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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. What? You didn't hear? One of the possible side affects of the Moderna vaccine is exploding butthole. Brought to you courtesy of the "deep state." Where is that confounded pizza?
  2. Uh oh. Your post is going to go completely over his head as the man has no sense of sarcasm or humor. Mark my words, a completely tone-deaf explanation will follow.
  3. I never heard Plant slag Coverdale until the mid-80's which I think may be because up until the early 80's, Whitesnake did not try to sound like a Zeppelin clone, they were pretty good up until Slide it In where they started to take on a very Zeppelin-esque vibe. When the title track came out along with Slow & Easy most people I knew thought these were tunes off a Robert Plant solo album or a re-formed Zeppelin. Though Whitesnake did start sounding like Zeppelin I don't know why Plant would be upset or insulting toward Coverdale as IMO it is a compliment, plus David seems a genuinely nice fellow. Daltrey & Plant have been friends for decades and there are countless pictures of the two together.
  4. Right on to you, Mrs. Walter, and jr!!! This is how we beat this thing!!!
  5. Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce, Pete Townshend, and Keith Richards were pretty dismissive of Zeppelin. Ironic as their band members seemed either fine with Zep or were good friends with Zep. Clapton was of course friends with Page, all of The Who except for Townshend were friends with Zep, and the other Stones were also friendly with Zep. Regarding the Beatles, McCartney, Harrison, and Ringo were all friends of Zep and Harrison & Ringo in particular hung out with the Zep boys frequently. Never heard anything from Lennon regarding Zep one way or the other.
  6. Hair on the human body. Why do we still have it? Why does the hair on ones head either thin out or fall out as we age? Why does thick, coarse hairs then decide to sprout out of ones nose & ears? Why? Does any of this make any sense? I need to speak with the chaps in product development as the human body must have been made on a Monday after an all you can drink wedding reception & Quinceanera, ending with everyone dropping acid Sunday night.
  7. ALL HAIL BOB Connie's pretty hot too and triple your money back if not satisfied! Connie NOT included (unless you send an extra $5 then Connie included)
  8. I tried that once to pay for some Prince tickets but I barely made enough for half-drunk cup of McDonald's coffee. Hardest $0.10 I ever made!
  9. Went to the dispensary today and bought some Chronic. What can I say, I am easy 😉
  10. Reminds me of the last time I saw George Clinton and Parliament in concert in 2006. I had more fun on the outdoor volleyball court drinking than watching the show. 2006 Parliament was nowhere near 1981 Parliament NY show (last time I saw them before the 2006 show).
  11. and that's the rub, we willingly give our privacy away daily just for a bit on conceived convenience. The powers that be learned they don't need to force anything on us, subjugate us, or overtly control us ala 1984. Its all marketing baby and we lap it up, or rather most people do.
  12. Starbucks and most coffee shops are a rip off. I always brew my own and save the loot.
  13. Black Yuban? Classy. Hells bells man, toss a couple teaspoons of Folgers in a dirty mug, add water and away I go! If it was good enough for the hobos, its good enough for me 😉
  14. I agree that no one should have to take the vaccine against their will. Not my problem if they die via ignorance, eliminate the dopes from the gene pool. The whole tracking thing is just silly, as in super duper silly and super-super duper stupid. Got a cell phone? Computer? Car made after 2013? TV made after 2014? Smart Appliance and on and on and on??? We are all being tracked, catalogued, categorized, and lobotomized and with all that the government has found out two very important things. One, the overwhelming vast majority of people are really boring, and two, they are very easy to control and manipulate. Fact is, the war is over and we lost. Uh oh, gotta go. Those pesky black helicopters are hovering overhead and the chem-trail planes are on the way. I know I left my tinfoil hat around here somewhere?
  15. or fellas running around Lake Michigan sporting only a cod-piece on New Years Day, looking for a hole in the ice to jump in. Wacky Chicagoans
  16. Nomadland was a truly great movie and a testament to the times in which we live. Kinda like a Grapes of Wrath lite in a manner but nowhere near as overtly political as GoW. Have to agree with your assessment of Liz Taylor in Cleopatra. I never found her the least bit attractive. In her adult years she always had a bit, if not more of the alcoholic bloat plus she almost always had that bitchy look on her face. When she was in her late 20's she looked more like a woman in her early 40's. Funny as the perfect person to play Cleopatra from an accurate, historical perspective would likely be Tilda Swinton or another androgynous looking woman like Asia Kate Dillon. The real Cleopatra was not very attractive, could have passed for a male, and had a rather large nose. Supposedly her big draw was her wit, cunning, and overall intelligence.
