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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. We really need to change the national anthem from the Star Spangled Banner to America the Beautiful. I believe it almost happened in 79' but Reagan nixed it once he got in. Reason being, SSB is about the Battle of Baltimore, does not make much sense, and is written to the music of an old English drinking song. Plus, there is the problem that as originally written, the song required a chorus of voices, not one as very few people have the register to sing it properly. America the Beautiful makes more sense. Words & music written by an American woman, not difficult to sing, and it is all about the good things American without being boastful. Just my $0.02 worth.
  2. Depends on the waitress. If she is a 70 year old grandma built like a Russian peasant from 1890 forget it, no tip for her simply by exposing me to the horrors of her 70 year old pancake titties. Now if she is say a 30ish to 50ish honey in halfway decent shape, I give her lap dance tip. Of course no one in that age cohort, in that sort of shape has ever graced me with a tittie rub, accidental or otherwise 😞
  3. Ouch! But in all fairness, she was the best thing to happen to Lennon. People blame her for the breakup of the Beatles when in fact she likely kept them intact for an additional two years by controlling John's impulses. Lennon had been an abusive twat prior to Yoko, she changed that aspect of him to a degree and acted as the voice of reason he never had before. Artistically she is not my cup of tea but as a human being I liked her more than Lennon.
  4. Uncle Ted is a great guitar player, in my top 10. As a human detached from his Birdland though, forget it. What a hypocrite. Tells people drinking and drugs are for losers then is on video during an interview drinking beer. Is 100% for engaging in foreign wars for other people to fight even though he dodged the draft for Vietnam in one of the most chickenshit ways possible. I just cannot take a single word out of his mouth seriously
  5. I concur! While various sea life is evolving towards becoming crabs and dolphins and whales are about one tuna away from sentience, our primate brothers & sisters are just sitting on their asses, eating bananas, jerking off, and throwing poo. Oh FFS, talk about lazy! If we can teach them to be just slightly more intelligent than Qanon supporters in the lab, what seems to be the problem in the wild? Lazy bastards I tell ya.
  6. Why does Linda have a mustache? Interesting.
  7. We're off to the witch, we may never never never come home! Saw him on that tour (85' I believe?). What a show. Great singer, great performer, and a truly nice and kind guy.
  8. Loved that movie, it came out in my freshman year of HS', 1982 so it was quite relatable. The Last American Virgin really pissed me off at the time because it was kinda the story of my life (the virgin guy who gets shit on). I was super small for my age and looked about 10 years old in my freshman year so, so love for me. I did not grow until my senior year, went from 5'3" in 1984 to almost 6' by 85'. Talk about awkward and my mom was pissed because she thought she was going to have to pay for all the new clothes. I had a job at the local Alpha Beta bagging groceries and getting shit on by the manager so I told me mum no worries, I can buy my own clothes. That made momma happy 🙂 I had such a crush on Jennifer Jason Leigh, still do in fact. Now she is an odd duck in real life. Married once, briefly and has one kid, lives alone with her dog and kid and just reads all day. Saw an interview where she said she is a serious introvert, does not like to be around people except while acting. Still think she is the bees knees though. I remember when Fast Times came out and all the reviewers were having a hissy-fit saying the movie was exploitive, misogynistic, etc. and all my friends were just dumbfounded by this. At least for me and my friends Fast Times was a very accurate portrayal of HS life for middle and upper-class white kids. As in spot-on accurate. You cannot reflect society and then have others judge you for an accurate reflection. Of course it was exploitive and misogynistic because that was what it was like at the time.
  9. Good for you! I cut the cord back in 2012 and never looked back. First I used Roku and an antenna for local stations. Now I have a smart TV so no need for Roku. Total bill for streaming is $50 and that includes Hulu (no commercials) + HBO & Showtime, and Netflix. I also have Amazon Prime but as that includes the store and shipping I don't include that but if I did it would break down to another $5 a month. So $55 a month total compared to over $200 with DirectTV back in 2012 and I have more stuff now than on cable. Cable companies can suck my....
  10. it would have to be to accommodate that nasty beastie which livith under the waves.
  11. Just curious, if someone broke into your house with a bunch of other armed people, would you first give a warning shot? Also, what exactly was she unaware of? If I decided to storm a building, any building with a group of crazed, armed people I would without a doubt expect a very high probability of getting shot and killed as a result. To be perfectly honest, I am very surprised this did not end with serious bloodshed as I figured anyone storming the capitol building under any circumstance would result in getting shot. BTW I am not taking any sides here as I honestly would expect ANYONE, BLM, Antifa, The Backstreet Boys, or anyone or group who stormed a government building in such a manner would get shot as a result. If BLM would have pulled this kind of stunt and say a few dozen were shot and killed as a result, well, I would expect that and would think they were stupid and what did they expect. It does not matter who did such a stupid action, it was a very stupid and is completely indefensible. Now a police officer has dies as a result which brings the total dead to five. Five people who should be alive today if this action had not been incited by several people.
  12. Jimmy only spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 days total at Boleskine during the whole time he owned the place. Boleskine was just an expensive occult collectible for all intent and purpose.
  13. You mean unarmed insurrectionist who stormed the capitol with a couple of thousand other domestic terrorists, looting, vandalizing, and threatening violence shot and killed by capitol police defending congress. There ya go, fixed that for ya. Or as another poster on this forum would say, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
  14. No way am I gonna say what I am watching on TV right now. That is one hole I refuse to dig.
  15. According to quantum theory, our brains are actually a sort of quantum computer of which everything we experience is in quantum wave-form until it is manifest. Science is also gaining more evidence that we do indeed live in an infinite multi-verse and every time anyone makes a choice, another timeline(s) branch off whereby that person made the alternate choice(s). So, in affect, say you have a relative or friend who died due to an accident or other means whereby choice was involved, that person is only dead in THIS timeline but are very much alive in other timelines. Same with you or I, we are likely dead in other timelines. Where it really gets funky is we can never perceive of our own death if that death was a result of choice, any choice we made during our life because the alternate choices which keep us alive reflect ourselves as we perceive our life. Say you went out and got really wasted and climbed into your car, tried to drive home and hit a tree and died. You would not know this because you exist in a timeline where either you made the choice not to drive and lived, or, you did drive but missed the tree and lived. So, the theory goes, no one will ever experience any unnatural death because we can only perceive the timeline whereby we live until a natural death occurs. If this is true, right on baby! Better that then to experience a horrible, painful death.
  16. Who is the lady Robert is with?
  17. You and me both Autumn. I'm sure the best parties and the fun people are all down there anyway 🙂
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