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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Night Flight This is an absolute brutal song to try and sing. There are songs where Plant goes higher but the parts of the song where he is pushing his vocal is in a particularly difficult range and key. IMO this is the single most difficult Led Zep song to sing.
  2. No doubt, and this just proves that should we suffer some major interruption of service(s) for more than three days, the affected area(s) would immediately descend into a re-creation of The Road. People have forgotten how to come together, how to help each other when real disasters happen. You take away FEMA and other government supported agencies who help out during disasters and look out. When the controls are removed, welcome to the Thunderdome.
  3. You claim you are not disrespecting the troops yet you post a BS story, 100% false. Way to go, real classy.
  4. Adults in the room? What adults? There are no adults, that's the whole problem. Our civilization has turned into an absurd version of Kindergarten with weapons.
  5. Regarding Jimmy in particular, I just watched a great biopic on Syd Barrett and its pretty amazing how Jimmy modeled his own image after Barrett's. Jimmy started wearing the same style of clothes and adopted the same haircut as Barrett, used the same guitars Barrett was using (Tele & Dan-O), and adopted Barrett's approach to psychedelia. Hell the two even looked very similar. When it comes to Jimmy, I believe the musicians who influenced him the most were Barrett, Peter Green, and Bert Jansch.
  6. The point is the majority of people are little more than grown up children. Give them the truth and they simply cannot handle it most of the time. Lie and they get upset they were lied to. Reminds me of the wife who demands honesty from her husband yet every time he is honest with her she gets upset. Problem is with most people you simply cannot please them. They are too selfish, stupid, and petty. The concept of higher reasoning simply cannot compute.
  7. The whole situation is BS and suppression of facts and evidence but we still need those facts and evidence to come to an educated conclusion. The Chinese have ALWAYS been a closed off nation, was that way long before Mao took over and likely will be that way for some time. Asian's in general do not trust the west as it was the West which caused the Boxer Rebellion, it was the west which forced Japan to open to trade at the point of a cannon. I am not saying what China is doing is correct, its not, but there is a damn good reason why they are doing it as they are (even if innocent) due to historical precedent. IMO best way to approach this is to inform the Chinese govt. to turn over all evidence and allow UN inspectors in. If they refuse we (the West) suspend all trade with China until they comply.
  8. I know, I am a whacky guy, I need facts, not speculation based on possibilities. This means zero, nothing without facts. I shall wait for the facts as that is what thinking, rational humans tend to do.
  9. All nonsense, all bullshit. An asteroid did not kill the dinosaurs, Cthullu did. He was jealous and just kinda went off one day and, no more dinosaurs. Once he saw what he had done he was a saaaaad Cthullu and self-banished himself to the 11th dimension, or a combo Lament Configuration meets the Phantom Zone, where he resides to this day in everlasting torment as a result of shanking Barney.
  10. Apology for what exactly? are you in possession of facts no one else is? This is all speculation, no one at this point knows the origin of COVID-19 and we need to investigate it. Could it be mad-made? Sure. Could it have simply jumped species? Yes indeed. They simply do not know. How about if we all put our big-people pants on, act like adults and investigate, gather evidence, and come to an educated, provable conclusion instead of playing "Um, deeer, lerp. Me thinks virus come from Chinese lab. Me smart. You dumb. My opinion mean true. Deeeerp." Jesus Christ it seems society has devolved to gym class in 7th grade. Whatever happened to facts and evidence before conclusions are drawn?
  11. More like the general population cannot handle the truth. People are too stupid, too reactionary, too willing to discount proven facts in favor of their own opinions. I would not trust the average American too choose a proper appetizer at an Applebee's much less trust them with the truth. The founder's were right about one thing, when they said democracy cannot be trusted to the average citizen, which is why only landowning white guys (about 20% of the population) were allowed to vote initially. I praise their theory, just their execution of the principal sucked.
