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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Good question, I have no clue but as a 53 year old dude I remember hearing the term back in the mid-70's.
  2. Plus, when rock and roll lived its name was money, sex, & drugs. Kinda like Manbearpig but separated. No single band was soooo good to claim such a lofty title.
  3. BobDobbs


    Two-Buck Chuck at Trader Joe's is the only way to go!!!! Quantity over quality? I think not
  4. Right on Brother, now you too are connected to the vaccinated community via the Bill Gates microchip. If you concentrate REAL hard you can hear the thoughts of all the other vaccinated Americans, however the downside is you are now controlled by Microsoft 🙂 ALL HAIL OUR COMPUTER OVERLORDS!!!
  5. Really? This? C'mon already, enough is enough. What's next, we argue whether Jimmy Page was REALLY 5'10" and not 5'11"? Or maybe that Jones was an Indica man and never touched sativa???
  6. I was really into music from a very early age due to my parents love of big band and 50's rock and roll. We had one of those massive console units that had both a TV & stereo w/ turntable and my parents had a nice record collection they were always playing. Always music in the house. I was the youngest in my family (among siblings and cousins) and that is how I was introduced to contemporary music (this was the early 70's) and that is how I discovered Zep. My cousin Nancy was dragging my 3 year old ass around the newly opened Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg IL when I heard sounds emanating from a record store the likes I had never heard before. It was late fall of 1971 and the store was blasting Communication Breakdown and my wee little mind was overwhelmed with this sonic masterpiece assaulting my ear-holes. On this little sojourn I also heard Funkadelic and the Spinners for the first time, talk about one of the greatest moments of discovery in my life. Of course being only 3 and a three year old in 1971 I said nothing but remembered everything. A couple years later around 73' I was really into Elton John when my brother bought Zep I. First time I heard it I was blown away and of course, Communication Breakdown. That was the real start of my Zeppelin journey, 5 years old. I actually had a semi-third hand interaction with the band during the 1977 tour when I went to a local Chicago restaurant called Febo's on Western Ave. in Little Italy. On Saturday, April 9th my family went to dinner at Febo's when in walks the Chicago Bears cheerleading squad the Honey-Bears. Do you have any idea what happens when a group of Farah Fawcett clones walks into a restaurant and spies a 9 year old kid? A gift from god, that's what happens as they all clamoured around me, pinching me, hugging me, commenting how cute I was ( meh, I was 9, it was all downhill after that), it was heaven!. One of the ladies then commented that I looked like a young Robert Plant (again, I was 9 and blond, she was a cheerleader so) when another girl said, "If he's lucky, when he grows up he will be hung like Robert." The other cheerleaders laughed and asked her how she knew and she answered she had slept with Robert the day before. Well, that was it, with that revelation I was back to no longer existing, the ladies all left, went to their tables, and started gossiping about the various musicians they had been with. So, I was gently fondled by a woman who in turn and been likely rather aggressively fondled by old Robert himself. Life just does not get any better than that, especially for a 9 year old.
  7. Just a joke as your reply sounded like customer service. That's a good thing BTW, its a gift to both be kind and to spread that kindness.
  8. Now TAHT'S what I call service!!!
  9. You got that right my friend. Now time for some Frop with a side of Connie 😉
  10. You know what is not beyond question? All the healthcare workings me and my wife work with on a daily basis who have been dealing with this since day 1. Are they all lying? Are they all part of some conspiracy? If so what's the angle?
  11. That was really bad marketing, calling for defunding the police as the majority did not want defunding but rather a more equitable re-distribution of funding to areas which need it. Yes, there are some loonies who just want all cops gone but those are silly, stupid people. You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater, just because your car breaks down does not mean its time to start it on fire. The fish may rot from the head but the house cannot stand on a poor foundation. It all comes down to training and better psychological screenings for cadets. I think the police forces should not be defunded, instead all of that sweet military equipment they don't need and serve no purpose should be sold off and the proceeds used for better, longer, and more comprehensive training, especially in hand to hand combat which currently is a two hour course in Police Academy, that's it. You teach these cadets how to really handle themselves instead of using a gun and they will be more confident and as a result be less apt to go from a 1 to an 11 at the slightest sign of anything off or the citizen not being 100% respectful. Bring back community policing where the cops patrol the neighborhoods they live in. Cops know the people and the neighborhood, the people know the cops. When the cop who pulls you over knows you, he / she is less likely to get jumpy or cocky and vice versa. The solutions are there and they are actually very easy to implement, they just won't do it. I don't know why as both logically and economically it makes sense. Just think about the hundreds of millions paid out each year by police departments to settle police brutality or unwarranted killings, and police misconduct claims which would be saved. You know, even though I hate most cops and have had nothing but bad experiences with them I am still respectful because I know its a hard job, and it can be a real shit-job. I always hope my next interaction will be with a good cop and one day it may be but the fact is, asking the people who are paid with our tax dollars, who swore an oath to protect the citizenry, to also be well versed and knowledgeable about the laws they are charged to enforce and to not violate peoples basic constitutional rights is not really a big ask. That is actually the bare minimum starting point. Then, how about not hiring a bunch of juiced up whackos with anger management and control issues would be good too. The bar for admittance has been dropped so low that the police forces will accept just about anyone these days. Gang tats on two sleeves, your neck and a teardrop too? Well, since you said you are no longer IN the gang...OK, you're hired! I remember when a major requisite of being a cop was to not have active affiliation in any group or organization which may compromise your position as an officer, plus, even former affiliation in a gang or subversive group would automatically disqualify you, and they checked you out for that shit bigtime back in the day. Now, the question is not even asked.
