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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Do the albums come with free dugs? If so, count me in. YAZOOOOOO!!!!
  2. Well, that did not last long
  3. IMO Dolly Parton make everything better. Just have her come out and do the whole show going forward.
  4. Yes, this seems the de facto result for most people. I know several health care workers who have received the vaccine and all but two reported exactly what your friend reported.
  5. Heard this today, could not believe it as it has been years since I heard this crappy song. So crappy in fact it made me both smile and chuckle.
  6. I guess this is a pretty good day after all
  7. Have to disagree here. I don't care what language a person sings in as the US does not have an official language per se, and, we should all know Spanish and French IMO anyway since the US borders countries who speak those languages. It is an educational tragedy that all students are not required to be fluent in at least Spanish or French by the time of graduation which is the requirement of every European nation. Just makes Americans look stupid compared to the rest of the world. Now that national anthem, again, who cares. The US did not even adopt a national anthem, until the 1930's and the choice of something as lame as the SSB proves it was a "name in a hat" choice. The lyrics have nothing to do with America but rather the Battle of Baltimore, the music is an old English drinking song and no one can sing the song correctly anyway because it is supposed to be sung by a chorus, not an individual. The way Americans revere a song which no one, quite literally gave a single shit about until the 1930's is laughable. And a really bad song at that.
  8. Talk about hitting nail on head
  9. I thought Lady Gaga did an amazing job with the national anthem at the inauguration. Really has the pipes for it and J-Lo did very well too.
  10. Thank you Sir, and just as I suspected, I am indeed a YouTube idiot. Those are some great pics, even the damaged ones have merit.
  11. Hmmm, I must be a YouTube idiot because I cannot find them when I click on the link. I see your wonderful videos but not the pics. Oh well
  12. NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO!!!! My little doggie would never feast on my remains, how do I know? Well, she told me that's how. She will weep by my corpse, and lay across my dead husk until the Reaper comes for her as well. Just kidding, if I passed out on the couch after one too many blunts she would likely start eating me within 10 minutes. Who's the good doggie???? You are, YOU are 😉
  13. Awesome, thank you. However, where are the other 74? Don't be a tease now 🙂
  14. Don't feed anything for a week while you eat and see what happens. Your own mom would hit you over the head and serve you up.
  15. Yep, he and Lennon really shit the bed on that one.
  16. He was such a kind and generous man. Always giving a hand to the ladies and always the humanitarian.
  17. Nuts? Phil Spector???? Whatever do you mean?
  18. You should read up on Edward Bernays, the guy who started this whole mess.
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