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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. Might be powerful overall, but can't be an A grade with Jimmy missing chords.
  2. Listened to "Heartbreaker" from Rotterdam again. I used the word "mess" which was inaccurate. Though a little sticky in places, it is quite solid for post 73. "A".
  3. Not gonna happen. Apparently they make more money selling to a select few hardcore boot collectors for $300 than a lot of casual collectors for $50.
  4. I thought I gave it a pretty positive review. It does sound pretty good once the others jump in.
  5. gibsonfan159


    I gotta say, I'm not a huge IPA fan after trying several local brews.
  6. Nitpicking Page 6/21/1980 Rotterdam (Live Omega) A three source mix featuring mostly soundboard. Train Kept A Rollin- A good kickoff but Plant's voice doesn't sound strong. First solo- I may be fooled by the audience recording, but Page tears through an aggressive, well phrased solo. The outro solo features a nice ascending/descending wah riff. "A". NFBM- Takes off like a jet. Harmonica- starts rough and ends rough, middle was okay. Oh Jimmy- Excellent runs off the bat. A little straining at 4:07, but not bad at all. 4:53, Plant getting scratchy. A generous "B+" considering Plant's struggles. Black Dog- No fancy talk from Page this time as he simply introduces "Black Dog". Plant again sounding a little rough, but the raw energy pushes him through. Solo- I've listened about ten times now, and I'm simply kind of blown away here. Not only is this some 71-73 level playing, he's throwing in unique licks (4:30) that sound fantastic. The bends are perfect and the phrasing is steady and solid. I'll certainly account for some disguise from the audience source, but it sounds great to me. A shame this wasn't soundboard. "A+" for 1980. In The Evening- Good energy. First solo- Page puts down a fairly solid one. The Mid section is what it is. Plant still scratchy on the return. Outro solo- some good screaming wah licks. Not bad. "B+". The Rain Song- Soundboard finally kicks in. Solid playing from Page. Plant is a little rough on the otherwise well played rock section. Fairly good run-through. "A". Hot Dog- 0:16, "C'mon you shit kickers". I have a feeling he wouldn't have used that line if they had ever played it in Texas. Beautiful piano from Jones. Solo- Some repeating bends followed by a little slop, and more repeating bends. Fairly good. A pretty standard run-through. "B+". All My Love- Plant and Jones sounding very good. Solo- Once again sounding like he's never practiced this and just wings it. Bonham gets some big fills in on the outro. Page brings this otherwise perfect version down quite a bit. "B". Trampled Underfoot- Frantic tempo. 1:32, Page drops out for a sec. Jones- A funky routine, but fairly simplistic. Solo- Honestly one of the best Trampled solos I've heard, but it sits so low in the mix it almost goes unnoticed. 5:38, Bonzo picks up the tempo and Page goes crazy with the wah pedal. Overall fairly average, but that solo is definitely worth a listen. "B+". SIBLY- Page sounding lively on the start with good emotion. Solo- Good until 4:50, where he goes off the tracks pretty badly. He does come back for a strong finish. Plant comes back and sounds worn out. A skippable version. "B". Achilles- Solid start. Plant really pushing himself through. First solo- A steady flurry of notes, a little sloppy in places. A unique phrase at 4:40 which sounds nice. Second solo- Very rough around the edges. Third solo- Doesn't quite match Bono's intensity. Explosive ending from Plant and Bonzo. This is worth a listen simply for the drums. "B". White Summer- Average start. When Page starts going he really takes off. Almost sounds sped up. 3:30, tries some experimental riffs that don't fit well. 5:26, sloppy. "B". Black Mountainside- Short and sweet. Kashmir- Energetic start. 2:09, Page jumps into the post verse rhythm but Robert steers them back. 4:20, Jones' two-dimensional, funhouse sounding synths makes one yearn for a mellotron, even if it's out of tune. 6:27, someone drops a note. The dry sound makes the ending unexciting, although Bonham gets some excellent fills in. "B". Stairway- As usual, once Jones switches over to the piano the mood improves tremendously, though his synths do have a nice balance here. Solo- Page gets a good flow going. 6:55, some atonal notes. 7:09, a little sloppy. The slower part is somewhat lackluster. Bonham and Jones are feeling it much more than Page. The final bars are played superbly however. Plant sounds good on the well played climax. I'm not gonna knock Page too much here, overall it was a fairly solid version considering the shape he was in during this era. "B+". Rock And Roll- 0:57, Page drops out for whatever reason. Solo- 1:55, very sticky. A powerful ending just doesn't save this one. "C+". Heartbreaker- Page's gritty tone actually works quite well here and plant sounds great. Solo- Some parts sound fluid and can almost fool you to think of 1972, but most of it is a sticky mess. Not terrible, better than Dortmund. I'll give it a very generous "B+". Final Assessment- An excellent first 1/3 with a surprisingly coherent Page, but drops to mediocre after Hot Dog. Plant on the other hand takes a while to warm up but sounds great on the last half. Bonham is quite lively and Jones' piano work on Stairway is very good. The highlight is undoubtedly Black Dog,
  7. I don't think it's a secret that Page didn't particularly like this matching jacket to his "star pants". I'm not sure if I've ever seen it outside of the 1973 NY shows. In fact, what other dates did it make an appearance?
  8. https://fox2now.com/2019/06/09/ozzy-osbourne-cheers-on-the-blues-by-sharing-pic-of-infamous-mugshot/
  9. The pic I saw was this one Which I thought looked nothing like this, especially the flame on the top half But then I looked up another angle of the museum guitar where the light displayed the flame better And the dots/blemishes here match the top pic So yeah, it's legit. Apologies.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if that's a replica. I know the "Number One" Les Paul they had on display was a fake, or at least not the real Number One.
  11. I think he's saying why even bother with CD packaging when most boot enthusiasts would rather have vinyl anyway. That's certainly not gonna stop the free downloads, but it would probably make vinyl cheaper if they didn't have to recoup the cost of CD packaging that doesn't sale.
  12. gibsonfan159


    I've been on the beer wagon for a couple years but have gotten an interest in trying all the local craft brews from Asheville, so once a week I try a different one. Will check back in once I compare a few.
  13. You can buy a record player with a digital transfer for like $50 from Walmart. That's been around for years.
  14. Apparently new audio has been found. Anyone give it a listen yet?
  15. Suspicious uncredited chauffeur in the Who's "Tommy". Not only looks like Bonzo, but very possible considering he also made a guest appearance (with Keith Moon) in the film "Son Of Dracula" in 1974. Anyone know more details on this?
  16. If you're not looking to collect every book out there and just want a thorough, comprehensive account of the band's history without all the fluff, I strongly recommend this one by Keith Shadwick. It's rather cheap as well for around $10 on eBay.
  17. I'm with you. A complete soundboard with good mastering and quality packaging, I'll pay close to $100. Anything more just isn't worth it to the average Joe.
  18. I think only the one disc contains soundboard recordings. The three disc set is a remastered or earlier gen audience. Correct me if I'm wrong. Hey EVSD, Release the complete soundboard, remastered with some reverb, for $50 and I (and probably many other fans) will gladly buy the physical copy. Otherwise you're just catering to the hardcore group.
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