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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. and one day you will get your wish. The real kick in the balls would be Jerry Garcia greeting you at the pearly gates with a big grin and, "welcome my son, come on in, the Dead concert is about to begin. They made us the house band up here. Groovy baby"
  2. There ya go Strider, just buy cat food, problem solved 😉
  3. Correct, he will likely announce his run for 2024 in an effort to milk it for his new reality show. Trump is leaving the WH but he is going nowhere insofar as his presence is concerned.
  4. I believe it was naked ladies goofing off. There is also another cheeky pic from this photo session where old Robert has his nickers down and his frank & beans are hanging loose for all to see.
  5. The only song I don't like on the album is Rock and Roll because Robert did not warm up his voice before hand. I remember seeing TSRTS for the first time in a movie theatre in 1983 and when Robert croaked out the opening lines to RnR I thought something was wrong with the audio. It sounded nothing like RP. This was before I bought my first boot and was not aware of his vocal problems live from late 72' - 75'. Its kinda funny to look back and remember most Zeppelin fans had no idea Plant had lost his higher register after 72' and really suffered in 75'. Though my favorite tunes from TSRTS are, in order: No Quarter, TSRTS/RS, D&C, CD, SIBLY, STH, WLL, The Ocean.
  6. Happy Birthday Mr. Jones. The man who was the glue for Zeppelin.
  7. I believe Strider is referring to canned goods such as soup, veggies, chili, etc. In the States most of those need a can opener but some of the higher end products come in glass jars with twist off lids. Personally, I like to open those with a gun too. That way I am reducing calories due to spillage, however, the glass or metal fragments in me food can be a real bummer. Ouch!
  8. Ahhhh, learn something new every day. Thanks cubby
  9. JPJ channeling Ray Manzarek? BTW, good review. Maybe a review of the 71' European gigs? I really dig the Copenhagen show in 71'.
  10. No doubt. BTW, I loved that late 70's early 80's rock & new wave stuff before it became lame. The return of sax and layered arrangements was pretty good IMO. Plant, Talking Heads, B-52's, Elvis Costello, the Cars, Human League, ABC etc. was an extension of what Roxy Music had been doing since the early 70's. Roxy Music were the pioneers of that style of music. Great time to be alive.
  11. You bet, and when he did he followed the motto "go big or go home." Alig and two of his friends had been high AF for days on end, no sleep, no food when they invited this small time dealer / club kid over because they believed he ripped them off. When the guy, named Angel BTW, arrived they proceeded to bludgeon him with a hammer and then inject drain-o into his vein to make sure he was dead (autopsy showed he was very much alive when they injected him with the drain-o). They then stuffed him in a closet and eventually put him in a large suitcase (I believe, not sure) and dumped him in the East River. His body, in the suitcase washed up on shore where his remains were discovered. Alig was a malignant narcissist, however the guy was quite fascinating. Kinda reminded me of a gay Ted Bundy in interviews.
  12. You just don't know quality when you see it. The only thing missing is the Ripple. Damn, only the good die young:
  13. Thanks Porgie, I will be checking them all out. Keep up the hard but rewarding work
  14. Hey, what's with the dude from Blue Oyster Cult playing sax?
  15. If you like absinthe there are several brands made in France & the US which use the original Pernod recipes. Most you can get at Total Wine or Bevmo though you may have to order them. Average cost is around $60 a bottle for the good stuff. As an occasional absinthe drinker a bottle will last me a good year.
  16. I know this ain't whiskey but had to post. Found a new go to drink called a Green Beast. It is 1oz absinthe, 1oz simple syrup, 1oz lime juice, 4oz ice water and three cucumber slices. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how well lime juice tames the overwhelming star anise and other herbals within the absinthe. This is a really good drink and extremely refreshing too which are two descriptors I thought I would never use in the same sentence as absinthe . BTW, I altered the reciept slightly for my own tastes: 1.5oz absinthe and 2oz of ice water, everything else the same proportions. The absinthe I used was Jade 1901 which is the only absinthe I can stomach.
  17. Made me happy: 2020 is over Woke up (like Ledzepfan1977) to my stimulus money in the bank account. So far, so good. Now let's stop F-ing up the vaccine roll out, get everyone poked and lets get back to a somewhat sense of normality. I figure the new normal once everyone has been vaccinated will be the wearing of masks and social distancing in the winter, but warmer months no mask. I wonder how this is affecting the porn and escort businesses????
  18. One of Mick's. The most unusual guitar Jimmy played on-stage with Zeppelin was the Gibson RD Artist he played MMH on at the two Knebworth dates in 79'. No idea why he used it as it did nothing for the song. Plus, they were not very good guitars. Expensive as hell due to all the silly electronics it had but not a good tone. Gibson only made them from 77' - 81' when they were discontinued because no one liked them.
  19. Dude, that's YOU! You're amazing, really talented and humble too. Just fantastic drumming and that turnaround at 1:37 is damp impressive. Keep rockin Porgie!!! Happy New Year!!!
  20. Michael Alig (Club Kid, murderer) died of a heroin overdose on Christmas. If not familliar with Alig and the Club Kid scene of the late 80's and early 90's, check it out. Pretty fascinating and horrifying stuff. Alig was a real piece of work, just a garbage human being. Only posting this because of his influence over a whole generation of NY kids and for people to know what happens when a malignant narcissist is given the keys to the kingdom so to speak.
  21. Damn this horrible year! Dawn Wells was quite the dish and a very nice woman as well. RIP Dawn
  22. We had one built at our last home we lived in. Interesting process watching it being done, the inspections, etc. and once finished its a real treat. Good for you Walter 🙂
  23. In the process of re-fi myself but it is still a hard swallow that these companies charge (in our case) 8k+ just to write a check and take over a loan. The woman I talked to even had the ovaries to tell me she was going to waive the appraisal fee as a bonus. Give me a break! The loan to value ratio on my home is .3 to 1 which nowhere near requires an appraisal. Anyway, it will save two years of payments but still, 8k+ is highway robbery for doing so little. I remember when a refi cost around 2.5k and that was only a few years ago.
  24. Another good one from Bonzoloeum (who is a hoot) is Hots on for Nowhere. One of the hardest drum tracks to play and showcases not only how damn good Bonzo was but the SWING. Wow!
  25. There are at least two drummers on YouTube who do a bunch of Bonzo's tracks and the two I have seen are damn good drummers. Just saw Bonhamology do Candy Store Rock which is a real pain to play, especially the turnarounds. Bonzoleum is also quite good.
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