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Everything posted by Walter

  1. I just tried to quote you, Sam, and it didn’t work. I’m using my phone, btw.
  2. Rain, rain and more rain. Driest May in history followed by the wettest 4 weeks I can remember. All-time record high for Canada - 121F. Three consecutive days breaking the hottest temp ever recorded…by 8 degrees F. Insane.
  3. I have to say Whole Lotta Love, Out On The Tiles, D’yer Mak’er, Fool In The Rain and Achilles Last Stand are fantastic drum sings...Misty Mountain Hop, Four Sticks...oh forget it!
  4. Agreed. Which is also when he questioned his drumming ability the most. How did he not know he was the GOAT? Mental illness and drugs/alcohol mixed together are a m’fer.
  5. https://www.npr.org/2021/06/19/1008248475/the-record-temperatures-enveloping-the-west-is-not-your-average-heat-wave?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social Wow! That all-time record breaking heat dome out west is unprecedented.
  6. If anyone knows anything about the AAPS, it would never be sourced.
  7. Hot, humid, chance of rain....rinse and repeat until October....
  8. Directly after ITE would’ve been perfect. Followed by Hot Dog. A 1,2,3 ITTOD punch. Then back to the classics...
  9. Walter

    Official Mascot

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/17/scientists-name-frog-found-in-ecuadorian-andes-after-led-zeppelin?fbclid=IwAR2EbaQ0beV50HedXlI7yFe9kRrDh8K0JdVC92sBgPv7Ngcp_nxHto9ijNQ How many rock n roll bands can say they had a new species of animal named after them?
  10. Me piss off someone on this site? You haven’t paid attention long....which I know you have.
  11. Yup. I deleted about 3 more just because it’s redundant. To be honest I haven’t seen a lot of the classics. But I love a good laugh. Titanic and the other huge movies...I’ve seen it maybe two or three times, but some are traditions to watch. Christmas Vacation we watch every year on Christmas Eve, at least. Good to see you here, the chase!
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