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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I had it on with the sound off. It amazes me what is now considered "country." Kid Rock??? Damn, there was a time when country...meant country. But as the saying goes, if ya can't make it in Rock, go country..LOL.
  2. Key word: WE get it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ goodnight all...
  3. Yeah man, and coffee's cool. mmmm makes me want some.
  4. What was that addy Robert gave in that Wolfman Jack interview....?? 10 Market St KW2 ?????
  5. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    ^ Sorry to hear that. Peeve: ^
  6. *Takes Wave back*


  7. Too weird...I JUST found that Tape in an old box today while I was looking for my Zep BBC tape. Dusted the thing off and took a listen, plays fine. Great stuff. Have no clue where it came from. My CD player is broken.
  8. No. I'm with the band. ..................... J/K!!!!! *actually I DID say that a few times through the back door.*
  9. No, no, no, The theory is WE can all unite now. What a concept!
  10. It's ok, I don't think it is morbid. I understand the feelings you encounter when both your parents pass, as mine have. Sorry for your loss. I recall when Robert's father passed. I think Robert said he was glad his father lived long enough to see his true success.
  11. EVERYONE has an opinion...just like everyone has an......
  12. Holy Mother of GAWD!!! I'm right-clicking away!! Thanx sista! Whewwwwwwww!!! His latest band ROCKS!
  13. OMG. Talk about Nasty....We thought we'd give our Wasatch Breweries new beer: The Devastator, a try on Election night. 8% alcohol. I tasted it but caca, way too strong. Kicks ya though..haha I stuck to champange, and I'm such a lightweight these days I didn't even polish a bottle.
  14. YES! ! Surely some rasict bigots here have to know, he won by historic measures. ^..They'll just have to pull their heads out...someday. For now....Cheers to the world! I love our new President! ps: moveon.org has free "Yes We Did!" stickers. You can also purchase some for friends.
  15. I know. Sucks all the best lookers are gay!
  16. From Audioslave: This video is one of my favs. He is so damn sexy in it. Plus, it reminds me in a spooky way of the time my brother was in a car another dude was driving, the cops sped after them, they set up a road block and shot my brother and the driver was barely missed. They shot way BEFORE the car went through the road block. (and NOT at the tires or radiator) My brother was hit in the shoulder, the bullet barely missed his main artery in his shoulder that would have killed him if it was a quarter of an inch closer. Terrible! Got him out of the draft though.
  17. Hey Handsome,

    you should set your My space to public! I'd love to peek, but don't have a "space."


  18. mmm..yeah...Viggo.. and:OMFG!
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