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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. I have a friend who told me about a lady he bedded who, while in the process of high-exertion coitus, immediately stopped when the text message alert came through her phone to check. Then, after she read it, acted like nothing had happened and went right back to it. My friend was absolutely dumbfounded, who would do that? Dumbfounded or not he was not an idiot and gave it too her but good. He never did call her again after that. Some people are crazy with these stupid cell phones.
  2. Actually no, that is incorrect. The utility has every right to produce and store as much energy as they want in Texas, however with deregulation and the ability to price gouge, I mean, to have an "per-demand" rate tier, makes it considerably more economically advantageous to sell ALL power and store no power. They do indeed have the capacity and the ability to store massive amount of electricity, they simply will not do it due to the per-demand market rate.
  3. I hear ya Kip. I personally could not stand Rush, however, in respect to the feelings and opinions of people not myself, I keep my mouth shut as it is not the place for such musings. I think most people mean well, they have a good idea or point however the execution is poor.
  4. He does say "I've" before been, the line is: "try to find, try to find...where I've Beeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnaaaaahhhhhhhh..." However I did find a lyric sheet that claims the line after the word find is, "the way I feel." But that both makes no sense and that is not, never what I hear / heard.
  5. It's where I've been, though in concert Robert was known to change lyrics on occasion so possibly in some shows he may have said belong instead of been. Every live version I heard and the album version he is saying been, not belong.
  6. C'mon everyone, we are all adults here, let's not make it personal. This is how threads get deleted or closed. Steve and others had great responses, he stated his opinions yet was not insulting. Let's just state our opinions and agree to disagree. No reason to get worked up over opinions.
  7. Fact is Steve, it was the sate government of Texas and the voters of Texas who wanted this set up this way, it has zero to do with social issues. This issue / problem is 100% the fault of the state of Texas & the voters of Texas. This is what they wanted and this is what they got, good or bad. The facts on this are indisputable and obvious.
  8. Those power outages were a direct result in deregulation of public utilities in 90% of Texas. Those wind turbines that froze, they did not have the de-icing equipment installed. Those exact same wind turbines operate with no problem whatsoever in Minnesota and Canada. The natural gas fired plants also, no de-icing equipment due to deregulation. On top of that, due to this same deregulation, electric prices are based on demand (you do have a choice to pay a higher fixed rate, or the standard demand rate) so there are people who will be receiving electric bills for over 3k in a standard. 3 bedroom, 1700sq ft home. Them stars are sure shining big and bright these days in Texas, especially with the power out.
  9. Meh, don't worry, the COVID vaccines all contain microchips to track us. Its so they can primarily track our kids (but they have to make it look legit ya know) so they can round them up, shuttle them to certain "Pizza Places" for processing before they are shipped out for satanic sex and eventual sacrifice. C'mon man, get with the program. Get on the Q train
  10. Could not hear him very well but what I did hear he sounded ok for 75', especially for being on the first leg.
  11. Too Close for Comfort was a great show, Ted Knight, what more is there to say? The woman who played Jackie (Deborah Van Valkenburgh), oh baby, did I have a crush on her! She played a whore in The Devil's Rejects, talk about a surprise but she did one hell of a job with the screen time she had.
  12. Connie, hubba, hubba and double your money back!
  13. Whatever do you mean? Flynt was a good old fashioned American entrepreneur, identified a need in the marketplace and filled that need. A true rags to vag to riches story if I ever heard one. This man was the hero to countless 14 year olds during the 70's and 80's. Sure he was a pimp, a playa, a true bottom dweller of the most ill repute but the man did put out a magazine which to this day is still used as reference material for numerous gynecologists'.
  14. American football, IMO, has progressed to the point of the game is the sideshow for the massive marketing around the game. Commercials, commercials, commercials. As JTM said, not enough flow. Football needs to be revamped bigtime. 90 minute clock which does not stop except for halftime or time-outs (three per team). You wanna dick around, fine, but the clock keeps running. Taunting should result in the expulsion of the player for the remainder of the game. Brady played a good game though. I am not a big fan of Brady, never liked the Pat's so, there is that but you have to give the guy credit where credit is due. Until someone better comes along, Brady is the best at what he does and good for him.
  15. Perfect, 54 degrees, light breeze and sunny. Absolutely balmy.
  16. But, but, but, Tom deflated his balls!!! You know if I could deflate my balls I could win several super bowls as well, plus work the uneven bars as a bonus.
  17. Damn It! Two of my favorites, Hal Holbrook and Chris Plummer. Always loved Holbrook, always a wisdom and quiet, confident depth about him. The perfect grandfather everyone wishes they had. Plummer was simply fantastic, great range and versatility. Guy could do Shakespeare, Chauncier, and Star Trek and not skip a beat. Rare talent for a leading actor.
  18. I always do my own taxes because it is hard as hell to get someone to cheat, I mean, stretch a few reporting. I had a gal for years but she retired about 10 years ago when she turned 88 and been doing it ever since. What you need to know are what the IRS looks for and flags as every itemization has a cut-off amount depending on income. If you exceed that amount you may get audited, if you do not it will not get flagged and go right through. Biggest mistake people make is not entering their investment info which is a HUGE red flag. I did not do it one year (my first year doing them of course) because I did not cash anything out. Turns out they don't care, they still want to know so I got audited but just on that. I forwarded the info to my audit person and she was great, walked me through what I need to do going forward and told me if I wound up owing no worries, they could put me on a payment plan if necessary. I did not owe so all was good but she was very nice.
  19. So true, most bands look like they are either posing for a group mug shot or are staring out at the distance trying to look pensive and deep.
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