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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. No, these are a group of jackasses and believe it or not, they come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Just drive to ANY convenience store in Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi on ANY Friday night, wait 10 minutes and watch the show. The white-trash getting their ghetto fabulous goof on and a one way ticket to methville USA, right after beating up their 3rd cousin and shagging their mom. Something tells me this is more the result of poverty and lack of education than skin color.
  2. Um, whatever? Such an odd, nonsensical comment. Have a nice day 🙂
  3. I am fully vaccinated so I will take the crotchless variety please 😉
  4. Hell yes, around 40k for a used 70's Bronco or Scout. Crazy.
  5. Storms, heavy rain and about 60 degrees F. Absolutely beautiful 🙂
  6. Can't do that anymore Kip as the "lady" might turn out to have some unexpected bonus parts and if you dare to ask beforehand, your next appearance will be on a YouTube video being called out as gender insensitive and bigoted. I have no issue with people identifying how they wish but damn, if you are saying you are Frosted Flakes and instead I get Fruity Pebbles I am not gonna be a happy camper. Why did everything have to get so complicated, so convoluted?
  7. Yes, spot on as I have been playing guitar for almost 40 years now. Tried playing "Jimmy Style" once and forget it, I played like shit as the neck is at a very weird angle plus its hard to chord and reach the upper frets. I am approx the same height and structure as Jimmy (5'11") with similar arm length and hand size. Of course everyone is different but prior to 75' his guitar was not that low and by 77' the damn thing was almost down to his kneecaps it was so low. I play, like most guitarists, with the guitar body right at my waistline which places the neck and fretboard in a comfortable, accessible angle. The fact Jimmy could play as well as he did with the guitar that low is pretty amazing. Though by 79' he was playing at pre-75' guitar position with his axe higher up yet we still got August 11th and several sub-par Europe 80' shows. I could be wrong (big surprise there) but I think by 75' Jimmy was focusing on the visual presentation aspect of the shows more than the audio. Most likely the thought being in a live setting, especially in those large halls, a combination of reverb, volume, and acoustics of the hall would mask most mistakes but you cannot "mask" a visually boring show. Unfortunately for Jimmy, he had no idea that technology would one day bring every bootleg made, exposing every wart and mistake into the living room of anyone wanting to listen, at the click of a mouse. So here is a lesson for all musicians out there. Technology will give it to ya in the backside if you try and half-ass it live. Just as an aside, I have seen Jimmy five times live, once with Zep in 77', once with the Firm in 85', solo in 88', then twice with Robert (95' & 98') and every time he played extremely well, no slop. His best performance I witnessed was without a doubt in 98'. Jimmy was, in 98' where he should have been in 75' had his playing progressed naturally from 73'. He was crazy-good in 98'.
  8. Well, not progress for us, but serious (financial) progress for car manufacturers (supplying the parts), dealerships (supplying the labor to fix), and auto mechanics in general once the warranty expires. Look under the hood of a newer (post 2008'ish) car and tell me how an average persona can maintain the damn thing. Literally zero clearance to work on anything as they are engineered to where you need super-expensive tools & diagnostic equipment just to change a spark plug (if they even have them). Fugetaboutit, give me a 1994-2001 Jeep Cherokee and I am set. Those babies are rock solid with the excellent 4.0L inline 6 which are pretty much indestructible married to the Toyota 5 speed tranny and there ya go. Which is why they changed everything in 2002 as those Jeep Cherokees were great cars. Of course my dream vehicle is a 1977-81 Jeep CJ-7, or a 1972-74 Ford Bronco or International Scout. Oh yeah, now THOSE are good vehicles and all but the Jeep Cherokee are worth a mint now.
  9. Not necessarily as there is a very good chance Bonzo would have taken a very different path. Bonzo was also using heroin from 76' until right before his death in 1980. Bonzo quit heroin right before the 1980 European tour if memory serves. So if Bonzo never got involved with heroin there is a good likelihood he may have avoided his fate even though it was alcohol and not H which killed him. I really felt sorry for Bonzo as it appears the last months of his life were not very happy and he was dealing with some very serious insecurity issues, compounded by his fear of going to America after the Oakland incident. Who know right? Its all speculation.
  10. I think I may have an idea which would make everyone happy. Those who are fully vaccinated are good to go, no mask required going forward. Those not vaccinated and refusing to be vaccinated, again, no masks required, go about your normal business. However, those who refuse vaccination, should they contract the COVID virus and require medical treatment, must pay ALL costs related out of pocket and any claim to insurance denied. There ya go. For those who think this is all fake and a conspiracy you should be 100% fine with such an arrangement since there should be no risk. Problem solved. You're welcome 🙂
  11. YES! Just imagine how different Zep's arc would have been.
  12. I understand most people think Cinderella as a silly hair band but they had some damn good, blues based songs. The guitar solo in Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone) is excellent with some really good phrasing. Bad Seamstress Blues is kinda their take on In My Time of Dying and pretty good. RIP Jeff
  13. Bite your tongue Kip, the South Side would euthanize those two dolts for sure. They are obviously from Norridge. That is one weird town with weird people, they would fit right in.
  14. Never understood how people like this seem to keep getting away with crap until someone is either seriously hurt or killed, while some poor college student, minding their own business not bothering anyone gets 5 years in jail for having a blunt.
  15. I always thought this arrangement would have worked really well live in the acoustic set
  16. No shit, I was in a Fry's the other day and Janes Addiction's Been Caught Stealing came over the speakers. I almost died laughing! A couple of college kids thought I was losing it as they had no clue who Jane's Addiction was much less the song. Ps. I got out with a free sushi roll, a 12 pack of seltzer water, and a package of macadamia nuts! Make me go through the self-serve check out you rat-bastards, well, here is some petty theft for ya! Fight the power!
  17. I think that sort of life in general is not conducive to a longevity. Yes the "sport" is mostly acting and is completely scripted, however one has to be very, very good to pull it off realistically and not get seriously hurt. Even the best miss a cue, slip, whatever and serious injury results. These guys on top of that are exploited by the system and people like Vince McMahon, no health insurance, no pension, just "here's a few bucks sucker, now off ya go." The lucky ones like Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin make their money on marketing and swag, endorsements, but the majority of even the very popular wrestling stars typically wind up broke, living in continuous pain, and dead by 60 due to the battered body just giving up. These guys and women never get the true credit, or the true payment they are deserved. Rest in peace Paul - Mr. Wonderful.
  18. All great and the bass work in If It Keeps On Raining is the star of this arrangement, just really good bass-work.
  19. Indeed, from what I hear just one sip and...whiskey dick. Guy is all sizzle and no steak.
  20. McGregor? That guy is a bit of a douche no? Every time I see the dude he is acting the fool, really obnoxious. I am sure its just an act but still, the cat is a wee bit off-putting.
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