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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT! Hey, I can't resist!
  2. Oh what the hell....it is ROBERT after all.... ................................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU HANDSOME SEXY SIXTY ! ps: mods don't really care about this stuff.................................................................
  3. Hotplant

    Let's bet on it

    Roxie wins!!!! Post above this thread. Kinda figured that, what with Knebs siggy! Sneaky lil devil you Knebby! ps: ohhhhh Robert!
  4. Hotplant


    BOLT the Jamaican....Oh My!! The summer games have had so many hard and hot body's on it it has been hard to turn away from the tube. My only peeve is in the games that require "judging." Especially the gymnasts. No Fair! The commentators also said that.
  5. Hotplant

    Let's bet on it

    So, what do you think it will be? My quarter goes to..... "Bring it on home." I've been thinking about it for days, and it is a mystery to me. So...may the bets begin.
  6. This is truly sad, sad news. So young, and such a great musician. He will be sorely missed. So sad. Bless his family, friends and band.
  7. That is so cool Al, I saw that on the news and was like OMG, that's OUR Al on there !!! Even though I can't stand Mc...it was so cool seeing you on TV!!! OUR FAMOUS AL!!!!!!
  8. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT!!!! LOVE YOU FOREVER & FOREVER . . "Simply the best....Better than allll the rest, better than anyone... Thank You for all the wonderful moments.
  9. Ohhhhhhh....OK! remember, I get senior moments Mandy! Ya'all look great!
  10. It beats the hell outta badmitton. That's for sure.
  11. Hotplant


    ^ Oh yeah, He makes me all ...........mmmm....YEAH! You have some uber hot men in Spain, you lucky girl!
  12. Hmmmm.... Foreigner are due here on Sept 23rd, and the poster does NOT show Bonham. I have nil interest unless Bonham is with them. I wish promoters would be more honest. Some of the older bands claiming the original name with, one, maybe two original members. RIPOFF! But if I find out he will be there, I'd go, for sure!
  13. Dang! Any pics??? Sounds great! I saw Kravitz on a commercial, and his butt is biteable as ever! Wish he'd grow out those lovely locks he had again though. Yeah, those Son's are going to have to venture "over the pond" one of these days.
  14. EX ??? wife??? Hmm................. Did those stippers and Grohl have a hand in Jimmy's wilder days to come???? He did say he wanted to be like the 70's......"Having Fun."
  15. Oh GAWD, Knebby....don't tell me they'll be doing WLL...from your sig... Plus....I've never heard Jimmy's "duet voice" that will be VERY interesting!
  16. Hotplant


    ............................... ......................................... A HOT Man! The GOLD!! Go Raphael!!!!!
  17. One of our beautiful arches collapsed in southern Utah. Thank gawd it wasn't the huge one. Sad.
  18. We need a better title here...no offense...but HAPPY BIG ONE might attract more flow............
  19. Why are you douchebags????? Everyone looks quite good to me.
  20. Hey! Good to see ya back mate!


  21. I got this card yesterday. just in for a quickie...see ya!
  22. 90% of all men are basically dogs. Period .
  23. Hotplant


    Gag a maggot to that horrid air quality there!! OMG! I couldn't believe it. I noticed the venues are so empty ! The only full one I saw for a sec. was the basketball. Personally I adore the men's swimming, diving, and beach volleyball...... ( If ONLY they'd show their ENTIRE bods ) And of coors...I'll be waiting for RAFA!!! In tennis!! And....although it is touted an architectural wonder, The Birds Nest just doesn't do it, for me anyway.
  24. Hotplant


    That's Exactly what I was thinking Lakey!
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