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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Lizard King? Billy's twin? There can be only one 😊 Lizard Billy, the UK sensation coming to a pub near you!
  2. Getting snow, temp around 28 f. Where I live we used to get, every winter, a shit-ton of snow, was like that up until 2007 and then it started warming up and drying up. Now instead of snow, snow, snow from November to April we get two large (2-3') snow events between December and February and a few small events (1-6") and then nothing after mid-March. Yep, that global warming MUST be a hoax! They are soooooo good at pulling the wool over our eyes that they somehow have caused a drought in the SW which has not happened for over 800 years plus the hottest years on record consistently since 2014. Yep, just a hoax, nothing to see hear, move along
  3. Reason why Kansas Joe McCoy was never credited is because the only portion of the original they used was the lyrics, the music and arrangement are completely different. Minnie wrote the lyrics thus she was credited. McCoy only wrote the music, not the lyrics.
  4. No doubt. I was referencing a book called Holy Blood, Holy Grail which came out in the early 80's claiming such. Also claimed the Knights Templar were also part of all this and that they never really completely were purged in the 14th century. Instead the remaining Templars supposedly "reformed" as the Illuminati. This book was also Dan Brown's inspiration for several of his books. The stuff people come up with and the people who blindly believe it.
  5. Hey bud, no one talks shit about my little Nibbler. My doggie Nibbler is my friend, she makes me a happy panda 🙂 Seriously, I love my Nibbles but I do not take her into stores or restaurants even though she is trained because doing so is batshit crazy! I saw some joker the other day, had a three legged Chihuahua looking dog with this big ass "SERVICE ANIMAL" jacket on it that was obviously made for a much larger dog. I asked the guy with the dog how a three legged dog could be a service animal and the guy became all defensive and mumbled how I was anti-dog and not respectful of his emotional state. Jesus Christ man, when your service dog needs a service dog just give it a rest, your busted.
  6. Here ya there, driving stinks! At least city driving stinks, too many dopes on the roads these days. 20 years ago you only had to worry about the occasional drunk driver, now most people are texting, reading, high AF, or a combo of all three while driving. I remember that scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High when Mr. Hand (Ray Walston) says, "Is EVERYONE on dope?" Just get behind some punter at a street light today and you will get your answer once the light changes.
  7. But that's because the Merovingians were descendent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene you know 🙂 Those wacky Carolingians would up taking over by force anyway. Pepin the Short may have been short but he was also OG!
  8. No doubt, the whole situation is plain stupid. Edward VIII went through this, Philip went through this, Margaret, Charles, Ann, all of them had the same damn gripes but none of them seem to care. I don't care either as the whole institution is just stupid being the 21st century. A monarch who has no ruling or governmental duties??? Then what is the point? Talk about a waste of money.
  9. Some people can be real "special" with their perceived entitlement. I had a woman do the same thing to me at a concert while I was waiting in line at the hootch-stand, she just walked right in front of me and up to the bar. Crazy. Bigger issue though is those damned self-checkouts. Bad enough the prices on stuff keeps going up but now you expect me to be your unpaid employee too? Well, no way bud, I have a little win-win for them. Whenever I use the self-checkout I typically steal anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of what I put in the cart (that is, I do not scan a good number of items). That is my compensation for having to do their job while also getting hosed on the cost in general. I told my wife about this and she worried I might get caught. No worries as there is nothing they can do as I would just say "oh, silly me, must have not picked it up when I tried to scan" and then go back and pay. It really is no risk unless you do it without a form of payment in which case yes, you will get busted. But, I have never even been given a single glance much less stopped. They have these 16-18 year old kids stationed at these self-checkout areas to prevent an industrious lad such as myself from nicking the product, however its kinda hard for them to do their job when they are either on their phone or bullshitting with another employee, or helping the several blue-hairs who can barely operate a door handle much less a self-checkout. I know my days of doing this are numbered as I know I cannot be the only person doing this and loss prevention will eventually just pony up an put automatic readers at the door. So when you leave, everything is automatically scanned and then charged to your bank account. But until that comes, it's Jane's Addiction time but without getting caught. No need to stuff that 15 lbs. turkey into my pants when I simply don't scan it. Well, it's 8:47am and I will shortly be off to the store to pull off the old "skim" as the mafia guys would say. If it was good enough for Vegas, its good enough for me 🙂
  10. Why is there still a British Royal Family? The institution became irrelevant once Edward VIII abdicated as far as I am concerned. The whole Edward VIII scandal proved and exposed all the problems with a constitutional monarchy and how it serves no purpose any longer, but is actually a detriment to all involved. A sovereign with no political power makes as much sense as a bull with tits except the bull can at least be eaten (now there's a thought). I have no problem with the Royal Family per se, but the state paying for all their stuff when they (Royal Family) is unofficially the wealthiest family on the planet is Ludacris. They have evolved into a drama factory and nothing else. I feel sorry for them actually as a gilded cage is still a cage. If I were Harry & Meghan I would have done the same however they should not have done the interview. These people all know how this system works yet the ones who choose to marry in to it then get upset its not like being a Disney Prince or Princess. This is nothing new but since Eddie it has been front and center. One disgrace after another and typically for the same reason. Just let them keep their titles but completely remove them from the system, kick them out of Buckingham Palace, and let them live normal lives at their own expense. Such nonsense. I am trying to think of a single royal who is not a complete twat and I really cannot. History just keeps repeating itself with these people yet they never learn, just bitch about the system. One would think with Philip, Charles, Margaret, and Anne they would be somewhat sympathetic to Harry's situation but nope, another round of here we go again.