  12. That could be it or it could be a typical reaction to typical human behaviors. I find most humans to be selfish, ignorant, scared, demanding, and entitled to a degree. As a result our elected leaders do need to keep certain things from the public otherwise a public outcry, or even uprising (see Jan 6th) is very possible. Kinda like how they pretty much refuse to disclose anything about the possibility of alien life. There are some things which are so, unpredictable or "alien" for want of a better term that releasing such info could be more damaging then withholding it. Just like the JFK & MLK assassinations, the truth could lead to god knows what among the citizenry. Now I personally don't think that is 100% the case here, in this instance I believe first and foremost they simply do not know and thus do not want to jump to conclusions like a group of idiot reactionaries. Second, if it was an accidental release from a lab they really don't want that known again due to human nature, assaults against Asians would go through the roof, just like what happened in 79' with the Iran Hostage situation and again on 9-11. As I mentioned, most people are really stupid and cannot differentiate between some random Asian walking down the street and the Chinese government official who was supervising the lab.
  13. Well I know my chip sure does not work. I'm binge-watching a Sid & Marty Krofft best of (Sigmund & the Sea Monsters, Lidsville, HR Puffnstuf, and Land of the Lost) with the sound off while Tom Waits Bone Machine is playing at full volume.
  14. There could be several reasons and most of them on Zep's side of the equation. The Boy's just don't grant licensing for any project which comes along. Think about how long and how many times Zep's music has been allowed to be used in movies, only a handful. I think the reason is the documentary, as the way they seem to look at such thing is, this is their story and theirs alone to tell. Who knows, I am more concerned about an official live release than anything else from the band. C'mon damn it, where is 9-29-71? Where is a best of Earls Court???
  15. That May 3rd 1971 Copenhagen show has got to be in the top 3, everything works, every member bringing 200%, and the energy! The one-two of Four Sticks / Gallows Pole alone is worth a release. I just cannot recall a better live performance by any other band and I have seen and heard my share (disclaimer: not Strider level number of shows but a lot). Its hard to choose a #1 because they had so many good shows, but this one is a serious contender.
  16. He is doing something, he is banging Scarlett like an old screen door while caretaking both the Zeppelin legacy and Tower House. IMO his passion for both is about equal at this point. Page REALLY loves that house and pretty much anything Burges related. He made his statement which cannot be exceeded. If he wants to take on the role of Dumbledore who is to blame him, he earned it. Ps. but PLEEEEASE put out either 9-29-71 Japan, Best of Earls Court, or best of chronological live album. C'mon man, throw us punters a bone.
  17. Sometimes shit really does just happen. However, there sure is a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to the possibility of it being staged. For one the towers were made with sub-standard building materials and was due for both inspections and insurance renewal. Supposedly the owner knew this and knew what the inspections would find. It does make sense that a building which was supposedly designed to handle the impact from a fully loaded, fully fueled 707, pancaked and collapsed. Once the truth about the sub-standard steel came out some of the reasoning for the collapse begins to make sense.
  18. Oh yeah, lots of really good shows in 75'. The new Bloomington release is a revelation, a very good show with a good sounding Plant. That Maryland show from 2-10 is also crazy-good.
  19. Seattle is IMO overrated, its good but I would take both Vancouver dates over Seattle any day.
  20. Keith's dealer was turned by the local police and it was the dealer who tipped off the cops. When they arrived (cops) they let the dealer go and, let him leave with his stash! They only busted the boys. It was crazy the cops got away with that, then again, 1967 UK.
  21. Could be, makes sense as they were really the first band seriously busted for drugs in the 60's. Other bands / musicians had been busted for dope going way back, especially the Jazz musicians but nothing was as public, or caused the stir that the bust at Keith Richards house did in 1967. That was huge at the time, on every newspaper front page. Funny when looking back today that was tame compared to what the punks later did, and nothing compared to what those crazy Scandinavian Black Metal bands were up to.
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