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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hotplant


    This is my new Favorite of Robert. Desk top worthy!
  2. 59! You naughty! * well, I could use a stiff one...either one.... *
  3. I first posted " Alison did a Big Log?" Whew! After I typed it I saw how naughty it looked and quickly....while laughing my ass off...changed it to "sang." *quick...where's that pic of them together at a table where she says " I couldn't believe how BIG it was." ?? *
  4. Finding my cell phone after I dropped it without my glasses on. I "called" it from my landline and alas! I hear Kashmir my ringtone, far, far away from where I dropped it. My eldest daughter had just texted me as I was waking up and said " I cut off all my hair mom." Hers was long like mine. Haven't seen it yet to decide, but she's happy so that's all that matters. *sniff* sniff*
  5. cherry coke i'm going to watch some of MSNBC's coverage of the DNC. I was moved to tears at Teddy's speech. What a hero of Americans!
  6. If memory serves me right..(and it doesn't always. ) In one of the interviews during the aftermath, he did say something along the lines of: It would have to be some new material or something to not turn it into a Stones gig. If Robert hears some kick ass music, he'll hear the lyrics too. And mayyyybe be reinspired. One can hope.
  7. ... Why, of course I'll give you a backrub dawling!!
  8. Could some excellent mod move this to the proper forum.
  9. Never knew Alison did Big Log... It's nice! And also one of my favorites from that time.
  10. I thought Jimmy looked fabulous and cool. And I DID like his ponytail. Leona sang quite well. Too short and a little too cheese, but I enjoyed it.
  11. I don't understand the mods anymore. It's almost like some competition or something, because if you notice very, very, very, little is done in "Ramble on" except of course wiping out entire threads. The sick real nasty ones with words that shouldn't be used ever, fine. But like others said..(59...and Electro) JUST get the offensive POSTS out. It blows my mind that whoever mods here will put up with umpteen million threads here in Ramble on that should go elsewhere!! Like, ( no offense but) led1969 or whoever keeps putting MUSIC threads in here. No One does or says ONE lousy word. I thought the mods liked to show their proficiency, you know....control the flow and threads. Well....sorry! Ya all ain't doing the job down here in the basement. It must be more hip to only control MASTER forums. Dear god, give me a break and a stiff one.
  12. Sure! I've heard he's into sharing...
  13. Or howz about "every centimeter" Like Robert once said. Yeah and when she say's.... Woman you need..... well. To be fair it could be for the lesbian community.
  14. Hotplant


    OHHH!!! That is so sweet!!! Looks like he needs a new Strider. What a sweety. Of course. So...a...who's the blondie.....???? Thanks trueblue for sharing those and for Robert being so kind and approachable. Got any more?? Wow too...he STILL has that blue jacket from his Mali days...
  15. Someday... when I have a few hundred thous I'm going to commision a sculptor to make me my own Robert statue....from the bulging 70's. Yep, that's my plan. Right in my bedroom.
  16. ....mmmm.... ...yum-yum................
  17. Hotplant

    Photos !

    unknown..."Sun Catcher."
  18. Ross said he was off with Jimmy, so... Pre-recorded???? UGH. I guess this hot shot producer had his own pretty little vision that required it. But still...kinda cheesy for Jimmy. So, he'll basically be standing on the bus with his guitar. WOW! Can't wait for that! Leaks are rampant too, I read somewhere where a 72 year old leaked info about some things pre-recorded. Oh well. At least we'll get some great shots from Ross. I am happy to see Jimmy anywhere, but now this is sounding cheesier as it goes along. I find the info about the three J's getting together far more interesting.
  19. COOL! I really didn't want to see Foreigner anyway. Saves money too! For.....bigger and better things....
  20. Ohhh yeah, MSG! he looks very sexy there.
  21. I OD'd on Robert's birthday greetings. I'm shocked all the extra threads didn't get shoved up into the newbies.
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