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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. As the bills were marked, and none have turned up in circulation, I think he died when he jumped or, he survived but lost the money during the jump. Either way, the guy either had serious balls or was plain looney to jump out of a 727 going 150mpg at 10k ft. under high winds and rain, over one of the most dense, most dangerous forested regions of the US, and at night to boot. My money is on very dead, impaled on some tree. Unless he had an accomplice. If a ground crew member smuggled proper jumping clothes to withstand the -7 degree f temps plus a few other goodies he could have easily survived the jump.
  2. That's it, just can't take it anymore. Time to call the only doctor who matters:
  3. Give the man a break, he was going to go with a fake Polish terrorist attack before his writer switched it to Swedish. Guess it needed more authenticity.
  4. Well hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Now that whole "fist of global liberalism," oh myyyyyyyyyy. I believe I may be getting the vapours 😉
  5. But of course, nothing screams neo-liberalism more than military intelligence. Of course the source is a rag less reputable than Völkischer Beobachter
  6. Well, TBH, I tend to ignore any information given by a failed ophthalmologist who got his ass severely beat down by his 59 year old neighbor due to landscaping issues. A guy who literally cannot take care of his own yard is in no position to dictate or advise anyone on anything. Plus his wig looks ridiculous. Must have looked hilarious when his neighbor tackled his ass and his wig went flying.
  7. Nice cognitive dissonance there chief. Gee, I wonder how you would feel about it if you were hooked up to a vent dying from COVID? Oh that's right you got vaccinated against a virus with a 99% survival rate which, um why? Bit of a hypocritical position on your part there.
  8. Well your right on everything except the 10 years part. The Earth will never die, we do not have such power, but we do have the power to kill off our own species. Think it will take a good 50 years for that though. Cheers 🙂
  9. So those 60k corpses are an illusion? Damn you David Copperfield!
  10. I was referring to the 14th century pandemic but you already knew that, you were just being pestiferous. But hey, they're just a bunch of old geezers anyway right.
  11. Ohhhhh, yum! I love hot boiled peanuts with a wee bit o salt. And a nice pint of Skull Splitter Scottish Ale to wash it down.
  12. That's kinda like closing the barn door after the horse has run off. Sure, their rate is low now that millions got it and almost 60k of their population died from it. A bit of a hollow victory akin to Europe in 1349 claiming "hey, we good, everything is under control" after 1/3 of their population died.
  13. Hey maybe Jimmy will show up as he is friends with Walsh and they could...wait, who am I kidding. Nevermind
  14. There is only one, proper response to such a post:
  15. Is it just me or does it appear only a certain "group" of people buy into these conspiracy theories on such a wide scale? Sure, people went after Trump but they never claimed he was the guy who assassinated Kennedy or that republicans are baby eaters. This "group" literally has no substantive platform, no policy ideas, just conspiracies and hate. Plenty of hate.
  16. Well I stand by my Celine comment as she does have a great voice even if her music sucks here and there. Plus I thought she was pretty hot back in the day (early-mid-90's). That being said, never stick yo Johnson in crazy, it never ends well. Then again it was her shitty parents who allowed the pedophile rapist Rene' Anjelil to manage her at 12 years old and then marry her once she became of legal age (sure, no hanky panky going on during the intervening years). Then old Rene' constantly sexually assaulting women on elevators which cost Dion several million in payouts. The Guess Who, loved that band and I thought Burton Cummings had an amazing and strong voice. He is a very underrated singer IMO and could hold his own with Plant & Daltry.
  17. Hey, you think Barbara Bach was hot, check out the ladies they had on BJ & the Bear. I used to love that show and not because of the damn monkey or Greg Evigan 😉 Also, big fan of Heather Thomas from The Fall Guy. Of course we cannot forget Canada's greatest musical export: Celine Dion (joking, though I do like her). Now if Celine put some meat on her bones like she had back in 92' and was not bat-shit crazy (good job Renee'), add another to the list!
  18. I really like both 5-18 & 5-23 NQ. In fact both shows are in the top 5 1975 shows for me. Everyone is just smokin' at these two shows,
  19. Good stuff, both bands. This is great posting such music as I never heard of either before. Anne Murray, yep, same with me, she was the soft rock darling of the early to mid-70's. I remember hearing Danny's Song by Loggins & Messina for the first time around 1974 and thought, "this guy does a nice cover of Anne Murray's song" only to find out it was the other way around. Kinda funny as I had a bit of a crush on Ms. Murray back in the day 😉 Anne Murray, Emmylou Harris, and Barbara Mandrel...hubba hubba.
  20. Nobody's Stall but Mine, that is why you NEVER order the Bluefish in NY 😉
  21. You should read the book, much better than the mini-series.
  22. Oye, talk about the necessity for bootleg ears for this one. Sounds like it was recorded in the bathroom of the gas station across the street. Too bad because Robert sounds really good as does Jimmy and the rest of the band.
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