  11. Agree, never understood the love for Ozzy, the guy is not a very good singer in general and is just a clown. RJD was a world of improvement over Ozzy. Some of Ozzy's solo stuff is quite good even with his singing, but RJD took Sabbath to a whole new level.
  12. Of course they are real, they are just not people. I thought everyone knew the Royals were actually reptilian overlords from some distant solar system. Remember the movie V (the original from 82', not the shitty remake). That was actually semi-true accept in "real life" they never revealed themselves to the general public, only the governments. This is why these silly commoners are in for the shock of their lives when they marry into this nest of sentient Komodo Dragons. Think its a coincidence that first Wallis Simpson, then Diana, now Meghan all shit the bed as soon as they got involved with those inbred frogs? I say my good man, David Icke is right!!!! Agendas 21 is on the way and the Royal Family is leading it. KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!!!
  13. Dude that was priceless
  14. Tell ya one thing, as far as bikes are concerned BMW is the gold standard. The real irony is a new BMW touring bike costs about 1/3 of the price of a comparable Harley but at much, MUCH higher quality. Harley's are such overrated crap. You know they stink when Sonny Barger himself said he wanted the club to switch to Triumph's back in the 60's because Harley's sucked so bad.
  15. Yep, on the one hand you have Cali with so much prohibitive and complex regulation you cannot even take a shit without a permit. On the other you have little to no regulation in Texas which results in something so obviously preventable instead collapsing the whole power and water grid. Neither scenario is good, both are bad. You have to find that sweet spot where you have common sense regulations that help, not hinder. The Buddhist call this framework the middle way. Humans, we are a funny lot, either all or nothing.
  16. That particular line goes back much farther than that as it was used in several old blues tunes. It's a cliché'.
  17. Smokin' hot Nazi superhero, what's not to love. Best show about the genre I have ever seen. Homelander is the very personification of corrupted power.
  18. Yep, pretty strange. I think the big question is how did she get into a locked water tank? I don't think they could guarantee 100% it was locked up it was supposed to be locked. When they found her the lid was obviously unlocked. The whole thing is weird but explainable especially as she had been suffering from psychological issues prior. Very sad.
  19. I like GnR in general but TBH they really are just a Nazareth reboot. Axl sounds so much like Dan McCafferty he could be McCafferty's shitty, extremely less talented, abusive clone. Always thought Axl was the weakest link for an otherwise stellar band. Saw them live twice in the 80's and they put on a really good show both times though Axl pretty much loses his voice by the fourth song. Someone should have taught Axl how to control and preserve his voice live. I am more a music guy so a weak singer does not bother me too much as long as the instrumentation is excellent.
  20. According to my health care worker friends it is the Moderna vaccine which has the most harsh side affects and it occurs on the second dose. The other vaccines only reported mild side affects but that Moderna one gives you a 24 hour case of COVID lite and then you are good to go.
  21. You're a good man JTM, and good for you. It's people like you who make this world a little better.
  22. That's pretty interesting, I never heard that one before. Pretty cheeky 😏
  23. Those are NOT nursery rhymes my good man. Those are historical recollections of some weird event(s). Of course, that's it.
  24. Poor guy can't breathe but still manages two hours of work a day? F me! That man has sand, serious sand. And the Lass, none the less. My god man they make them hearty in your shire. Sounds like they are thankfully on the road to recovery. Godspeed.
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