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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Problem started in 76' when the news stopped being funded by the government. The movie Network is all about this and foresaw the future of journalism and reporting decades before it would happen. Once the news had to advertise and run commercials it was game over. The money ruined the integrity of journalism like it ruins everything. Those of us on this forum old enough to remember the time, pre 76', when for 30 minutes from 6pm-6:30pm then again at 10pm - 10:30pm (add an hour for east coast broadcast), the news was on, no commercials, just news. No money involved, no incentive for corruption. The days of Edward R Murrow & Walter Cronkite are long gone. The days of truth in broadcasting are dead and bloated like a washed up corpse.
  2. I know this will sound like BS but it is the truth. I was 3 years old in 1971 when Woodfield Mall opened in Schaumburg, IL and going there for the first time at 3 left very vivid memories of the experience. One memory I have is being in a very odd looking record store that at the time reminded me of a fever dream carnival with all the neon. Years later when I saw A Clockwork Orange, the record store in the movie was very similar to the one in Woodfield Mall except the Woodfield store was much brighter. Anyway, the song which was being played was Communication Breakdown and it just stuck with me. I guess the whole audio / visual aspect of the experience had quite the impact on me wee brain. I still look at CB as one of the first punk rock songs.
  3. Of course, anyone who works hard, is creative, or just better than others at particular things deserve to be compensated for that talent and hard work. However that is a far cry from accumulating resources to the extreme just to do so as some perverse dick measuring competition. All resources are finite and all should have access to those resources at least to the degree to live a somewhat comfortable life. If one persons success comes at the detriment of the majority than the system is broken as for one person, or a small group of people hoarding the majority or resources is simply not sustainable over the long term. The center simply cannot hold.
  4. It depends on the virus. Take herpes as an example. That little bastard currently infects around 85% of the adult population (simplex I & II) and mutates into shingles for many people which is an absolutely debilitating condition. There is no cure and the Shingle Vaccine is only about 30% affective. Not all virus are the same and some are tough little bastards. Many cancers start as viral infections (HPV for one) yet anti-viral drugs do not work and no vaccine has been developed for most though the HPV does have an affective vaccine at present.. I would say COVID is more akin to a very bad flu which can be fatal to some at a greater rate than the flu. Like the flu it mutates quickly and frequently which reduces vaccine efficacy over the mean curve due to the mutation rate. And just like the flu shot we will likely need an annual booster.
  5. Once artificial intelligence gains sentience the human race is over, plain and simple. No way a conscious computer would interpret the human race as anything but a threat and general disaster. Skynet will eradicate the shit outta us and, IMO, we deserve it. We are actively destroying this planet, actively destroying our fellow humans, and for what? A few silly sheckles and power. The power thing cracks me up the most as it is just an illusion. No one can have true power over anything or anyone until one masters control and power over ones self first, however, should a person actually achieve self-actualization as described by Abraham Maslov, he / she would not need or desire power over anyone else or anything else. The asylum was turned over the the lunatics at day one.
  6. Well, let's see. A seriously immune compromised elderly man suffering from multiple co-morbidities contracts COVID and dies as a result of his severely weakened immune system. Of course a vaccinated person can still spread the disease however it is the un-vaccinated which are propagating the disease and spreading it at a much greater rate. So stating the un-vaccinated are to blame may not be 100% accurate but it is without a doubt a contributing factor.
  7. Actually yes it does otherwise I would not have brought it up. The stats are readily available via a Google search.
  8. I never worked as shoe salesman damn you, it was a grocery store and she said I had nice eyes. Is it my fault she put a restraining order on me?
  9. Finishing up Squid Game. Just shows that the future of quality TV and cinema will be coming from the far east and not Hollywood. IMO not much of merit except for a handful of stuff has come out Hollywood in over a decade but the Asian's are killing it.
