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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Happy to start remembering my dreams again. For the longest time they would vanish as soon as I woke. Lately, I'm remembering them again. Last night's was just plain weird, driving around in an old truck, flying through river beds trying to keep the "stuff" in the truck. And the truck bed was in the FRONT. Last week I even had a Jimmy AND Robert dream. (about pictures.... )
  2. Hotplant


    sheesh...NO body watches Nascar?! Anyway, getting ready to watch the race in PHX!
  3. Cool enough to actually wear clothes in the house so....jammies. pink w/black polka dots.
  4. Whatever...Monahan does have a great voice, imho.
  5. Saw a guy at The Rubics (sp?) Cube national contest wearing a Zeppelin shirt/hoodie, last night on the news.
  6. It amazes me what is put on shelves about Zep. A lot of us could write MUCH better. Calling all publishers!!!!!!
  7. If ya wanna get her in the sack play Trampled Under Foot.
  8. He simply can't be beat. ~not even his son.
  9. For all Cornell fans. Cornell Cornell w/Timbaland tour Facebook My Space/Chris Video..."Ground Zero" (awesome ) GROUND ZERO Play LOUD. Feel free to post your fav pics. Mine are growing quickly, I may need an external hardrive. Anyway. This man is amazing. He does it all. So, so good.
  10. Personally I have NO clue what HE is talking about. Despite all our lovely interpretors of what HE say's. (not you EL) I still do not know what he meant when he said "I was NEVER That guy." Of course you were Robert, at that time you were. If not you'd be one dynomite actor! Then there's the "six or seven Robert's." Yes, I understand he was different on most of his solo work. It just gives me the feeling he needs time to figure out WHO he is at this moment.
  11. That's a funny article EL, thanks for posting.
  12. You're lucky to live where you do. Pics? I'm currently obsessed with Chris Cornell, but I'll think about that. Oh, and my concert was canceled. Tom Morello, last night.
  13. . True, I guess we'd have to haul out Joan or Joni to keep up with the age part. And FWIW...Anne does hold up well. But then again so does Tina Turner.
  14. So.....Robert hasn't sold his rights??? I'm confused.
  15. Were the other guys really pissed off that Robert's...crotch was bigger than everyone else's? or...it appeared to be...
  16. Screw Joe the plumber! he can go wrench his nuts.
  17. Nov.2007..... Ok, well, I did tell, but with Hermit around it was hard Not to talk about our Awesome next POTUS!!! OBAMA!!!!!!! The President Elect Of The United States Of America. Heehee... To those .....right wingdingers::: Love, me xoxo. LOL...I'm a lil looped, but had to well, I hate to say........LOL
  18. Hotplant


    Just popping by to say: If you can, please give rides to people you know who can't get to the polls. Like your elderly neighbors, handicapped folks, lazy teenagers, anyone you can think of who needs to get there. If you don't know who needs trans, call your local precinct and volunteer. !!!!!!!!!!
  19. Hotplant

    Band Photos

    Good work ladies and gentlemen!!!! Had not seen some. Thank you!!!!
  20. She did. I was more into their bass player they got later.....MARK ANDES! Oh yeah.
  21. Oh please, from their inception they/she has only WISHED they were Zep. And "chick"....I don't think so....more like OLD woman.
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