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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. Man, Red, that is sounding good. I hope you string together a 2-3 minute complete song. I’m impressed man. I dig it for sure. As a guy who picked up Guitar a few years ago, what you are doing with your recording and other instruments is really cool. The sound you get/create is very unique. Keep that up. This is one Zeppelin fan that looks forward to it. Thanks for posting that, also, I don’t hear any squeaking at all. I have a decent system I can listen through as well. Awesome man.
  2. They are both interesting comps. Drysdale started his career at 19, Keyshawn did at 20. Drysdale ended at 32, and Kershaw is 34. Clayton has a slightly lower ERA at 2.48 compared to 2.90, and Drysdale pitched with the mounds higher and in an era where pitchers dominated. The win percentage for Clayton is better, 189 wins and 84 losses compared to Don at 209 wins and 166 losses. Don had far, far more complete games, but that is a generation thing. But they are very equal. There is a very good website where you can compare era’s of players. Baseball Reference is my bible. Now as far as Koufax, he had a dominant 5-6 year run, but he was pedestrian before and retired after that run because of his arm troubles. But for Sandy, he was 165-87 for wins and losses, Kershaw still has him in ERA, his era is 2.48 as mentioned compared to Sandy at 2.76 he also had more complete games, but if anything I don’t think people appreciate Clayton enough. That guy is as good as it gets. And again, Drysdale and Sandy both pitched in a time where pitching was dominating, and because of those two and Bob Gibson MLB actually changed the rules and lowered the mounds. I could argue that Clayton is as good as any of them considering the era he has played in. I say all of that with all due respect Because I know you know your Baseball. When you have a chance if you haven’t checked out Baseball Reference check it out. Pre 2005 my wife would buy that for me every year and the book was just amazing. We can get it all at the touch of our fingers now, but I still miss the book. It was cool to flip around it to look stats up. Be well Paul. Your Mets look like they are for real this year. Plus they took Bassitt, and Mark Cahna from my A’s. One of my staff played with Mark for years in High School and college. That guy is a great all around player.
  3. Could be because he is busy reading a far right blog from some dude from the proud boys who happens to know far more than any of the MSM.
  4. Well Steve, as you once said, “ If my Aunt had Testicles she would be my Uncle”! And we don’t represent all of America, but we represent a very large portion. And the Dakotas having more to say about our political make up then a state like California or New York is just crazy. I certainly do not agree with all of the far left crazy politics that I experience here. I also do not appreciate the far right and their Autocratic tendencies. There are some very good articles about the right and their shift towards that style of leader/leaders. As far as Cali and New York, we do provide the most money to the Federal government, and 8 of the 10 poorest states are in fact Red States that require the most welfare, and have the largest welfare recipients. Certainly what California contributes agriculturally, economically, as well as the technological contributions can’t be understated. I also have a sneaking suspicion that if it were the Dems who were able to take over based off of the electoral vote, the Republicans would have made sure that it only happened one time, let alone two times in the last two decades. Part of me wishes that the Dems would take a page out of the right playbook. All the scare tactics, all the shit they have pulled just with the voting process alone is enough to make a person crazy. Whatever I consider myself to be, or what you consider your political leanings to be really are not all that important. I do know that a majority of the country is liberal, and that they are finding it harder to understand how they are not represented that way in any of the three branches of government. Mitch has done a fantastically evil job of grabbing Supremely court seats and women and minorities will feel it for decades to come.
