual tin foil hatters gathering.
  15. Some really heavy metal trannies doing their thingy: One very underrated band: Someone still remembers this record? http://youtu.be/WBQU3BDwrTI Crash, bang, wallop........three people making lots of noise. A Swiss guy (and his latest band) who managed to build a career on UGHH! http://youtu.be/TSnXCa7hfRU
  16. Some almost forgotten heroes from the land of the rising sun: http://youtu.be/YoNj3ts1YBw
  17. Hope you had a mind expanding birthday, Chillumpuffer. Freak out.
  18. Buy the dvd and watch it any time you want!
  19. Could someone please kick that "ex zep fan" troll for posting the same shite word-for-word in 3 different threads?
  20. They are in fact bootlegs, unofficial albums. Songs are mostly from the zillion times copied BBC sessions. Nice to have for the collection, but superfluous due the official release of the BBC material. ...TO SATISFY THE REST TEL. INT. 101A Side 1: That's The Way (5:29)/What Is & What Should Never Be (4:22)/Since I've Been Loving You (6:57)*/Whole Lotta Love (2:42)* Side 2: Stairway To Heaven (8:22)/Tangerine (acoustic 3:15)/Thank You (8:03)* Recording: Very good stereo except (*)Very good mono. Soundboard. Source: Live '69-'71. Comments: European bootleg. Deluxe color cover. Song separation. WE'VE DONE THE BEST... TEL. INT. 100A Side 1: Heartbreaker (6:23)*/Black Mountain Side (8:02)*/Communication Breakdown (5:00) Side 2: Out On The Tiles Intro-Black Dog (5:06)/Going To California (3:44)/How Many More Times (11:07)* Recording: Very good stereo except (*)Very good mono. Soundboard. Source: Live '69-'71. Comments: European bootleg. Deluxe color cover. Song separation.
  21. Same thing in Eindhoven...volume lacked especially bass frequencies. Do these people who project films expect us to be old softie farts that can not handle the volume of a concert? They should be cemented with their heads in a speaker at a Meshuggah concert.
  22. I will give translation a shot tomorrow....momentarily i am battling some bottles and a big beeping in my head due to our band practice some hours ago.
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