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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. What draconian measures? Wearing a mask, social distancing and staying away from public gatherings is draconian? They have not even really enforced the public gathering thing because if they did this would have been over eight months ago. Maybe I missed something but could you give me an example of a legitimately "draconian" measure?
  2. Manson was into a LOT of stuff. Manson was a card carrying Scientologist who while in prison, both made it to the level of Clear and engaged in private correspondence of LRH. The church denies this but the actual records and correspondence are there. Manson was into anything which would allow him to have control over weaker minds. Dude was essentially an evil Jedi with no power outside the Jedi Mind Trick via mental manipulation techniques. Ramirez was just straight up batshit-crazy and would have embraced the Power Rangers if someone told them they were Satanic.
  3. Yep, this all falls under the "perfect world" BS. Personally, I cannot stand the police, I have never had a semi-positive encounter with a cop even though I am always polite. Nor do I believe respect is automatically granted anyone, respect must be earned. All of that aside, it is not a perfect world and if the guy / gal cop with a gun, jackass or not, will be given my utmost respect as I bite my lip. Of course lets fight and work to change these attitude's but until then, unless you wish to risk death, just be polite and do what you are told (within reason of course). It sucks but its reality and it sure beats getting shot. Principals mean nothing if you're dead.
  4. Not sure if you realize but the exact same objections were voiced the last pandemic in 1918 (not about a vaccine as there was none but regarding mask mandates and other restrictions). All I know is this: Numbers went up, people died then the vaccines were released to the public and numbers went down. Seems pretty straightforward to me. I sure don't want to be the guy who tells my friend her fathers death was statistically insignificant and "shit happens," still won't wear a mask. That's silly. Wearing a mask is no big deal, even if it does nothing, who cares because if it saves just one life it's worth it as that life may be yours, or mine. Rather put up with these very minor inconveniences now than have to deal with this for years because we don't want to inconvenience ourselves in any way whatsoever. Sorry, but that is not freedom, that is being selfish. Being an adult is sometimes having to do things you don't want to for the greater good. When I had to get a second job to pay off student loan debt a few years back I did not slap my wife and tell her to go to hell, having to work TWO jobs in an infringement upon my freedoms, I did what was necessary even though it sucked. But you know what, I have no student debt now. Suffer a little now for a greater return later. I have no objection to other peoples opinions until those opinions place my life or the lives of others in danger. Honestly, I am all for opinion and personal freedom but much of this simply makes no sense to me.
  5. It has nothing to do with tolerance and open debate, its the rules of the board to keep things civil. No religion, no politics. It is a shame though as people cannot discuss these topics without devolving into mudslinging. Also, though one can debate politics, one cannot debate religion. Besides, what the heck does religion have to do with a vaccine? As the word vaccine is clearly in the title this should be about science, biology, the vaccine itself. If I go to buy a Ford and the salesman shows me a Chevy I will not be a happy little panda.
  6. I was thinking about starting a thread which merged religious fundamentalism, politics, batshit conspiracy theories, and outright stupidity but I see that has already taken place on the Covid Vaccine thread. Actually, I would never do such a silly thing.
  7. Back in the 70's we had this neighbor, a youngish couple in their early 30's with a sweet golden retriever. We had no clue they were growing weed in their back yard until about five squad cars rolled up and arrested them. Poor heads smoked so much weed they were oblivious when their plants grew 5' over the fence-line. Just some rando cop was driving down the road when he spotted the green. They were great neighbors. I would go over and hang out and they would let me walk their dog. I was just a kid and they were not scuzbags so I both never knew they were growing weed, nor did they offer. Really felt sorry for those two.
  8. Well, there goes another thread. Looks like the loonies have taken over the asylum.
  9. Correct, but ever single preacher does which is the real issue and problem.
  10. “Anyone who thinks of Satan as evil should consider all the men, women, children, and animals who have died because it was "God's will." Certainly a person grieving the untimely loss of a loved one would much rather have their loved one with them than in God's hands!” ― Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible
  11. I got Jimmy, 2nd was Jones, then Plant and Bonzo.
  12. Indeed, I would have given them maybe 20 shows tops due to Robert, and those would have been all coastal dates in the US plus four or five UK dates. These guys were late-middle age with a middle aged drummer. I know Robert and Jason would have had the stamina as they heavily toured but JPJ had not played a long tour since 2001, and Jimmy not since P&P. Plus old Robert likes his solo schtick too much and Alison Krauss. No way Robert would have agreed to more than 20 dates. Actually, Robert would have likely capped it at 10. 8 NA dates & 2 UK dates. and the setlist, pretty much whatever Robert wanted, everyone else be damned.
  13. They do the same here as all taxes are deducted from your payroll check. The difference is in the US YOU choose how much they take out based on the number of dependents you claim when you start work at a company. So, if you take zero deductions you should never have to pay anything at the end of the year, but many people take several hoping their deductions can offset the income. We also have our company sponsored health insurance deducted as well. In fact, after everything is taken into consideration including how much an individual pays for health insurance, the average US citizen pays about 10% more in overall taxes than the next highest country (Sweden I believe) except we in the US get less for our taxes, and what we do get is by far worse than what you get in other countries for much less. There have been several legislative bills presented, but never passed which would make filing annual taxes a thing of the past. It would require passing a new tax code eliminating most deductions and having people pay the rate based on income and then the IRS send you either a check for overpayment automatically, or a bill at the beginning of the year. It is always shot down due to the tax preparers lobby as Turbo Tax makes BILLIONS off of this nonsense which is completely unnecessary. Just another scam IMO.
