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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. How the hell did you get in then? Just kidding, I'm surprised your not the Emperor
  2. Interesting idea without a doubt. Regarding Nirvana, Dave Grohl confirmed that Nirvana was broken up at the time of Cobain's death but the news had not been announced. I never knew that until I read it the other day. Kinda like the Doors, they too broke up right after LA Woman was completed.
  3. Um, this is right from your article: "Some possible factors in Japan's success include a belated but remarkably rapid vaccination campaign, an emptying out of many nightlife areas as fears spread during the recent surge in cases, a widespread practice, well before the pandemic, of wearing masks and bad weather in late August that kept people home" Looks like it is YOU who has a comprehension problem. More than 70% of Japanese have been fully vaccinated compared to 56.7% of Americans. Plus, unlike the US the Japanese have been wearing masks and social distancing, not bitching and moaning about their "freedom." As a result, it appears they are good to go for now.
  4. Problem was, the music that CP did together was completely dead on arrival for most as that era had passed and grunge was king. This is why they only did the Japanese tour as ticket sales in the states were almost nothing. Believe me, I agree that the CP stuff was better new music than anything PP did, unfortunately there was little market for that music. On the other hand PP timing to do the Unledded thing was spot on and they sure did ride that wave. In essence both Page & Plant were floundering with their respective projects at the time and their getting back together made the most sense from a financial perspective. Hate to sound so cold and business orientated but it was what it was. Though on the positive side the tours were just spectacular and Jimmy was playing at his peak, especially in 98'. Plus, though Coverdale is a great singer the guy is just annoying as hell live. Saw Whitesnake in 87' and whenever Coverdale opened his mouth between songs all I could do was cringe. The guy acts like an 11 year old on crack with his moronic between song banter.
  5. So it appears this is a classic example of what happens when people get vaccinated en masse and do the intelligent thing. Who would have thought??? Thanks for proving the point about vaccinations working, nice job there Stryder.
  6. I guess you missed the whole, " I do not recall ever seeing a "F Trump" shirt or otherwise back when even though I live in a liberal, hippy-head town in the pines." part of my post. However, I will expound that I never saw such merch anywhere during my travels as well. Just because some knuckleheads made it does not mean people wore them in public, or at least not very many.
  7. So there is a chance it may not be a Norlin or a full Norlin (whatever that means). Those 69-70' Deluxe LP's are fetching five figures and the mini-humbuckers are actually much better than the standard when paired with the right amp, especially for slide work. BTW, as much as Jimmy sweat while playing I am surprised he did not have to replace pickups nightly 😉
  8. Early Chicago was just fantastic. I too love a strong, loud horn section and they sure delivered. Between them and Blood, Sweat, & Tears they brought a new dimension to rock. Whereas Chicago were really into the free-form jamming, BS&T brought a funk element. Peter Cetera was an absolute shithead. While he was just playing bass and singing occasionally everything was fine but once he took over Chicago completely shit the bed with their pop atrocities. On top of that the guy thought HE was Chicago.
  9. I ain't talkin about the linen, nor looking for the bathroom on the right 😉
  10. Damn, Steve is sounds damn fine on those songs. Perry is one of my top 3 favorite singers and has been gone far too long. Met him twice, once at his solo show in Mesa back in the 90's (dude was selling beer at a concession stand prior to the show!!!), and another time in Del Mar, CA while hiking. A very kind and genuine person with immense talent.
  11. Those drag bikes were INSANE! Coffin Cheaters indeed.
  12. I tell ya, you folk sure love that merch, especially the real nasssty stuff. I do not recall ever seeing a "F Trump" shirt or otherwise back when even though I live in a liberal, hippy-head town in the pines. For a bunch of righteous folk you sure love your colorful explicatives. Well you know what they say, if you can't fascinate em with facts, baffle em with bullshit.
  13. Just remember something, as bad, weird, not to your liking etc. you believe this world or country is right now, we are still better off than most people on this planet. Living in a time of incredible convenience, ease, and opulence the world has never seen. Shit, the homeless have it better than 80% of London during the 1880's. Sure, life ain't fair, usually not living up to the ol' expectations but damn it, we are incredibly lucky to be alive right now vs. 1930, or 1730, or you pretty much name it. As much as we all bitch and moan, the fact is we all have it pretty damn good.
  14. Well, low expectations are still expectations. Whatever floats yer boat bud 😉
  15. I really like the 3-10-75 San Diego version, in fact the whole show is excellent with Robert in good voice.
  16. Just want to say the video looked, "suspicious." The girl was just waaaaaayyyyyyy too happy being in this situation. Then you can hear, very clearly, one of the cops laughing after he says, "do you have any weapons, bazookas..." Worse case scenario the girl was not arrested but just taken outside and released. Unless they can provide a link to her actual (public record) booking file, I call nonsense on this.
  17. Temps are dropping fast. High's in the min-50's today, going down into the 30's for a high tomorrow and overnight temps around 19 f. Once the rains moved out and things dried up the temps began to drop like a stone.
  18. As bad as COVID is, it's nothing compared to the human virus. Human ignorance has become so profound I believe it's time for the aliens to wipe us out and start fresh. Maybe a reptile based biped will be less stupid and more empathetic. Uh oh, looks like I did it again. More fodder for the David Icke groupies. This reminds me of the current wave of dopes roaming the land these days, in fact, they just had a rally in Iowa I hear.
  19. For mixing, you really can't beat Bullitt Frontier Bourbon. It's smooth but with a nice bite so mixes well. For sipping you sure can't go wrong with Blanton's. Whistle Pig is fantastic but for $800 a bottle...fugetaboutit!
  20. Quickie bump here as I wanted to share a lovely recipe perfect for the fall, a Smoked Maple Old Fashioned. I always make these for the crew over Thanksgiving.
  21. Well, if there is a market good for Mr. Preston. If someone is willing to pay, who am I to criticize, it ain't my loot.
  22. NOT THIS. Such statements are logical fallacies, red herrings actually. Both the science, and simple observation state differently. Over 90% of all COVID related hospitalization's are un-vaccinated. If the vaccine did not work why the statistical disparity? If the vaccines were dangerous, why does it have a lower rate of unintended negative reactions then either the polio or smallpox vaccines. I am willing to concede we do not know the long-term affects of getting the vaccine, nor the long-term affects of contracting the COVID virus. Further, what about the "long-haulers" experiencing severe symptoms after recovery up to the present day for some? I am more worried about the long-term affects of this virus, particularly affects on pregnant women and infants. Also, if one of your loved ones is in that 2% range for death, the 98% statistic is cold comfort when your loved ones death could have been prevented with a simple vaccine. Case in point: When I was in boot camp I tried to get out of getting the smallpox vaccine as I knew I would be sick for 48 hours. The DI would not have it so I appealed to his "logic" stating what is the necessity of getting a vaccine for a disease which has essentially been eradicated, his response was simple, "because if you don't you will have to be subjected to a boot up your ass which is 100% affective." I took the vaccine 🙂
  23. I would have Steve however sharing your private pics without your permission would have been inappropriate and against forum rules
  24. Figured I would just go for it and post me pic, witness protection be damned!
  25. Looks like someone found a new toy. Oh well, that's what happens when grandpa gets a new program.
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