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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. She made over 1mil last year on her back? My god, that poor vagina. I'm surprised that abused cooz doesn't have a protest sign sticking out of it.
  2. They will likely loose 20% of their population to alcohol detox. In Russia you no get COVID...but vodka get YOU!
  3. She ROCKS!!! New lead singer for GWAR??? BTW, is that Melissa McCarthy?
  4. Now this I somewhat agree with. Efficacy rates are nothing more than numbers manipulation. Lipitor, the most widely used drug in the US has an efficacy rate of 40-60% however when all those numbers are not manipulated, the actual effectiveness of Lipitor vs. a placebo is only 1 - 2% in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Adjusting ones diet has much better results than anything Lipitor can do yet it is the drug which makes the most money for the Pharma industry.
  5. Always thought that tiff was hilarious. Reminds me of a guy who winds up going out with a girl who looks just like his ex and they run into each other.
  6. Tyrannical, what a hoot you are. You obviously have no clue what tyranny is, however I would be glad to introduce you to some El Salvadorians who had to migrate to the US in the 80's due to that little business down there, for insight. but, you do you, let that freak flag fly and thank old Bacchus for the good times
  7. You being the majority of course
  8. Political agenda? More like monetary gain and a whole lotta it. I too worry about the effectiveness of this and potential side affects. If one is a health care worker or part of an at-risk cohort they should take it but everyone else? Good news is we can see what happens in the UK first however that does nothing to determine possible long-term side affects. Then again people buy Lipitor, a drug which only has an affective rate of 1 - 2% above placebo and potential horrible side affects. Honestly, when it comes to drugs (except weed of course) nothing goes in my body unless absolutely necessary and that includes supplements. Always managed my health through a healthy lifestyle, good, natural foods, and plenty of exercise.
  9. OYE! Ok buddy. I guess you don't mind paranoia or conspiracy theories living rent free in your mind. Free your mind, be happy, Dr. Funkenstein loves you brother:
  10. Now calm down and take a deep breath and repeat after me, "I am calm, I am not an angry man, I will not troll." Repeat that 100 times while gazing at ones navel and you should be good to go. Ps. WELCOME TO THE FORUM 😉
  11. Oh myyyyy. I did not know my freedom of speech was being infringed. That is just horrible. Can you explain how that is happening because I did not know? Freedom of assembly? Jeesh, yet I have seen protests from certain groups everywhere. I wonder who all those people were assembling in front of election ballot counting places were? If they were not free to assemble, was that an illusion??? Freedom to worship! Oh no, say its not so! Yet the mega-church down the streets parking lot is full every Sunday and on-line worship services are everywhere. Someone better tell them about this so they can stop this behavior before Big Brother locks them all up. Freedom to earn a living? Say it ain't so Joe! In what way because I am working. Freedom to travel? Really? I guess all those planes flying over my house daily are an illusion. I really need to cut down on the old Chronic!
  12. Hey their friend, hope you are having a SUPER day 🙂 My post mentioned masks and social distancing only. If someone chooses not to weak a mask or a business chooses not to enforce it, that fine is on them, not the govt. Kinda like if you ignore the speed limit and get popped. Do you tell the cop he / she is infringing on your personal freedoms? Also, for the record, I have not attend a meeting of my local chapter of the NSDAP in like forever plus, brown is just not my color. I am more of a spring palete 😉
  13. Well, what I do believe is COVID deaths have exceeded 2k per day and that COVID is now the #1 cause of death in the US, surpassing death from Heart Disease. I really don't think wearing a mask (even if it only saves a handful of people) and social distancing is too much to ask. Where you see conspiracy I see a wake up call and thank the Fates that this pandemic has not yet become a repeat of 1918, London 1670's, or Europe / Asia mid-14th century. Once this is over I hope we can learn from this and make better decisions moving forward as a nation and as a world.
  14. Nope, wrong, don't know what you're talking about. According to certain people it just sounded like this game designed to train monkeys back in the 80's:
  15. Stating a fact is not anti-anyone, its fact. Or at least its my opinion. I am not anti-Eddie, un less I like wasting my money and time buying the albums and going to their concerts. Your comment is rather odd considering this is a LZ forum. Maybe you are mixed up?
  16. I think I understand what you are saying, but most of that is not the issue. The issue is only a weirdo would think having to wear a mask and social distancing is somehow an infringement on someone's freedom. You list the co-morbidity stats however this is the US where over 50% of the population as co-morbidity such as obesity or diabetes. We are one of, if not the most unhealthy population on the planet which is likely why more people in the US are dying than in any other nation. Regarding the vaccine, by the time people like you and I even qualify to receive it, any issues with the vaccine will be well known and the vaccine pulled if side affects are akin to a zombie apocalypse. IMO, its much ado about nothing regarding the measures we need to do in order to check the virus.
  17. You're right...Page's version sounds much better. EVH's Cathedral sounds boring by comparison. A pale substitute. Thanks for pointing that out.
  18. Just listened to Jimmy's Noise solo / ALS from LTTE and it is 26 minutes of pure bliss (Noise solo was about 16:40 min). It was cohesive and well executed and at the 8 minute mark you hear Page playing what EVH would record as Cathedral four years later. So a good, cohesive, well executed noise solo, with the visuals would have been stunning and mesmerizing in a live setting.
  19. What freedoms are being infringed? What are people supposed to do in a pandemic, just go on and party ala Masque of the Red Death or take basic, common sense precautions. Heck I am no expert but I do have eyes to see and I see every country that initiated strict lock-down orders early are all back to normal. Taiwan had what, 7 deaths total? The other day I had a business associate who refused to meet via ZOOM and insisted on an in-person meet as a Zoom meeting was a violation regarding her access or some nonsense. I informed her due to the pandemic there are protocols in place and then asked her how a Zoom meeting was "limiting access" and she said, "well what if my internet goes down?" So I replied, well what if your car breaks down? What if there is a tornado? What if the room I book is not available? She became all huffy and ended the call. Oh well, stupid id as stupid does and I really don't want her business if she is so ignorant of reality. Most of the complains and conspiracy theories are sounding an awful like that scene from Dr. Strangelove between Gen Ripper and Capt. Mandrake.
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