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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. When someone says "first and last concerts" the plural being referred to are those two concerts respectively, not ALL concerts, not multiple of a particular tour but just those two concerts, the first one September 7th, 1968 & December 10th 2007. Now you can argue whether the 02 show was a Zeppelin show as John Bonham was not there, but Jimmy believes it was and that's all that matters as he is speaking from his perspective, not yours. Hope that makes everything crystal clear
  2. They do at that. Such a loss regarding Neal. He was a bit of an odd duck for shunning the spotlight and wanting anything to do with fans but honestly, I understand and respected his position on the subject is fans are kinda a weird concept when you think about it. I mean, it's one thing to love someone's music and respect and admire them but its quite another to act as if you know them. Anyway, always wanted to meet the Rush guys, saw them around 9 or 10 times live from 83' on. Great band, always had a good time, never disappointed.
  3. Currently 28 F & about 2" of snow on the ground. Enough to make everything look all wintery, but not enough to cause any road issues. Perfect
  4. Alex always gets it, the man is one of the most underrated guitarists out there. I love Alex, great player, great guy.
  5. Oh man, no doubt. Vienna is one of my all time favorite shows and would be my favorite of 73' if it only had No Quarter.
  6. Have to agree, you are spot on. BOE works because it's minimalistic, the vocals in stark contrast to the music, a battle between the words & music. You make it too busy and it just loses something IMO.
  7. Ha, no doubt. TBH I was smoking a bit more the period of 2017 - January 20th 2021 🙂
  8. If you were married to my wife, you would have anxiety as well No no, but seriously folks.
  9. I wonder if Immigrant Song is played during every launch?
  10. What can I say, I am a lucky man. I did not smoke weed until I joined the USMC, prior to that I neither drank or smoked weed (I have never smoked cigarettes). Always had a low tolerance and only smoked it occasionally until I hit my 40th birthday. Once I was in my 40's are started smoking regularly more for stress and anxiety control and to just generally chill out. I don't smoke to get balls-deep high or wasted, just enough to give everything a nice, warm glow and to not give a shit about all the stupid nonsense going on in the world. So far it's worked like a charm 🙂
  11. As a long time partaker of the old Chronic I have to say I agree 100% with your statement. I had a medical marijuana which expired in November so now I buy at the recreational rate which is about a 50% mark-up due to tax which is not assessed the medical users. Reason why I did not update the card is because the card and fees cost around $300 every two years to keep. Though I love my herb I am a serious lightweight and go through about a gram a month, that's it so the fee does make economical sense for me. I also like the fact that my tax dollars from my weed purchases go directly into the school coffers where I live. I have no issue with my vice helping out others and think that's great. Funny about Opium and Cocaine as both in their natural state can have very positive benefits and even in their refined states they have important medical uses. Medical cocaine is used in eye surgery and refined opioids such as morphine and fentanyl for extreme pain / end of life. It's the jackass pharma companies and doctors getting kick-backs for these opioids which are the problem. On average there are about 95,000 deaths per year as a result of alcohol abuse and overdose in the US. On average there are about 480,000 smoking related deaths each year in the US alone. There have been zero reported deaths from marijuana use in the US, however I am sure there are some people who have gotten high, did something stupid, and died as a result. You just can't fix stupid.
  12. Finally getting close to seasonal in the mountains. Snow expected tomorrow, right now around 40 F.
  13. I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them leaaaad the waaaaaayyyyy.
  14. Some things never change. Just like back in 1907 when they banned Absinthe because the wine manufacturers felt threatened by its popularity. The wine industry was almost decimated back in the 1890's due to too much rain so most of their market started drinking Absinthe. Once the grapes came back big wine needed to get rid of the competition. The reasons it has become legalized in most of the states is because there is serious money to be made and many invested in alcohol production are now involved in grows. Corporate interests are currently aligned against big Pharma in regard to weed in the states since Pharma shit the bed with the opioid epidemic. The population is so pissed with pharma right now that it is prime time for weed.
  15. Man I love PB, talk about a great set of pipes and Neal is no slouch on the guitar. However it would come across as silly if the singer could not sing Pat Benatar songs very well. Case in point, I am a decent guitar player and a decent singer (for the club scene that is) but I cannot do both at the same time, just can't. A person should know their limitations.
  16. Ha, that's hilarious. Shitty but yet hilarious. Most of us "musos" have been there, it seems to always be a part of the game in one fashion or another. Ps. Did she do Abba tunes?
  17. Hey now buddy, Dreamweaver is the GOAT! Should be every 30 minutes with some Captain & Tennille & Starland Vocal Band tossed in for good measure. Time for some muskrat Susie & muskrat Sam, oh yeah.
  18. Wow, 70k for assistant managers? I can handle a pizza as good as the next guy and if I can score some "alfredo sauce" as well...WINNING!!!
  19. The very fact they went to Ireland at all during this period shows the massive balls the band had. The Troubles were going full force in the early-mid 70's and there was even the case of an Irish rock band, The Miami Showband, who was pulled over by what turned out to be British soldiers and UVF (Ulster Voluntary Force) soldiers which resulted in the murder of five people, three which were band members. I guess that explains why Robert's voice was hitting notes he never had before as his balls were likely tucked deep inside.
  20. I think the point which is lost regarding Yoko is that she was not the one up in John or the Beatles. Yes she was always "there" but she was not talking or contributing and it was John which was up in Yoko, not the other way around. Lennon was extremely insecure and he latched on to Yoko like a puppy. You see this in every video taken of the two together. Yoko is not going after John, or bothering John, it's the other way around. The problem was not Yoko, the problem was John Lennon. It reminds me of an old friend who left our group of friends shortly after he met what would be his future wife. Many in the group blamed his future wife but the blame was on him, it was his choice and everyone deep down knew these behaviors had always been there. She was simply his excuse to manifest his true desires and needs.
  21. That reminds me, I think I need a part-time job in the hospitality industry 🙂
  22. I don't get it either. When I bartended in the 90's, if you gave one of the lady bartenders a hard time she would motion to a bouncer and yo ass would get bounced. Funny story, I went to a sushi bar around 2001 and ordered a drink, likely a Black Russian as I drank those back then. Waitress brought me a glass of mostly Kahlua with a wee drizzle of vodka. Blech, it was horrible. I asked the waitress if she could have the bartender (a woman) re-make the drink with three ounces of vodka and 1/2 ounce of Kahlua. Waitress said, "Honestly, please don't send it back unless you want to get kicked out. The bartender is the owners girlfriend and anyone who sends back a drink or complains is immediately tossed out." Last time I ate there, and I did not drink that horrible swill she served.
  23. Pretty much but it's also the Bonzo show. This record has some of Bonzo's best drumming. He has really matured as a drummer and is utilizing complex jazz shuffle patterns, Latin & New Orleans style beats. Fool in the Rain is itself a master class in complex shuffle technique, poly-rhythms, and ghost note placement. The main and glaring absence is Jimmy. IMO he comes across more as a session player than a composer. He has some very good solos (I'm Gonna Crawl, ITE, & FITR) throughout but it's very obvious who the writers and arrangers were.
  24. I would take ITTOD any day over Back in Black pt. 9. Diversity and experimentation are the Lifesource of all true writers & musicians. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much but that's the creative process. I sure did not want to hear LZIV pt.2 or even PG pt.2 as those albums were already made. Rather someone try and wind up coming short vs. rehashing the same old formula over and over and over again. To each their own though
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