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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Never had a problem with Apple's cell phone batteries, only the Macbook batteries seem to go after about two years. Plus, those Macbook Pro's cost Apple about $125 to make and import...marking up to $1,800 - $2,500 is highway robbery. Who knows, maybe I bought the Macbooks that were made on a Monday 😉 That refurbished HP laptop I bought cost me $300 delivered.
  2. Well bless your heart 😉
  3. I used to be a Mac guy with computers but switched back to PC due to Mac batteries crapping out after two years. Plus, Mac computer batteries can also start fire once they start to go. Of course replacement batteries cost as much as a cheap PC. So after the last Mac battery went bad I had enough. Found a slightly used, reconditioned HP laptop and have not had a single issue. Then again, maybe Mac products just don't like me and decide hari kari is a preferred fate?
  4. My mom LOVED Charlie Pride, played his stuff all the time. BTW, you know 2020 is one evil, spiteful year when someone as kind and genuinely sweet as Tommy Lister dies yet certain evil bastards just keep on keeping on.
  5. Oh man, when I got the shingles vaccine not only did it do nothing, but it caused an outbreak. Not really upset as I got the vaccine in the off-chance it would help since I have been dealing with shingles outbreaks since my early 40's and got the vaccine at 48. I really hate shingles, painful as all hell and for me is brought on by stress which in my job can be extreme at times. They need to find a cure for shingles...that evil ailment.
  6. I would guess yes but, just my opinion
  7. I guess its kinda like the flu shot in that regard. You get vaccine and you get a milder version of COVID as a result. The big question is, like the flu shot, will repeated vaccinations be required each year? If so, cha-ching for big pharma once again.
  8. The reports are coming out of the UK regarding reported side affects: The most common side effects found in the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine trials included pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, chills, muscle pain and joint pain, according to a Food and Drug Administration analysis released Tuesday. These are also the same side affects reported out of the UK.
  9. Per the interwebs: What is the Lucchese family territory? The family's territory includes the boroughs of Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan. It also operates in New Jersey and Florida. The family's chief criminal enterprises include drug trafficking, labor rackets, extortion, smuggling, loan-sharking, gun running and bookmaking. Though as the Gambino's and particularly the Bergin Crew of which Gotti was an associate (he was not a made member yet) frequently worked with several Lucchese crews in Manhattan. Throughout 1973 Gotti, Ruggiero, and the Bergin crew were pulling heists in this area of Manhattan so its a likely possibility they were involved or at least knew about the LZ heist before it happened.
  10. The Luchesi & Gambino Families shared Manhattan and frequently collaborated in heists so it is likely one or the other did the job. Being 73' even if they were not, whoever was would have had to still kick a percentage of the take up to either or both families or risk being found in a landfill. If a Zep entourage member did it though that's a different and far more F'ed up story. BTW, the Luchesi family is the most profitable of the 5 families as they have always kept the lowest profile and have no problem working with the other families.
  11. If the mob was involved, the Plaza was within the Luchesi Family dominion.
  12. It's all a bunch of bullshit. They sell these phones for $400-$1,200 dollars you should get everything for that insane cost PLUS free coverage and insurance. Their cost to produce these in Chinese slave labor facilities is maybe $70 a phone and they mark them up to such an extent and then have the nerve to tell you a charger is not included? Same with Apple Care. You drop 2k on a laptop and then make you pay for coverage? If your product is supposedly so good why are you charging for Apple Care? What a scam. I hate cell phones, hands down one of the worse inventions ever. Now we are expected to be 24/7 employees while getting paid for 8 hours. Then when you call or text someone and they don't pick up or reply you know outright they are intentionally ignoring you as those phones are virtually surgically attached to most peoples hands these days. At least with land lines you could lie to yourself and assume the person was out. Forget em! Once I retire I will toss my i-Shitphone in the trash and buy one of those cheap-ass talk & text flip phones. Good enough for Pookie, good enough for me 😉
  13. Just trying to take it down a notch that's all. I saw the direction this was going and thought a bit of random humor was needed. You see, at the end of the day we all want the same thing, to live our lives, love those around us, and be happy. All of that is within our control. Its only when we willingly relinquish that control we become something we are not meant to be. This is what I know. People are dying, I don't know the how or why but they are dying. It does not matter if those who are dying were unhealthy to begin with, I am not that callous. If wearing a mask, social distancing, and not going out unless it is absolutely necessary will save just one person, then I am 100% good with that. and now...
  14. The death rate from COVID is surpassing 3,500 deaths a day, hospitals are filled beyond capacity and have converted parking garages into COVID wards, medical workers are breaking under the stresses of watching people die from this daily. I think our health care system has bigger fish to fry right now
  15. That's not the issue. The issue is we are not supposed to be discussing this material on the board. There are other forums out there for politics and government. I have no issue discussing such subjects in a civil manner but that's the problem, others do not keep it civil and it just descends into a morass of insults. Its a real shame people cannot discuss such topics without becoming irate but it is what it is and this thread is obviously heading in that direction. Again, it needs to be closed but remember, big baby Chuthulu loves you buddy 😉
  16. EEEEKKKK! That's the first pic of her I saw. She looks about 13 years old! I like my ladies to look like a woman. I guess there are quite a lot of guys who like that sorta thing (pretending they are drilling a child) but she could be giving it away and I would still pass. Then again if she looked like a mid-90's Claudia Christian I would still pass as after all the mileage on that snatch it would probably be like tossing a hot dog into a hallway.
  17. Jones and family were camping in northern California when Karac passed. Neither JPJ or Jimmy even knew of Karac's passing until they arrived in New Orleans and by then Plant, Bonzo, & Cole had flown back to the UK. This was 1977, not 2007, there were no cell phones, there were not computers, twitter, etc. Unless you were there at the time, you did not find things out until someone told you. I am sure JPJ & Jimmy could have paid a small fortune to charter a jet to get them back to the UK in time for the funeral but possibly not as Karac was laid to rest very quickly. I do feel Robert can let his wit override his compassion at times but it could be a defense mechanism too. I do not recall him being so glib and cheeky in interviews pre-1980's. Maybe Bonzo's death was the last straw for him?
  18. 2k for a poke? Hells bells, does the clam have a red cape with an S on it? I wonder if she has coupons? Early-Brid Specials? Yom Kippur discounts? Even then I could not afford it 😔
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