  12. I do not know one way or the other, nor do you unless you are a certified virologist currently working on the COVID virus. I believe in science, I believe in the experts, it may not be perfect and they too make mistakes but its better than idle speculation.
  13. Well, this was both all over the news and even mentioned in the very thread several times and is indicative of the tail wagging the dog. Just simple logic proves such an idea is silly nonsense. Regarding the efficacy of the vaccine, I agree, long-term protection and possible affects are yet to be determined but this claim can be made about ALL vaccines. The polio vaccine for one has a very storied history starting in 1935 going up to the Cutter Incident of 1955. It was not until 1961 that the polio vaccine and inoculation protocols were in place to properly distribute the vaccine without causing either paralysis or death in certain instances. Even in a best case scenario the mortality rate for the polio vaccine today is around 0.58% which is in line with the mortality rates for the MMR (0.75%) and both are much higher than the mortality rate for the COVID vaccine. Fact is, even the safest medical procedures carry some risk, that's life, and that's the tradeoff.
  14. My favorite conspiracy theory about the vaccine was the whole Bill Gates microchip tracking nonsense. A person has to be a real special kind of stupid to believe in such ridiculousness, but an extra, extra special stupid to post such nonsense from the very cell phone which has been tracking them for years.
  15. Let's be honest here. If the government would gust give everyone who does not want the vaccine a three month free pass to Golden Corral, a 4" lift kit for the peeeek-up, and a month of Oxy the jokers would be beating the shit outta each other to get the vaccine. Hell, Bubba and Ambyr would get the vaccine an extra two or three times just for the Oxy alone.
  16. Just beware of those loathsome cocksuckers at The Gem. A scurrilous lot they are, neither to be trusted nor ignored.
  17. She always got a lot of heat from people, felt sorry for her. After her and Coverdale divorced she went down hill really fast, such a shame.
  18. You and I both as Page had a decent singing voice, especially compared to Jones. Page had a decent singing voice, decent enough for harmony back-up. Bonzo had an excellent singing voice IMO. From what I have heard he had a nice range kinda similar to Roger Taylor (Queen). Never understood why Page & Bonzo did not sing harmony live (Bonzo did for The Ocean), and why Plant never played 2nd guitar (rhythm) live when they so desperately needed a second guitarist, especially from 75' on when the complexity and layering of the songs required at the very least a 2nd guitar player.
  19. I bet that was quite a shock, Zep goes full Newport Jazz fest circa 1958! I have never heard of this before, nothing even close on a Zep release, mispress or not so I would assume you Sir are in possession of a very unique piece of history. Good for you!
  20. Rockbitch - There is just something about naked ladies rocking out on stage that gets me, go figure. Can they play? Who knows, who cares with an act like that 🙂
  21. This is one I had not heard in a good 35+ years...made me smile
  22. Not yet, vaccines mutate until either they learn to co-exist in symbiosis with their host (Herpes is an excellent example), or go dormant or die out if too deadly and kill all the potential hosts. Virus are the ultimate expression of evolution in hyper-fast time. So as it is working its way through humanity, it can go either way, its pretty much random in which direction the cells will mutate so it can very easily learn to adapt to children, but in an inefficient manner as it is not familiar with the host which would make it potentially deadly. Bottom line is virus suck and if we keep burning down, tearing down nature to make way for more parking lots and Ikea furniture, its only a matter of time before some primeval virus from 20 million years ago is unleased upon a world with zero immunity or tolerance then, game over bud. Say ello to my little friend, and goodbye to humanity. If we don't address the cause, the symptoms are gonna kill us.
  23. YTIGC into BMS, how BMS slowly takes over from YTIGC, one song blending into another.
  24. Agree. I am a personal freedom / responsibility kind of guy and the whole vaccine issue, whether it be for COVID or the MMRI people should be free to make their own decisions regarding personal health. People vaccinated are protected, those who choose not to get vaccinated accept the risks and if they catch whatever there is a vaccination for and die, oh well, one more dope removed from the gene pool. I do feel sorry for the children of such people though as they have no choice in the matter.
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