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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Yet another FINE LEO !!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BD Sir Mick!!! Keep on keeping on.
  2. Well, seeing you at the drums was worth it Bonham! Nice pics everyone! brp, kat, puck, lilmiss.
  3. ^ Thanks. You are quite the artist yourself, that Av of yours is fantastic!!!
  4. Today felt like Sunday when I woke up. Searched for the Nascar race and discovered it WAS Saturday! We had a "State holiday" Thursday, maybe that's why. The parade they put on this year wasn't as good as previous ones. But it's "tradition" to watch, so I did. Going to a fab art showing at our Museum of Fine Arts, an exhibit from Chicago of great works by Monet, Van Gogh, and Picasso are being shown. It is scorching hot outside...all week in the very upper 90's. Yeah, better than the 100's in 80% humidity....I know...
  5. I avoid hot dogs at all costs. Veggie dogs are pretty good at faking the flavor. I can't tolerate too much processed foods because I get migraines, and nitrates and sulfates ( in so many wines.. ) are triggers. * Coffee drinkers have been found to have a far less chance of developing colon cancer. *
  6. Who is the Headline music act this year?? Bele Chere is cool the first few times, after that the locals can't wait for the crowds to go away. It was cool when I lived downtown there though, we had only to step outside and be right in the midst of it all. ( College Street ) My youngest kids dad plays there some years. They're called Jimmy Baker and The Profits. The best shows I saw there were Taj Mahal and then Bo Diddley. Now they make you buy tickets to the headline, but it used to be all free. ps: Jerusalem Garden has great sammies.
  7. You should swing down to San Fran on the 3rd, (Oct.). Golden Gate Park. FREE. Three days. Robert and Ali on the 3rd. .
  8. Damn, I would hope so.................... Love Chris....
  9. Holy M..m..m...m..Moley!!!!! Never saw this one. Oh Yeah!!! " He's got legs....and knows how to use them......."
  10. I've thought for a loooong time all Jimmy needs is some new "muses..." I LOVE 70's philosophy...............
  11. Because he CAN. I wasn't particularly moved by his speech. But you can't deny it was a great PR moment. The pics and all. He's on a roll that old fart mccain can never outdo.
  12. I've seen that dude several times on news shows and every time I think...Is that Jimmy???
  13. RAIN!!!!!!!!! At last! Not nearly as much as I would like but better than nothing.
  14. How sad. I still watch The Golden Girls. What a wonderful cast. Estelle makes me laugh in every single episode. Thoughts and prayers to her family and friends.
  15. Awesome! I sure hope he hits my neck of the woods this time. He's a genius.
  16. ^ Well, don't leave us hanging, AA. Do tell!!!
  17. I dig Lakey's response. It was disrespectful of monkeys! High five Lakey! Tip: Vote for OBAMA!!!
  18. My AC, and the tv in the background.
  19. I agree. Why, oh why do they issue cards to people who have NO credit history. I don't buy until I've saved enough to buy it straight out. That may not "build" credit, but it keeps me safe and happy not having to worry about payments, late or otherwise. Tip: go through your old jewelry and exchange that old gold you never wear for CASH! Last I checked gold was 1000 an ounce. It doesn't take that many chains to add up to an oz.
  20. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    ^ I just don't believe you really pushed an old lady over. My peeve today is commercials! You can't escape them. Even on the net, you have to sit through some crap before you can see a video. I get so angry I switch to the Channel One all with movies and NO commercials. And if it's a video I really want to see on the web, I just file my nails until the crappola is over. ok.
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