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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Not to defend the Sopranos but I believe that was the point of both plot lines. Dr. Melfi struggled with not telling Tony, you know she wanted to in order to exact revenge against the "employee of the month" who raped her. If she went down that path though she would have been no better than Tony, and even encouraging his criminal behaviors. The AJ / military school plotline was to show how weak and incapable AJ was at the time, and how indecisive and in the weeds Tony was in regard to dealing with his family / personal issues. Bottom line is Tony was a narcissistic sociopath / psychopath of which every single action made by him was viewed through that lense. Will this help me, hurt me, or have no affect? If the action helped him he was all in, if the action could result in the other two he blew it off. Tony Soprano was the blueprint for all anti-hero's to follow. That was a character most people loved even though he was one of the most vile pieces of shit in cinematic history.
  2. WHAT? I can't believe it! I really liked his acting and he seemed a genuinely nice fellow as well 😞 RIP Willie
  3. Maybe the distiller enjoys a nice glass of good old Kentucky horse piss on occasion and thus selected this particular batch 😉 Not a fan of Woodford, I think Four Roses (the regular for around $25 a bottle) is quite good. If I really want some good bourbon I go for the Four Roses Small Batch or Booker's.
  4. Let me put it another way. Say you have a friend of say 70 years of age and you two are planning a lovely dinner out to catch up. You develop COVID but really have not shown any symptomology so you just shrug and go to dinner with your friend. A few days later his wife calls you to let you know your friend has developed COVID and as a result has been hospitalized. Would you in any way feel responsible for your friends situation?
  5. There are a lot of things I enjoy, however one of them has never been to place my friends or family in risk, especially for something so obvious. Struggling to opt out? If they are struggling under such a circumstance, it is because they are self centered and narcissistic, only caring about their own enjoyment and not the heath or safety of the group. I am all for individualism however this crazy celebration of the individual over the group is just nonsense. If a persons freedoms or desires get in the way of the safety of the group, the group must always take priority and consideration. Always. That is kinda a no-brainer.
  6. There is just so much ignorance to unpack there, but I give the Elf props for doing so in such a concise manner.
  7. This one thing Trump was 100% right about, the other NATO nations were not paying their fair share, the US has ben carrying them for decades.
  8. Yes the holy weed, the Icius-Stickius, the old Chronic. Lucky for me I do not have that issue as my job is quite stressful and a wee toke around 6pm does this body good. I do not smoke to get stoned or wasted, more just to mellow out and forget the daily bullshit otherwise, my mind races. It really is a godsend in my case as I do not like opioids, absolutely hate that disconnected, weird feeling they bring on. Can no longer drink to any degree as more than one, maybe two drinks is my limit, otherwise instant hangover, no buzz, plus, at 53 I do not wish to damage my mortal frame any more than I have to. So in that case it is a miracle. It really gives me that peaceful easy feeling, like an old Eagles song with a hot cup of Tweek Coffee, it's like a warm summers da...whoops, a bit distracted there. I rarely do edibles as the Ph of my stomach either neutralizes the affect or amplifies it so much I am both flying and couch-locked. No edibles for this hombre. Anyway, it works for me 🙂
  9. Elf, your post contradicts itself. The bill of rights only addresses government actions, not private, at least not in that sense. A private business owner has every right, every FREEDOM to do with his or her business as they see fit as long as they do not discriminately against a protected class. Passing a law forbidding private business to enforce a vaccine guideline would be infringing on the business owners freedom. I know this may be a silly comparison but it is really no different than no shirt, no shoes, no service. You don't like the businesses policies, fine, go to another business which does. That is the essence of freedom in the marketplace.
  10. That guy from FYC is Roland Gift and he started out as an actor, then went into music, then went back to acting. His talking voice is fine but his singing voice, fugetaboutit!
  11. Ya know, the singer kinda looked like a buff, young Robert DiNiro with a shaved head.
  12. Allin liked to roll around in shit on stage, throw it at the audience etc. Mike Patton had some weird fixation with poop and fancied himself, and I quote, "a shit terrorist." The poo thing aside, FNM was a band way ahead of their time, they were groundbreaking. Check out this link from the band talking about this: Diary Of A Shit Terrorist (faithnomorefollowers.com)
  13. Greatest musical duo of all time, they just needed other people to sing the songs 😉
  14. Manson is a retarded clown (I mean the retarded part in the medical sense) with zero class. Never understood why anyone liked the guy. John 5 is a great guitarist and a really nice guy but Manson, forget it. I remember when the singer for Faith No More (Mike Patton) was shitting into, and onto everything back in the early 90's (literally) and as a result nearly destroyed FNM as a band, but Manson get's a pass?
  15. I love TSRTS. When I first saw the movie in 83' I was blown away, realizing immediately the impact the movie had toward MTV and music videos. Without TSRTS I doubt MTV would have come about, or if it did likely not until the late 80's early 90's. So FWIW it did inspire a whole new concept in music format. Yes, the movie's fantasy sequences were a bit funky but the only one which did not age well was Plant's. Page, Jones, and especially Bonham's I think aged well.
  16. Hey there Plant77, I believe the Elf-Man is 100% correct that Trump won the "elecetion," unfortunately for him, he most certainly lost the election 😉 There is always 2024 Ps. I bet if the late, great, and wonderfully kind RJD were alive today your vision would be spot on. "We're off to the witch...we may never, never, never come home...but she sure as damn well better give us a cure for COVID! Because if you listen to fools...the mob rules."
  17. I always thought it funny the "selective" manner in which Nazi imagery is either accepted (The Producers, made only 22 years after WWII), or derided (Jimmy wearing an SS cap or Prince Harry in Nazi uniform at Halloween party). It is so random it makes no sense.
  18. Good question but no clue on my end. However I can tell you my father grew up in abstract poverty, 15 people (parents & 13 kids) in a two bedroom, one bath 1,100sq ft house. He would have to literally fist fight his siblings for food as my grandfather made them. As a result my father ate his meals with one hand always on his glass with arm hooked around his plate, looked like a wild animal when he ate. He finally got over it when he turned 40. Deprivation can cause some weird behaviors in some people.
  19. I believe that would be apples to oranges as the PCR testing is approved by the FDA and Holmes scam / quackery is just that. Holmes is screwed and she will go to jail, the question is for how long and where.
  20. True, but there are a lot of crazy bitches out there. If anyone needs the vaccine its them, and while at it they should probably get a HPV vaccine and a dose of penicillin just to be safe.
  21. Your right about that, one could argue it was Dietrich Eckart & Rosenberg who made Hitler who he would become. Those two were a couple of evil bastards. The swastika is a very interesting symbol as it has roots in Hinduism, Buddhism, Asian, Native American, African, you name it. How and why this symbol is universal among ancient civilizations, some of which had no contact with each other? Strange indeed.
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