  5. I would be really interested to know what reputable news sources you are watching or reading. And when did the right become Russian apologists, and out right conspiracy theorists. Reading what you wrote there are several statements that are just begging to be fact checked. Comparing the Russian soldiers atrocities to other soldiers is just crazy. No doubt during war, there are horrific sick acts that do happen. There cannot be a more stressful time in a young persons life. However the Russians do not have any checks and balances compared to the rest of the civilized world. And their behavior not just in the conflict, in every conflict that they have been in is barbaric to say the least. That’s what happens when you have a country of soldiers that are poorly trained, poorly educated, and poorly taken care of in general. I would also like to say that your Russian Governments new line of that they are and have always been there for the Donbas region is just ignorant and pathetic. They tried to overthrow the government, they tried to take the capital, they just failed because they are not very good at anything other than indiscriminate bombing. It’s just funny on any of these social or political threads your outright hatred and anger of the US, and your apathy for Putin and his shit-hole country. If I did not know better I would think you were a Russian Bot. You are obviously a person with some intelligence, no question. But I can’t help but think that you are either very young and believe all the crap that you get off of some weirdo with a YouTube channel, or that you may just subscribe to RT news and that’s where you are getting your information. The Russian military is not nearly as strong as the world thought, and there have been a lot of very versed military analysts saying this for some time, they do not poses a lot of the weapons and capabilities that they have claimed, and they have been thoroughly embarrassed in this conflict. They have been getting the hell kicked out of them by a far less equipped military. But the Ukrainian military happens to be backed by the Best Military in the world, as well as they are being helped and aided by all of the best militaries in the world. There are a ton of reliable news sources that are just reporting the facts out there John. Not everything in life is a conspiracy or tool to trick the masses. This isn’t Russia. We can actually move freely and get whatever sources we want. Even the crazy Q-Anon quackery that a ton of the right now subscribes too. It’s funny how we went from a Nation that could read the NYT to a Nation of people that now call that fake news but believe a lying carnival barker, or little troll weirdo with a blog in his basement posting half truths.
  6. As a life long Pit owner it is sad to hear. Yes, Pits can be dangerous, in that they are the most powerful dog you can find. They do need lots of training and exercise, and in some cases they may need to be kept from other animals. It depends on their make up and the parents and lineage they came from. I currently have one that was trained, and I have socialized and he just doesn’t seem to like other dogs, squirrels, deer, turkeys, flies, and whatever else. The thing is, he is an amazing dog. Doesn’t mind any human, he is just a little off of his rocker. As a responsible dog owner I keep him away. The thing is, if he were another breed it wouldn’t be as big a problem. But since he is a Pit it is. I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be any other way. I hope the Beagle heals. Sad to hear that. For all kinds of reasons. Take care Red.
  7. Yeah, I am happy that we moved to this as well. If you want to wear a mask, wear it. If you want to get vaccinated do it. We can’t control others or what they do. I respect others choices. If you are at risk and want to take a risk, do it. That’s on you. If you are not at risk, and not worried about it, that’s on you as well. I am vaccinated and boosted, never had a flu shot in my life. However we are at a place now that we can’t force anything. And I don’t want to have anyone control my thoughts and actions. Those who would do better to wear a mask and don’t, that’s on them. If they are more protected getting vaccinated and don’t, that is on them as well. But forcing people to do anything hasn’t gotten us very far. As I said earlier, maybe in Feb/April of 2020 we should have completely shut down for a couple weeks collectively. We didn’t and couldn’t do it for a variety of reasons. But I’m over masks, and haven’t worn them unless forced for many, many months.
  8. I don’t disagree with this. The lockdowns should have been total or not at all. Having protected the people that needed it, and allowed the people who could continue as before to continue their lives. Or it should have been across the board back in Feb/April of 2020. Shut it all down for 3-4 weeks. We didn’t do that, therefore shutting down partially, or in creating areas was just ridiculous. And I don’t think we can ever even come close to that again. Gavin is an asshat. As are a lot of people in control of this state, and several other states.
  9. The same way a Slovenian whore controlled the last president.
  10. What’s going on buddy. The same for me. I love the game because of these discussions. There is no other sport like it. But that is my point. The National League prior to the DH faced weaker line ups. That’s just a fact. The DH was introduced in 73 and that wasn’t the standard in the World Series. So being that Seaver and others faced slightly easier lineups they were able to pitch deeper into games. However the pitchers of the 1970’s and early to mid 80’s were still pitching far deeper into games. Typically American League pitchers had slightly higher ERA’s and slightly fewer complete games. But I have to wonder why pitchers are not able to go deep into games? And I think it is because of kids throwing breaking balls way younger than we started throwing them growing up. And they don’t throw enough, and on top of that they use max effort from the jump. Pitchers of yesterday worked into their action. They didn’t start balls to the walls. There are many other contributions. But those are some. My A’s were the most successful team of the decade and like 10 people know it. But they won 3 World Series in a row, pennants from 71/75, and 90 plus games from 70-76. Had they not had Charlie Finnely and had an owner that wanted to continue the success and pay his players they could have won at least a few more WS. The funny thing is that they are forgotten. Not by A’s fans though. Cheers brother.
  11. Really looking forward to this. It’s been a great series. I wish Page and Jones would do something like this as well.
