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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Hell yes this is a great show and Robert does sound very good for 75'. The Wanton Song is a standout and another mystery as to why it was not kept in the set.
  2. Listening to 3-27-75 and I really like the majority of the show. What I don't get is how Jimmy could go from absolute brilliance on NQ to the disaster TUF was? Actually, I think I blame Jim, JPJ, & Bonzo on this one as it sounds like Jimmy is seriously out of tune on the lower register riffing, while JPJ & Bonzo are constantly losing the beat and circling back. This makes Jimmy's playing even more erratic as Jimmy needs a rock solid rhythm section to synch up to, especially as Jimmy has a tendency to fall out of time during turn-arounds and bridges. Without Bonzo & JPJ to help guide Jim back the song almost falls of the rails several times. This show has some of Jimmy's most unique playing of the tour intermingled with these little disasters here and there. A real shame as Robert just knocks it out of the park on TUF. It's a seriously weird show but, I like it quite a bit as when they hit the mark they REALLY hit the mark.
  3. Just imagine what they would have thought if you would have quoted Gen. Ripper's monologue to Capt. Mandrake from Strangelove. That would have lit them up like a Christmas tree 🙂
  4. Ah, A Few Good Men. There it is AGAIN!!! Now I am beginning to see things in a brand new light!
  5. I liked how the guy that Kidman was fixated on was a naval aviator and how he was shown in his dress whites. It appeared to me poor Tom was jealous not because the wife was wanting the pipe from Mr. Big Daddy Long-stroke, but because he did not hook up with the chappie first. I think everyone knows how Goose got his nickname and that Maverick was the "bottom" in that relationship. Hell, Goose was even in the back seat! Then after Goose dies old Mav just about shoots himself in the dick he is so overcome with grief. How much more obvious do these references have to be!
  6. and in that you succeeded Sir. Always liked Cruise as an actor but the dude is a straight-up freak. Not pimp master freak nasty but just weird, psychotic freak-O Xenu lover. BTW, I always thought Cruise became a Scientologist for the same reason Travolta did, to try and exorcize the gay away through their auditing. Scientology claims homosexuality is an aberration which can be corrected so it's no surprise many of Hollywood's leading actors became converts. Also explains why Scientology is beginning to die a slow death now that LGBTQ+ is mainstream and acceptable. When the "cure" no longer has an "illness," what's the point?
  7. Great show but as you pointed out, Robert's singing on STH is rather strange. To me it sounds like he is going for more a crooning approach to the song as his singing is really controlled and stylized. I have never heard him sing STH like he does here and thank god because IMO this approach simply does not work.
  8. Just YouTube that shit, easy as can be. I listen to 90% of my boots from YouTube these days. Listening to 3-27-75 right now.
  9. Surprised no 3-10, 5-18, or 5-23. Those are three top notch versions IMO.
  10. I liked early Tom Cruise while he still had the F-ed up teeth which made him look like a "sexually ambiguous" serial killer.
  11. Argh, I forgot about JPJ. I saw him twice as well, once in Las Vegas in 99' and again in Phoenix for Thunderthief. Both were really great shows. Wish I saw TCV as I really like the music.
  12. HA! I was referring to Taps Though Danny DeVito would have been awesome in Taps in the George C. Scott role, however the movie would have been a wee bit different as a result.
  13. 19 F and we got about 3" of snow last night. Wind was howling until 5am with 60mph winds. Things quite calm now.
  14. Great, very well done movie. One of my favorites and the performances from such a young cast are truly impressive.
  15. Born in 68', saw Zeppelin at 9 years old on April 10th 1977. My older cousin took me and this was my first concert. Firm - 1985, Plant - 85', 88', Page - 88, Plant - 90, Page & Plant - 95' & 98'. Plant every year he has toured since.
  16. Fun Fact: Octopus are pretty much alien creatures. We have absolutely no idea how they got here as there is no clear fossil record of evolution, they just suddenly showed up. Also, an octopus genetics contains almost twice as much genetic code as a humans. It's brain and neural network are completely unlike anything else. Truly amazing creatures
  17. Yes he did my good man. In fact, he played a special LP tucked under his chin like a violin. At the end he played some Paganini too. Too bad he only did this at one show, the infamous JFK Stadium show in Philly back in 1977.
  18. It's always great to spend time with family, even when it's not. Family is something to cherish, warts and all because it all goes by way too fast. Appreciate the little moments
  19. Damn right and the worse thing she could do is eat your slippers and possibly shat on the floor. Compared to what the alternative could be, seems like a real win to me 😉
  20. What a shame, all of our childhood hero's, the musicians, actors, astronauts, you name it are all exiting the stage. It's almost as if a piece of history, a seed of memory is passing as well.
  21. Ain't that the truth! Just think about being at a red light and seeing the amigo in front of you blow out a massive vape cloud. That could be tobacco or it could be weed. When the light turns green it will become quite obvious which one jr. was pulling on. Bueler...Bueler...Bueler...MOVE YO DAMN CAR!!!! 😉
  22. True, but damn did they kick some musical ass in late 68' & 69'. I always figured the 60's really ended in 68' with all the social unrest, political assassinations, and the Tet Offensive. Anyone who still thought there might be a semblance of the 60's hanging on all of that was put to bed the summer of 69' with the Manson killings and the failure which was Woodstock. Most people are not old enough to remember but Woodstock was considered an absolute failure after the gig. Everyone lost money and the whole show came off as amateurish at best, destroying a good chunk of Max Yasgur's field in the process. It was not until the mid-70's when the film was released that it garnered a more favorable and glossed over / edited viewpoint. But yes, Zep were indeed the 70's while the 60's were almost 100% Beatles.
  23. There is a big difference between facts and splitting hairs which is what you're doing. If you wish to continue to come off as a 3rd grader after painting yourself in a dialectic corner, be my guest, it only shows your desperation.
  24. Midnight Gospel on Netflix. Weird, philosophical, and somewhat psychotically entertaining.
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