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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Great, please post a link to a peer reviewed study which shows this. Also, the same person who stated Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment, also said to "inject disinfectant" so, consider the source.
  2. Don't forget who it was who told the American people that Chloroquine worked to kill the COVID virus. Talk about your ouroboros of stupid.
  3. I just got off the phone with him, he told me himself. He is laughing at your blind obedience feeding his cash cow. Yummmmm, that Pappy Van Winkle 30yr sure tastes extra-good when purchased with the fears of conservative sheep.
  4. Reid is, and always has been an odd duck. Extremely talented but the guy has willingly and purposefully sabotaged his career several times as he really does not want to be famous. He loves performing and writing but for some reason fame is just not his thing.
  5. I have thought about it, and your posts and response in general is irresponsible at the least and self-destructive at worse. But hey, you do you, we all need something to laugh at and show our children what not to do and how not to act. You are a living, breathing PSA. Hey, If old Tucker can monetize his nonsense (Tucker BTW has said several times he does not believe what he says and that its a show done for money), you should have no problem.
  6. Without a doubt! The Final Solution? Nah, no biggie. The Cultural Revolution in China which resulted in around 80-100 million deaths. Meh, peanuts! But having to wear a mask, social distance, and get a vaccine, TYRANNY!!!!!
  7. The real question is whether it will affect your trip back home
  8. RIP, one of the greatest has left us.
  9. Yeah, they got SRV, we got The Mission UK 😞
  10. Damn fine show but damn, one of, if not the single most brutal series ever aired. You put this on during a first date and either you won't have a second, you your special someone may be a serial killer.
  11. Hey now, what the hell is wrong with Falco? You keep up that attitude and Amadeus will NOT be rocking you 😉 Austria may put out a fatwa on yo ass.
  12. I believe anyone can make the same claim with any drug manufacturer. What really steams me in regard to drugs in general and their cost in the US vs. literally everywhere else is that the US taxpayers pay for over 90% of R&D cost for ALL drugs, the pharma companies pay maybe 10% but typically only about 5% in R&D. So us taxpayers get the bill to develop these drugs, then pharma comes in a sells us these drugs at outrageous cost to us for a roundabout hosing on a massive scale. I tell ya, I wish I had a business whereby my customers paid the majority of my expenses and operating costs, and then I get to charge them crazy high prices they are forced to pay, while I am also paying maybe 7% in tax. It sure is sweet to be a CEO & corporation in America 🙂 If someone told Lucky Luciano & Meyer Lansky in 1934 that such a thing would be reality one day they would have laughed in your face as a crazy-man. No way would Americans put up with such a scam. Them mobsters must be spinning in their graves to think state sponsored extortion of the masses would one day be a reality.
  13. HBO, it ran from 98'-2003 I think and most of the main cast went on to Law & Order: SVU
  14. Oh man, hope all is ok and its not hitting you too hard. Get well soon brother
  15. No worries, you are 100% correct. Thanks Stryder 🙂
  16. Sorry about that, I get a bit "uppity" when people start using racial and / or homophobic slurs and then attempt to walk it back with a ridiculous excuse. Especially when no one appears to have a problem allowing such posts to remain. No more such comments from me regardless
  17. Darn tootin, awesome show, great stories, great characters. The sweet relationship between the two love-birds Vernon & Tobias makes the Notebook look bland. Now THAT'S prison love 😉
  18. Oh the humanity!!!! What's next? Requiring children to have all their vaccines before starting scho...oh, never mind.
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