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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Obviously in the mind of the paranoid everything is a conspiracy. B😎
  2. From what I have read they stopped performing Levee because they felt they could not recreate the song well in a live setting at the time. After getting the original demo Levee recording which is slower and very bass dominant with a totally different arrangement I am surprised they did not try it in that vein as part of the acoustic set, especially as that is what they did for the 95'-96' tour.
  3. Ah, thank you, I always mix up the Brussels & Rotterdam shows.
  4. Both warm-up shows (Ahoy) and the American shows up to the 2nd Chicago date had Levee performed. You can YouTube one of the Ahoy performances and the Chicago performance from 1-21-75. Here you go: Ps. Even though it says 1-20 for the Chicago gig it is actually the 21st.
  5. I can tell by the tone on both days compared to others. The Strat has that laser sharp, single coil tone compared to the more ballsy tone of the LP dual-coil humbuckers. Page was never big into using the trem even when his guitars were equipped so the 23rd is a real treat. A Strat is, IMO a more forgiving instrument to play as well compared to a LP. Only real issue with a Strat in 75' was this is pre-Floyd Rose and locking nuts so going full EVH on one is not recommended unless you are someone like Hendrix who could both play AND re-tune his guitar mid song. This is why I figure Page never really went hog wild (along with most of his contemporaries) with a trem when playing live.
  6. So let me get this straight, I ask a question in a polite manner, then ask for clarification on what is essentially an opinion and not factual as posted, am replied to in a rude manner and yet somehow I am the bad guy? Then you accuse me of being someone I am not as well. This is really silly. I feel like I am back in jr. high with all the immaturity and general bullying attitude toward those which simply ask questions you don't like. Its a forum, lighten up.
  7. Agree however Jimmy's solos on both May 18th & the 23rd are otherworldly. His use of the Strat those two times makes one wonder why he did not continue to use the Strat for both OTHAFA & NQ. Jimmy is no slouch on March 25th, he is a man possessed but I still prefer those two EC dates in regard to Jimmy but only by a slight edge. For me I agree that with all things considered March 25th is one of the best versions, everything comes together so perfectly.
  8. An early 20th century composer named Gustav Holst composed a piece called The Planets between 1914-16 which was broken up into different themes based on the Greco / Roman mythology of those planets. Mars (the bringer of war) is the section being referred to here. Jimmy adopted Mars and other sections of the Planets for both the live D&C and also the progression of Friends borrows heavily from Holst. Holst wrote his suite in response to WWI.
  9. What on Earth are you talking about? The bill passed the house and is in committee in the Senate, it has not passed much less been implemented. Talk about spin! BTW I NEVER made this political but you sure did. Hypocrite
  10. I was simply asking a question, if you cannot answer it no need to be rude. Fact is you are wrong, there is no $0.60 tax which was added. Just because the price of gas goes up does not mean it is because of some imaginary tax you crow about. There are several factors which cause these increases and in this case tax has nothing to do with it. At least not at the federal level. Whatever the state does tax wise has nothing to do with the Fed. Peace out Mr. Happy
  11. So is there or is there not an actual $0.60 tax which was added in January? Your response was nebulous at best.
  12. Howdy Reids. I did not see the part about an additional $0.60 tax added, can you direct me to that please as I likely just missed it. Thank you Sir
  13. The 73' European Tour was Jimmy's zenith. His playing at this show is phenomenal with perhaps the best D&C ever. Prince said Page played in three dimensions, at this show he included the fourth as well.
  14. I really liked George. Remember seeing him and Timothy Bottoms in Rollercoaster when it first came out (Sensurround, nice!) plus the original Fun with Dick & Jane, much better than that horrible remake.
  15. The Elf-Man is beyond such petty contrivances. The man is a warrior of Jesus warning us of the evils of Satanic pizza and the Devil Vaccine. No time for jokes Dr. Jones 🙂
  16. NOOOOOOO! Don't do it!!! I hear it is the mark of the beast, Satan's taint-sweat, with a Bill Gates microchip thrown in as well. Good news is since the microchip was made by Gates it will likely crash and cease working within 30 seconds of implantation. Satan needs better partners.
  17. Then there are the live versions of both songs which rock but with light and shade. Such a missed opportunity they only did GP live a handful of times as the version I heard from the Copenhagen show (along with Four Sticks) is both blazing and different. Really liked the live arrangements of all three songs.
  18. Serious as a QAnon supporter with a pizza and a conspiracy theory! IMO there were a few bands in the late 60's through the 70's which tried to blend the prog rock approach of King Crimson and Yes but more accessible to the masses. Deep Purple & Uriah Heep both fall into this category but the difference is Deep Purple never got beyond the pretentiousness of the Prog side (with Blackmore in the band) whereas Uriah Heep did. IMO Uriah Heep's music is more accessible and the band just grooves much better than DP which live comes off as a competition between Jon Lord & Ritchie Blackmore. Both Rush and Judas Priest also fall into this hybrid category and both were also more successful insofar as accessibility. Just to be clear, the guys in Deep Purple are all class A musicians at the top of their game, you get no argument from me there but collectively their music was just not as appealing to me melodically or rhythmically as Uriah Heep's music was.
  19. Halleluiah!!! Oh Myyyyyyyy!
  20. Maybe it's because of all the hootch I down. Could be increasing the octane content 🙂
  21. Guy is an idiot and was 100% wrong in his assessment which I believe was his long-winded justification for just hating improvisation. He wanted the solo note for note, anything less and this dude shits himself. Typical shredder response, all technique and no feel, no improv, no DICE!
  22. I take a piss in my gas tank after each fill up. My car has never run better 😉
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