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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Happy Birthday Planty, 73 years young. Where the hell did the time go
  2. So should you with your "selective enforcement." You're a real riot
  3. You should research how the Catholic Church approached homosexuality within its ranks from the middle-ages to the 18th century. You will be VERY surprised indeed. Check out the link I provided below. It's a good start and from a reputable, scholarly, peer reviewed source. Enjoy A thousand years ago, the Catholic Church paid little attention to homosexuality (theconversation.com)
  4. Damn it, the Elf & Steve were right. My penis is now inverted, my hair fell out except for my nose, ear, and pubic / butt hair which is as thick and coarse as steel wool 😞
  5. Obviously the good Pope is part of the conspiracy, have you not read any Dan Brown books lately 😉
  6. Not being serious, this was a sarcastic response to an extremely apathetic post.
  7. Now THAT'S what I call back-peddling I can see the skid marks from my house
  8. HA! I agree. The jungle room looks like something from a bad 70's porn and the suite looks like it was decorated by the Shah of Iran
  9. Uh oh, the selective hall monitor is at it again.
  10. That's right, screw the elderly, who needs em anyway. Just a bunch of social security recipients leaching off the system. Its soylent green time grandma, now shut up, wait for the COVID, and quit your whining.
  11. Get thee behind me Bong-Man, just leave the bong and some frop though 😉 I have an idea on how to get everyone who does not want the shot to take the shot. Just tell the guys it will make their Johnson bigger and tell the ladies it will make them look younger. You will have them lined up for miles. And for the Elves out there, just tell em its a shot of Jesus Juice made of tears from a weeping statue of the Blessed Mother. SOLD!
  12. I am not afraid of your passing either. Ps. Tell god I said Howdy 🙂
  13. I believe the video camera that guy is holding was for the feed to the massive video screen behand the band and was not actually recording however I could be wrong. I am fairly positive though that the show does have a sound board recording and was possibly even multi-tracked. If so this show should be released. It was a really good show. I would love a soundboard of Copenhagen 71' & Copenhagen 7-24-79 as well. They always played well in Copenhagen, must have been all the sex shows???
  14. All good stuff plus the countess occult themed horror and drama movies. We had Bewitched, we had I Dream of Genie (she was a goddamned jinn people!!! Her goal was to eat Tony's SOUL), and we had the the greatest occult movie of all time, The Exorcist, still making people shit themselves in 2021. Its fun because traditionally it has been considered forbidden, evil, of satan's loins. Kinda like weed, once they legalized it and all the old heads started smoking like that guy from the X-Files, it was no longer fun and now we have the lowest rate of childhood and young adult weed use since they started recording statistics. Jimmy was no practicing occultist, he was a collector who really connected with the philosophy of Thelema. He was not practicing spellcraft, summoning Lovecraftian Elder Gods, or even attending the local wiccan bake sale. If you asked Jimmy to recite you a binding spell from the Lesser Key of Solomon he would likely call a cop. But if you engage him in a serious discussion of the philosophy of Thelema and its application in daily life, he might just allow you to buy him a beer and bend his ear. Think about it, what's more fun, more dangerous? The Eagles or Led Zeppelin? The Byrds or the Doors? Cream or Black Sabbath? and of course one of my favorites, Poison or King Diamond? The KING baby! What did they all have in common, the mystical, the forbidden, the occult. Sure, the Eagles, Byrds, and Cream were awesome bands, but they were not dangerous bands. Well, Ginger Baker would beat the holy crap out of his mother if the mood hit, but on a whole, nothing really forbidden.
  15. Back in 1968, my mom had a coworker who refused to have her four year old child vaccinated for polio. Guess what, kid got polio and was paralyzed for life. A friend of mine had her 2 year old daughter vaccinated with the MMR vaccine in 1988, daughter had an allergic reaction and died. Yet here we are, all these years later and people are still given the polio vaccine & the MMR vaccine. Some people will experience severe reactions to this virus and some will even die, but the number of people who experience these reactions or death are so small as to be statistically insignificant. Yes, it is a tragedy that five people out of 1,000,000 will die from the polio vaccine, and one person out of 100,000 will die from the MMR vaccine but does that mean we stop get vaccines? All that being said it really comes down to one question. If this is a conspiracy, what is the reason? Who is to gain? In the end it all comes down to money so? As far as I can tell the only ones benefiting from this are pharma & the corporate medical industry, Amazon, and big money investors. Looks like we should be looking into those folks. After all, if the likes of Bezos, Musk, and Branson can build goddamned passenger capable spacecraft, funding and engineering a bioweapon would be an afternoon in the park. What's going on??? Why have these people not been questioned??? I think I smells a CONSPIRACY!!!
  16. Yeah, sure. BTW how did I politicize it? I was being sincere. I was not casting blame on anyone, I was simply stating if we need to bend the knee so to speak to get a handle on it, so be it. I tell ya Steve, even in conciliation some people just are never satisfied. Put out an olive branch and you would rather slap it away. Sad. Ps. Funny how you call my comments crass yet when some people post nasty, misogynistic comments, directed at actual specific people...crickets. You sure are a pick and choose kinda chappie.
  17. I really like the first single, kinda reminds me of Chris Isaac, the arrangement, not the vocals. Sounds like it could have been on San Francisco Days.
  18. Those are fantastic. I could only imagine the hard life of an 19th century sailor. The only choices for recreation are rubbing one out, buggering a cabin boy, or scrimshaw. I bet life as a cabin boy was the worse unless you were Andy Dick in a previous life.
  19. 42% is better than zero percent. Just think if you were a health care worker and had to deal with all of this. No matter what they do or say its gonna piss some group off. They say you need to get the vaccine? A group will cry government conspiracy. Say don't get the vaccine, another group cries not enough is being done and the government is being negligent. Is it really so hard to have a bit of empathy, try and understand what the healthcare workers stuck in the middle are dealing with in the tug o war of lunacy? I would say whatever happened to common sense but in reality it never existed on a wide scale. These exact same concerns were mirrored with the Polio vaccine and Smallpox vaccine yet both diseases are pretty much eradicated. You also had the anti-maskers back in 1918 with the last pandemic. I don't have all the answers, I am not a virologist but I do know I hate getting sick and hate dying even more. I got the vaccine simply because the science seemed to make sense to me and the risk / reward was heavily slanted toward the vaccine in the sense of reward. Then again who knows, maybe this vaccine will turn us all into Zombies in a year or so and all the anti-vaxxers can have a nice laugh before we eat them all. Who knows. Its kinda like using a jimmy-hat (rubber) during sex. Yes, they have a failure rate of about 3% but 97 times out of 100% you are good to go and I will take those odds over pulling out and praying any day. I say let's split the baby on this one. Biden should hold a press conference with Trump next to him. Biden will then tell the world this is the Trump Vaccine, it is 100% Trump that ensured Operation Warp Speed was a success. Then thank Trump repeatedly for being the most awesome person on the planet and that he saved the world. Then Trump will be happy and publicly endorse the Trump Vaccine which would then likely bring us to a good 80% vaccine rate and then heard immunity can take over. If that's what it takes I am all in. Hell, I will even put up a few thousand dollars and have a line of Ho's waiting to service the Donald if that's what it takes.
  20. You know, I always wondered if he used a different neck on the #3 as the headstock does not look as large as the Norlin's. The body is a Norlin as I am pretty sure the #3 is either a 69' or 70' LP. Any insight as to the year of the #3? Pancake body, single piece neck, who cares, the damn thing has tone for days.
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