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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Hi Steve, Can you send me a link as well please... Thank you sir
  2. I would SO date her. I would just tell her I am secret DPRK spy and she must date me for the morale of the people as I do very dangerous spy job for Lil' Kim 🙂
  3. I have always been partial to Koreans, most likely because they REALLY know how to party and are very kind and giving yet outspoken and rowdy. I have dated four Koreans and my biggest mistake was not marrying #4. She was amazing, I was a fool.
  4. You know, that's a damn good idea Steve. Actually, if it were up to me I would go one step further and require anyone who wants to register to vote to pass a basic civics test...that goes for the dopes running for office as well.
  5. Indeed, and it should be voting over a three day period with the actual ballot totals not announced until all ballots are counted. No news crawl say this state is reporting this, that state is reporting that. Nope. There is no reason we need to know the day of, or the morning after the election. Why rush when inauguration is 2 1/2 months after the election? Like JTM said, every year we should re-register to vote and then just show up or mail in your ballot. For those like your dad, if they do not have the capacity to vote themselves, then someone cannot vote for them, even a spouse. Better safe than sorry. Regarding ballot harvesting, that should only be allowed by state workers of the Sec. of States office to collect and there should be plenty of people hired by the state to do that if not enough are available. But I agree, ballot harvesting should not be done by a 3rd party but only the state. Hell, we pay our taxes, they can hire some folk to collect the ballots if necessary.
  6. No worries, they can't tell us apart either
  7. BTW, that naked woman on the cover is none other than Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Cassandra Peterson.
  8. I have always loved the marathon tunes. When I was living in Chicago (almost 30 years ago) in the winter I would go to a tanning place after work and play Dazed & Confused from TSRTS as it was the perfect length for my tan. I also used to love and listen to the marathons on the beach, just chillin with a Pina Colada, a sidecar of Tequila, and a nice spliff. Nothing like that combo while watching the sun set on the Coronado Beach.
  9. All I know is those Emmanuel movies in the late 70's early 80's with Sylvia Kristel, holy sweet Jesus! Talk about walking sex. Sylvia was the embodiment of teenage angst!
  10. Now we know how they make the "brown sauce."
  11. What would stop you is when your dead fathers ballot was received it would be flagged and you would get a not so friendly knock on your door that's what would happen. Why? Because the secretary of state has the deceased listed in a database which cross-references with all ballots cast. Most people are not aware of it but dead people cannot vote even if a ballot is mailed to them. Ironically it is literally one hand not knowing what the other is doing until the counting begins. Stupid yes bust seriously, if you or anyone else tries this you will get in serious trouble. I know this because I was joking with a friend at dinner who works for the sec of state in my state and told me about this. Believe me, they have more info on you, me, the dead, etc. than we think. Unless a machine is hacked or, there is an inside job at the highest levels in a state, voter fraud is pretty much impossible. The fact people still think this is a thing in an era where your whereabouts are known 24/7, where they know every little thing you do (for the most part) through your purchasing habits. Then you have cameras everywhere, toll booths which use tracking, etc. The privacy ship sailed a LONG time ago. I tell ya, its hard to be a pimp these days
  12. With two you get eggroll
  13. They did not play All My Love in 79', only In the Evening & Hot Dog were played but otherwise the 79' setlist was one of the best setlists of their career. The two warm up shows in Copenhagen (July 23rd & 24th) were both excellent shows but the 24th is the best of the two. Both of these shows blow away the Knebworth performances two weeks later. The only real mistake Jimmy makes is during Misty Mountain Hop on the 23rd. Have no idea what happened but it almost sounds like Jimmy either dropped the guitar or got his hand caught in the strings during the solo. But that show the next day on the 24th is stellar with Jimmy playing as if it were 73' again. If you have not heard the 79' shows you are in for a real treat regarding those two Copenhagen dates.
  14. I got the COVID right after Thanksgiving. This was 100% my fault as we had our son, his GF, our daughter and my mom over. My son & GF appeared to have had it and did not develop symptoms until the day after they left. I became symptomatic a week later and I can say it sucked. My symptoms were not really flu like as I always get a sore throat, followed by body ache and fatigue plus a general overall crappiness with the flu. This shit I started with a horrendous headache at the back of my head which slowly migrated forward over the course of three days. This was followed by fatigue I have never experienced before, severe joint pain in my knees and ankles, and neuropathy in my left foot. The whole thing lasted about 3 days (when I get the flu its 1 to 2 days max) and then poof, gone. Unfortunately exactly a week after the symptoms had gone away the whole thing came back with round 2 right before Christmas. After that 3 days of hell I have been fine, recovered with no lingering affects, or at least none which I am aware of. Just an FYI, I am a 52 year old guy in excellent health otherwise, work out every day and eat right (no land animal meat or dairy) so I was rather surprised. Then again my son and his GF are in the same boat but younger (son is 25 as is his GF) and were also hit hard but recovered quickly. Interestingly neither my wife, Mom, or daughter got it, or, were asymptomatic and my Mom is 78 and overweight while my daughter has PTOC and is slightly underweight. This really is a strange virus.
  15. Thanks for the advice Steve, I will let my friend know. Regarding them there Chinese, I sadly have to agree. A college buddy of mine married a Chinses national back in 92' and man did she and her family take him for a ride. My friend is fluent is over 11 languages (that's his thing, really good with languages and was in Air Force Intelligence) including Mandarin & Cantonese so the linguistic and cultural aspects were no problem. What came as a shock is how xenophobic and prejudice many Chinese are. Its not like they hate white people, they hate anyone not 100% Chinese. She married him to to make it easier for her and her family to come to America so they could open a Chinese restaurant and talk shit about all the non-Chinese customers all day. According to my friend who visited China on several occasions he said as bad as race relations can be in America, we are all kumbaya here compared to China. They don't have those "re-education camps" just for Chinese dissenters.
  16. Even though I lived in SoCal for several years back in the late 80's - early 90's I never surfed. More of a swimmer as surfing takes skill and balance, two things I am in short supply when it comes to sporting activities. Figured if I tried it I would be the schmuck who drowns in 2" of water after wiping out on a baby wave.
  17. Great tune, Eddie Rabbit was one hell of a good song writer.
  18. as it should be. I have a friend who owns a security company and about a year ago some jackass was crossing the street, not in a crosswalk, at 2am during heavy rain. The guy jumped out in front of the company car one of his employees was driving and his employee struck and killed the guy. His employee was clean, no drugs or booze. Can you guess what happened, I bet you can. Dead guys family sued my friends company. Friend wanted to fight it but his insurance company said no way and settled, paid the family over 2 million dollars and then turned around and doubled his rate. Crazy, just crazy. No way my friends company should have been held liable. Its bad enough the driver has to live with, oh wait, I almost forgot. That driver sunk into a deep depression (typical after killing another human) and lasted three whole months before killing himself over the grief.
  19. 18 degrees, 3' of snow and it will be coming down all day.
  20. With the new boot remasters and fan remasters of LA 77' I am sure Jimmy could easily make a worthy official release of a best of LA 77'. I would really like to see a cleaned up July 24th 79' Copenhagen with a possible official release as it is one of the best shows they played.
  21. Now that's what I call sheeple
  22. Goodbye De'lenn. We all come together in the same place at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you in a little while, in the place where no shadows fall.
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