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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Well, yeah, that too. Wonder if he is buried in Kansas?
  2. Sounds like the guy watched one too many sci-fi movies. Your DNA cannot be altered as an adult outside of removing a compromised section (gene therapy), plus a virus has no DNA, virus are RNA only and barely qualify as a form of life. Prions which cause Creutzfeldt/ Jacob Disease (mad cow disease) is a Prion based infection which has neither DNA or RNA and is almost impossible to destroy (only temps in excess of 1,500 degrees will destroy a Prion) has science baffled. Is it alive? What is it? Either way, nothing can alter a persons DNA outside of removing a damaged section however environmental factors can damage your DNA which could lead to disease. So no, it is impossible for an RNA vaccine to affect ones DNA
  3. In the states it is pretty much all the same, just marketing gimmicks and and easily duped consumers. I used to drive a truck back in the late 90's and one gig was for a fuel distribution hub, that's where I learned its all the same stuff. Sunoco, Texaco, Aarco, etc. all pull up to the exact same pipe and get the exact same gas / diesel. Now when they get to their own hub they may add additives or increase the octane but the gas itself is all the same. The only real difference is if the octane is higher as the additives literally do nothing. Marketing is king and a fool and his / her money are soon parted. At least in the States.
  4. I know I am gonna get seriously flamed for this but here goes. Always liked Deep Purple but only a few of their songs, most of the rest are just forgettable IMO. Never had or even listened to Made in Japan so I decided to buy it as this album is constantly talked about as one of the best live albums out there. Well, I was rather disappointed. So yes, a few songs were good but the majority were just meh and I thought the performance as a whole was just lacking something I cannot put my fingers on. The performance itself was a good one but it was still missing something. The other issue I had with the album was Ian Gillan. The guy can sing without a doubt but his ad libs and screams are just annoying. So that's my take. For me an example of a great live album is J. Giles Band Blow Your Face Out, or The Allman Bros. Live at the Filmore. I will not mention any Zep live albums as I am just too biased and think all their official live releases blow everyone else away but my view is less than objective. Always thought Uriah Heep was a better band overall than Deep Purple. Those two were very similar overall in approach and direction.
  5. Both my wife and mother have enthusiastically received the "mark of the beast" on Wednesday. First mark for the wife, second mark for me mum. HAIL SATAN! HAIL GEORGE SOROS OUR BELOVED OVERLORD!!! or Bezos, or Gates, or whichever Golem de jour is in vogue now.
  6. Yaphet Kotto just passed. Another great character actor gone. RIP.
  7. I think this is a smashing good idea, a dead RBG is better than a living ACB
  8. YUMMY!!! I mean the lady, cake looks ok (more of a Bunt man myself). Hmmmm, mmmmmm, gooood 🙂
  9. I like cake, shit, I really want a piece of cake now. Damn it!
  10. Got mine this morning, direct deposited. It was a good morning 🙂
  11. Gas price increases are due to what happened in Texas and bad weather in general causing damage to refineries and distribution hubs. Just an FYI as facts are important. Ps. There is no difference in the quality of gas from on station or provider to the next. Chevron, Texaco, Valeo, etc. all pull their trucks up to the same place and load the same fuel. The only "difference" is some places do put additives in their gas but the additives actually do little to nothing, its all marketing.
  12. Those are two of my favorite character actors. Maybe they can get Buscemi for season 4 as the god Mercury or something?
  13. American Gods, Ian McShane is a BEAST as Mr. Wednesday, Crispin Glover is his usual quiet yet crazy / menacing self as Mr. World. Pablo Schreiber chews every scene he is in like its his last meal. The whole cast is terrific for such a unique show.
  14. Well, on the bright side you got a fabulous workout.
  15. Well, from the OP it looks like Jimmy spends his days admiring Scarlet while she models the homes drapes in various poses. Au chante' mademoiselle 😉
  16. Freaks & Geeks, why this show only had one season when 24 had nine makes no sense. 24 was a really crappy show, same story over and over again.
  17. Those Nazi rat bastards! How dare they pull my Dave Chappelle vidie!!! It was the "birdshot-buckshot" skit. Thought it was rather appropriate under the circeumstance.
  18. Hey there my friend, a little moisture is always a good thing in the Valley. We got about a foot of snow so far with more on the way. I almost popped a nut shoveling. Jesus Christ!
  19. BTW, great stuff, you really get into the nuts and bolts and then some. Certain songs are like a Caravaggio in their detail and attention to subtlety. Other songs are like stick figures made by a four year old with a broken hand. Levee is without a doubt a Caravaggio.
  20. Those are two sweet looking bikes my friend.
  21. It's always the scammers and jackasses who ruin it for legitimate people who need these animals. All they need is a law that says all service animals, including emotional support animals must be professionally trained and certified as such with a current license or whatever. If your psychologist / psychiatrist writes a scrip for such an animal, just like a doctor can do, then your insurance minus deductible should burden the cost.
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