  14. Same here except I had to pay the fed $1,200. Prior to this new tax code me and the wife would get back between 2k - 3k yearly between the state and fed, now we always have to pay as most of the deductions we had were reduced to such a low level, or removed completely that I either have to cheat bigtime or take the standard deduction which results in us having to pay. Thanks for nuthin.
  15. Good point, I would think the signatures would be in ink from a ball-point pen
  16. That looks like one seriously contemplative kitty.
  17. Spartacus: Vengance. I love a good rom-com 😉
  18. Late-nite fish tacos, on Swami Beach with a bottle of good tequila, a bon fire, friends, and some green. Sharing good conversation and companionship with the sound of acoustic guitars and bongos in the background. Hearing the waves, feeling the salt water mist on your face, pungent in the air, giving the evening a bit of chill on a cloudless, starry night. While the dogs play in the sand and howl their longing to the moon. Now that's my idea of paradise.
  19. I figure it would be, at $2,400 that's a steal. I looked it up as well and could not find it as if I had I would have bought it.
  20. Only $2,400? That dude on Pawn Stars had an original vinyl Zep I with three signatures on the back and Jimmy's on the front and an expert appraised that at around 10-12k. The appraiser said if all four were together it would have been worth even more for display purposes. Am I missing something?
  21. I used to have this old, chewed up silver tabby named Boo Boo Kitty. Cat's original name was Frank and he did look like a Frank as he was a street cat given to me my a girlfriend. Boo Boo's ears were chewed up from countless catfights and both of his lower fangs were broken off so when he yawned he looked like vampire kitty. Best cat I ever had, he was almost 30lbs of solid muscle and he came and went as he pleased. I would take him out for walks and he would stay right by my side, never strayed regardless of distraction. What was really funny is the neighborhood dogs would run like hell whenever they saw Boo, he was that badass he would go after dogs. Best cat ever, it was crazy as Boo always seemed to know what I was thinking, I never had to say a word to Boo, he just knew what to do. I had Boo for two years when I found him under the bed, smelling bad with a yellow-ish discharge coming out of his nose. I rushed him to the vet who told me Boo was in renal failure and since he was at least 18 years old (vet estimate based on tooth wear) the vet wanted to put him down as a mercy. This was, without a doubt, the absolute most difficult thing I ever did in my life up to that point. I knew Boo was suffering and I knew Boo wanted to go but the thought almost broke me emotionally. Understand, up until Boo I was raised that domesticated animals were just animals, they die, they are just a silly cat / dog, what's the big deal? I found out the big deal as Boo had become trusted companion and friend. I was there when the vet put him down and I took him with me so I could bury him in my backyard. As I was walking to my car a woman came up and said, "awww, your kitty is sleeping?" That was it, I completely broke down, I literally could not speak I just started bawling pretty intensely. Poor woman realized her mistake and started apologizing but I just could not respond, I had to get the hell out of there. And that was one of my first life lessons on the impact of loss. I was only in my mid-20's at the time and had not lost anyone close to me and here a silly cat's passing just crippled me. That was the LAST time I made fun of people who looked at their animals as friends and companions. I learned that lesson the hard way. I have had to put down several animals (dogs & cats) over the years since and it has always been hard. Last time was almost two years ago with our dog Nikki, a 75lbs Golden-Doodle who was just a sweetheart. Saying goodbye to Nikki (she had cancer of the jaw) was devastating. I told my wife no new animals for a good year as I needed time to mourn the loss. My step-daughter then brought us a 6 week old Malti-Poo about a month later and damn was I PISSED! I was incensed with my step-daughter that she would have so little respect for my wishes. Again, another lesson I was gonna learn. That Malti-Poo is now almost two years old and next to my wife & mom is my best friend. She is like a combo of Boo Kitty & Nikki Dog rolled into one amazing companion. Just the best dog ever. Funny thing is I don't like small dogs. Nibbler (that's her name) was only supposed to be around 10lbs but she is 25lbs. of lean, solid muscle with these long legs and can run and move like a damn demon. So thank you Jess for knowing more about me and what I needed than I did. So the lesson of this story is you never stop learning lessons and usually life gives you lessons in things you laugh at, or discount, or think are silly. So next time you ridicule another for whatever reason, thinking you are smarter, better, etc. watch out because life will pimp-slap you right upside the head by making you walk a mile in the shoes of those you ridicule, then, you will learn.
  22. 2 steak dinners? More like four or five, plus two drinks each. My parents were married in 62' and after the wedding, my father took my mother out to one the best restaurants in Manhattan, the 21 Club in the Village. Total bill, soup to nuts including two drinks each was $21, $22.50 with tip. Those were the days
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