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Everything posted by Walter

  1. ^ Better clear a spot in the trophy case after that comeback!
  2. Does anyone know much about The Sonics? They are opening for Robert this Sunday night at the St. Augustine show.
  3. Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters - Sunday, March 6 - St. Augustine Amphitheater
  4. Thanks, Sean. Unfortunately we aren't going to be able to see a game with her. But, we've worked out another opportunity to finally meet.
  5. They are on our list. Mrs. Walter's family is from St. Louis and are huge supporters of the Cards and Blues. Washington and St. Louis are playing the week of Spring Break and that's the game we are going to try to attend. Also a Houston game as it will be their last spring in Kissimmee - which is less than 30 min from us, and is a very small park to watch a game in. Thank you for the well wishes.
  6. Just received our tickets to the Yankees vs. Braves for March 19, in Tampa. It's the kick-off to Spring Break! Gonna take in at least 3 games this spring.
  7. Thanks Kris! Hope you are doing well!
  8. Yes, it will! That's one of the reasons we actually celebrated at home last night, with Walter Jr. Cooking dinner together, looking at old pictures, and just enjoying the evening. This Friday is going to be amazing! Thank you, ebk!
  9. Thank you, Kiwi! That was very cool!
  10. Thank you! It wasn't our first choice, but has ended up being a pretty cool date to have none the less. We typically celebrate over a number of days when it's not Leap Year and this year it has stretched to over weeks now!
  11. Happy belated Birthday to Nutrocker! Hope you guys did it up big this Leap Year!
  12. It does when it comes to your Pats, that's for sure!
  13. Yesterday was myself and Mrs. Walter's 24 year anniversary of marital bliss.
  14. The old dine and dash, eh? Numbers are my OCD. I don't have my car stereo on 13, ever. I don't have my home system on any enemy car number while watching a race. If I have shots while watching a race, it's either 2,3, or 4. Last, I have always avoided the time: three - fifteen, even when I was younger.
  15. Felder didn't want to come back to the Eagles as a hired musician, which is what was offered to him. He thought the band should split everything as 1/5, they way they did when he entered the band. Frey and Henley countered with "we kept the Eagles name going with our solo careers" and said they should get the lion's share. Felder disagreed and wouldn't take the deal and was eventually kicked out/left the band.
  16. Some pictures from our trip to the Daytona 500 last weekend. Love what they've done with the track. Good racing, great weather, and a close finish!
  17. Thank you for the update on the first round of F1 testing, marlam!
  18. Loser Randy Gregory is suspended 4 games for violating the substance abuse policy. Way to disgrace the 94! New nfl season is March 9, then we start the new thread. Btw, the Rams cut St. Louis, their fans, and now Long, Cook, and another - saving $23 mil.
  19. Beautiful in central Florida! Highs in the mid to upper 70's the next 3-4 days and 0% chance of rain....a racer's delight!
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