  17. It would not surprise me if the owners of The Forum made you an honorary contributor for all the time you spent there. I figure more than one band you saw tossed a few groupies at you as well for your support as it appears you helped finance Plumpton Place among other musicians swag.
  18. and a full, comprehensive review of each one including 6 x 9" glossy photos with notation on the back 😊
  19. Holy crap, you saw The King in 72'? That must have been one hell of a show. Good for you Strider, looks like you saw some amazing shows.
  20. You get no argument from me. I wish we were back in the days when facts mattered more than reinforcing ones opinions. When that jackass in Atlanta killed those people I think it took about 12 hours to find out from his friends that he was no a racist but a religious nut. If it would have been Betty Crocker yankie his crankie at a massage parlor he would have taken her out along with Betsy Ross. The Atlanta shooting was a textbook case of a loon with a gun motivated by his twisted religious beliefs. The questions no one is asking in this whole violence against Asians thing is the biggest perpetrators of that violence, the violence which goes unreported, is by fellow Asians. If people think the Mexican Coyotes are bad they have nothing on the Asian version of the same thing. I actually stopped frequenting several restaurants when I found out what was going on. Between Chinese restaurants, nail salons, and the massage parlors, these are used as front businesses for human trafficking. They bring these girls over and these girls then have to work as indentured servants until their debt is paid off however it is almost impossible to pay off that debt. They don't allow them to learn English, they live in apartments owned by the traffickers, and anything they eat plus rent is added to the bill. Just go into a nail salon for example. None of the ladies there speak English and there is always a man or woman in charge doing all the talking. Then try and tip them. As soon as you place tip in hand the "manager" runs up and takes it and if you say anything they say, "oh we just keep until end of shift," smile and quickly disappear. The police allow this to happen, the feds, everyone. There is the real tragedy, a sick, twisted game of David Copperfield level illusion. Look over here at the wee bunny while we slip an elephant by you.
  21. I WISH someone had given Herr Hitler and his buddies some nice bud. Could have avoided the whole WWII thing. In fact, Hitler could have shared his ganga with Mussolini, Stalin, and Hirohito while he was at it. Instead of millions dead the late 30's & early 40's could have been remembered with the fondness of a 1971 Coke commercial. Just imagine these clowns mellowed out and singing a four part harmony on a Bavarian hillside about the joys of the Chronic.
  22. Crickets? Are you serious? I just put on the news and it was all over the place. This guy is getting just as much coverage as the Atlanta shooting. I do agree the media is placing cart before horse with the Atlanta shooting and anti-Asian spin. The guy was a Jesus loon, that was his problem. Instead of making this a racial thing, which IMO it was not, they should be calling out the true issue, religious fundamentalism and the destruction such stupid beliefs can have. This guy is no different than a Jonestown cult member. The Boulder shooter appears to have just been plain old shithouse-rat crazy. He was Syrian by birth but reports say he was not a practicing Muslim. The guy had been on FBI's radar for some time due to his crazy--ass behaviors so IMO the failure here was that this loon was somehow able to get a gun (purchased a week prior to the shooting) even though he was on the FBI watch list.
  23. This I don't understand as I have my MM card and when I first went to purchase at a dispensary around 2017 I was floored by how cheap it was compared to the streets. An ounce of high quality weed (24%thc) set me back all of $40 whereas an ounce of dirt weed on the streets cost around $50 - $70. Medical weed I find is much cheaper than street weed and much better quality. Now that recreational weed is allowed in my state its pretty crazy, lines out the door and long wait times unless you get there right when they open which is what I do now. As a cardholder I can also pre-order and pick up at a separate window for a much shorter wait time. The main difference between having a medical card vs. purchasing without is tax. If you have a medical card there is no tax so it is about 50% cheaper vs. without a card.
  24. The funny part is such tech is actually useless because our eyes cannot even perceive detail at that level. If you have 4k you are good to go because that is the highest resolution the human eye can distinguish, anything higher just looks like 4k to us anyway. Man, I am happy with my 1080p TV I bought in 2007.
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