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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I admit it, I listen to Coast to Coast too! It is my bedtime background noise. Once in a while they have great guests. And yes, many Robert tunes of late. Kind of cool to hear Robert briefly as I'm drifting off to sleep.
  2. That is awesome Melissa! How touching when Robert was remembering Bonzo. Happy for you!
  3. Very Cute! That's gotta be a first for us Robertlovers! Great find! Now...if only we had a few baby pics.
  4. I consider everyone pagan until they choose otherwise, or, before they are brainwashed otherwise. I would describe myself as a lazy pagan. Meaning, I don't belong to a "circle" or any group; a "solitary practitioner." And by lazy, I mean I don't practice any staunch rules some wiccans do. I find myself doing things in my everyday normal life that some would consider a "ritual" and I don't really like that word so much. btw...A site I really like is Pagan News.com, check it out, it has tons of helpful info and links
  5. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    The slowness of the board the last few days, and no, it's not on my end, my other sites are running smooth. * Forgive me if it's due to "board maintenance." *
  6. Thanks Bonzo. We will never forget the joy and thunder you brought to our world.
  7. me too........*projectile VOMITS* ^^^ IMHO Coverdale was Jimmy's biggest mistake in life. Just sayin'
  8. The cool morning air of awwwwtumn Happy "equinox"
  9. Can't somebody just hang out by the studio and find out who it is? j/k...before I'm assaulted. Out of curiosity I peeked in on the Foo's board and I did not see it mentioned. Only tons of fans thrilled they have two gigs at The Joint in Vegas this Fri and St. Fans coming from as far as the UK and all points in between. I'm not a fan of Dave's voice, but his drumming is powerful.
  10. Too funny, I was doing the excat same thing...
  11. Bonham and reswati... I'm so jealous when I see you smokin a doob...legally...as it SHOULD be here. And you do it sooo beautifully too...
  12. ........................ ................... Even my 19yr old daughter said "What? it can't be LED ZEPPELIN w/o Robert." I agree. and IMHO, no BONZO no Zep either. They could put on some killer music, for sure. But sorry, it could never match the magic of the Mighty Machine of the Original Led Zeppelin. That chapter is over. Period. A new band, fine. Far Out! Jimmy will finally stretch his wings. OTOH....Chris Cornell is a mighty fine vocalist...........
  13. Chris Cornell. Absolutley! He is growing his hair out too, lookin ah so fine. I'll dig up some pics I saved in a while.
  14. Very sad indeed. They will always be in my top five. Saw them twice, in the early years, 68 or 69, their first two US tours. MIND blowing.
  15. Ok, before you knife me for what I said, I understand completely Zep never, ever bowed to the pop club. I know that. Perhaps it would be stated better that way than to throw in the word ..fans. Like..." It was never about what was pop at the moment......." *And I'm not saying he should have said it that way. * Jeez.
  16. The last EIGHT years of hell in the Bush administration Ready for the soup lines?
  17. A free concert would save a ton of paperwork!!!!!!
  18. Join the club there ledded1.... We are all getting up there.
  19. Wow, Rocky's really rockin huh? * Good luck! *
  20. LOL, Robert saving emails eh??
  21. I just had to log in to reply to that quote. First, . If that's the case then why ever record at all. You could do THAT in the garage. This makes no sense to me, and makes me wonder if Robert, ( btw, you know I love him) is losing it a tad bit. Like that statement he made " I was never that guy." Just really freaky to me. So, in other words, screw the "fans" hmmmm.......Jeez, who made you rich? And I agree, Jimmy DOES care about the ZEP fans. The first DVD was proof of that. So, Robert, what about now? Is Robert "about the fans?" If not, well...why tour at all. Or record. If it's just about you then stay in the garage. edited to add....ok, ok, I get it. Gut reaction at first glance^.*.bowing for forgiveness*
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