  10. Not sure where you are getting your "information" from but it is simply not true. Thousands have not had terrible side affects such as paralysis or death, in fact the vaccine is safer than both the smallpox & polio vaccines. Do you know what exactly is in the MMR vaccine? How about a tetanus shot? Or how about Viagra, do you know the mechanism and properties which make that work? BTW are you aware ever single one of those right leaning news outlets spreading this nonsense have vaccine & mask mandates? Everyone at Fox News is fully vaccinated including Tucker Carlson. Do you think Trump and his family would all be fully vaccinated right now if it were unsafe? I for one give Trump credit for Operation Warp Speed and getting the vaccine out. That right there is without a doubt a big accomplishment and Trump should be given credit for his part in the process. That being said nothing is 100% safe and affective. Even a virgin woman can get pregnant and give birth. It's rare but happens in about 1% births and happens when a single ovum just decides to begin cell division without the introduction of a sperm. The child born of a virgin birth is always female and essentially a clone of the mother. Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
  11. Down by the Seaside as it is a very positive song, very laid back. A bit of an extension of the social responsibility vibe of That's the Way. A real song of hope. Another great happy song is both Sam Cooke's and Journey's versions of Let the Good Times Roll. Now here is a weird choice, The Starland Vocal Band's Afternoon Delight. When the song came out in 76' I was in third grade and my neighbor Sue had just turned 16 and was driving around on her motorcycle. She was always fond of me, don't know why but she was very cool toward me and she would ride me around on her bike all the time. We were at her house, working on her bike with her older brother who was a professional stock car driver when this song came on for the first time. Sue told her brother to turn the song off as it was "inappropriate" for my young ears but Dave said, "nah, who cares, crank it" and that was that. Just a song tethered to a happy memory. Lastly, Black on Black by Heart. This song came out when I was dating a fantastic woman named Kathy and it just clicked with both of us. It also reminds me to never let a good thing get away, Kathy was one in a billion...I should have married her. Oh well, happy memory none the less.
  12. Shit man, what show was this? I love this version, so damn creative and outside of the semi-muted second legato run before the solo, he nailed the shit outta both the solo and song as a whole. This is one of my favorite versions. Thanks bud.
  13. Hey now, be careful, you could get cancelled or doxxed for asking such questions. If Steve chooses to be Stevie instead we must respect their choice. Trans-gender should be respected and not discriminated against. I hear Stevie will be appearing on the next season of Ru Paul's Drag Race. I say all us Zep-heads put our full support behind Stevie and back them up for the big win!!! Go Stevie Go!!!!!
  14. You are wrong. The government has zero to do with oil production, domestically or otherwise so if you have an issue, I suggest you contact the oil companies. As I said, the US is a free-market economy, the government has no controls or influence in oil production because if they did, that would be Nationalization and socialism. No, the Keystone Pipeline was / is not safer than rail, not even close. The whole reason the pipeline was protested is because of the imminent danger of leaking. After all, if the pipeline was so safe, why was it diverted, at great cost, around Bismarck, ND and placed right through the middle of a Native reservation? Read, educate yourself. The white folk did not want a pipeline running near (not through, it was going to go about a mile outside of the town) their community. Why not if so safe? Again, beside being honest, in this case a wee bit of research would do you good instead of asking questions akin to a 11 year old. Keystone Pipeline Leaks 383,000 Gallons of Oil in North Dakota - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Bismarck residents got the Dakota Access Pipeline moved without a fight (pri.org)
  15. You should see me in my current get up:
  16. First, fuel prices are set by a panel of global fundamentalists. As long as the US allows our oil, our natural gas, etc. to be first sold on the world market, then re-sold back to us at an inflated rate we will have these issues. Second, they Keystone pipeline (also known as Mr. Leaky) was a joke to begin with. Both rail & trucking took care of the delivery to refineries in the gulf far, far more safely than an un-monitored pipeline ever could. Now for the shortages, well, you can blame that one on OPEC for reducing supply to bolster prices. Again, nothing the US, Biden, or anyone could do without Nationalizing the US oil & natural gas production. Sorry bud, but this is exactly the price you pay for an unregulated free market, You wanted it, you got it. Suck it up buttercup.
  17. Truly, I like them both as well. However, if a trade is in order I say take out the douche from Nickleback and Scott Sapp, plus the dope from Limp Bizkt.
  18. No worries, just run up, kick em in the frank and beans then run like hell. Winner winner, chicken dinner 😉
  19. That sure looks like Bonzo in the face to me. However my guess is the fro is a wig.
  20. Deal with it? I would be more than happy to deal with this indeed 🙂 Hubba hubba, you're damn fine Stevie !!!
  21. Yeah, multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body's immune response, as well as Parkinson's. I would call that a serious underlying condition. Vaccine or no, if not COVID, then cancer a few months later. It's a vaccine, not some mecha-suit with ablative armor.
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