  12. Watching the NBA Playoffs. I feel old. All these young kids. When I grew up you still had older NBA athletes on teams. It seems that they don’t exist anymore. There are a few, but not like my generation. Baseball still has some older dudes playing. Whatever, I guess I’m getting old.
  13. Yeah my bad as well. Couple things. Jaci seems like a lovely woman. And Red talking about Homeless Boning. Is that their version of Tinder? Meaning meet at the Laundromat and hook up. Because they don’t have phones typically. Although living in the Santa Cruz area I do see Homeless people with phones which must be a 2022 thing. And pay phones don’t exist anymore. Either way, give it up to Jaci posing in a pic with her boyfriend talking about her Deep throat game on tinder. She is a keeper for someone.
  14. Well considering that Seaver had more complete games than either Palmer or Catfish, and had more wins than either, and faced weaker lineups not having to face the DH I would say that he had more wins exactly because of that. Tom Terrific was a beast. However the DH came into the American League in 73 and Palmer and Catfish both started their careers in 65. But I would argue that National League pitchers won more games precisely because of them being able to face weak 8-9 hole hitters. Actually if you look at the last of the 300 win pitchers the majority of that has been out of the National League. Maddox, Glavine, Randy Johnson, and then Roger Clemons, the first two were only National League, and Johnson spent several years with the Diamondbacks. And Roger spent a few with the Astros before they moved to the American League. I liked the two Leagues to have their differences, but I also like seeing guys who can’t play a position all that well be able to hit. Baseball needs to do a better job at promoting the game, and attracting the youth. They have the best Union of all the major sports, and it is Americas past time. The strike in 94 did major damage, and the lockout they just got out of did not help either. Having said all of that I’m happy they are playing. The summer would not be the same with out it.
  15. RIP Gilbert. He was a true comedic genius. His over 100 appearances on Stern will be some of my favorite memories. His version of the Aristocrat was just one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard from another human. I also loved hearing about he being on stage bombing, and then getting into his element and making something really funny out of those times. One of the best to ever do it for sure. As hummingbird69 said. “Damn you Death”!
  16. Man! Something about hearing Robert on the verge of ruin. Goddamn. That voice! Just amazing. So listening with fresh ears, and hearing Robert Circa 73 singing HMMT and just that damn voice. To me that makes the song. Robert gets slagged for his voice after 71-72. For me, there are performances after 71 that I don’t think he would have been able to do with that specific voice. This is proof to me. Best vocalist ever. No one even close. To have been able to have gone through all the changes, to sound like that, then to have the 73 Dazed Voice, and the Since I’ve Been voice, then to 75 with the Trampled, and then my personal favorite of In My Time Of Dying. Then to have the 77 Voice. The LA shows. That guy was the baddest Front man on the planet while with Zeppelin. I’m not going to say that his change in style while solo was better. It wasn’t. But by god that man have all he had to give. Every night. For soooo many shows. Amazing. Thank you for this performance.
  17. Man, that’s what I am saying. Just reread all you have posted. I’m firm in my thoughts and opinions. I also know that I am open to change, and honest discussion. It’s funny the Hunter Crack thing. Why do I give 2 shits if he was a crack head or not. And just for conversation, have you ever seen the clips of Trump talking about what he has in common with his Daughter. I grew up listening to Trump on Stern, and many other formats. You may have forgotten that he contributed massive amounts of money to your friend Hillary, and Bill. It’s all there to see in plain sight. I wasn’t the one throwing out all the crazy OAN News clips and attacking LedZepfan1977. You obviously have strong opinions on that crazy, horrible family. And you like them. That’s cool. It’s funny to hear people talk about Trump as if he was this savior, or someone who was good for the country. I guess that all of his Justice Department, the FBI, his personally picked Attorney General, and all the others that he appointed have said flat out that he is out of his mind and the shit he has been talking for a year is utter crap. But let’s keep believing him. It’s actually crazy to me. If you would like we can fact check all of the things you posted in the rant to LedZepFan1977. But I suppose you wouldn’t believe that either. Aside from all of the above, I truly hope you, and your family are doing well, and that we can all come together as a society that loves America and our fellow human beings. I’m not claiming to be right. But I would love to start fact checking and throwing up charts. You may be surprised. I may be as well. Have a great night. I don’t want to personally attack you and your beliefs. I’m simply saying let’s all have an open mind and work for the betterment of our country. And if almost ever American historian on Presidents say that he was the absolute worst, or at the bottom of the list does that not matter to you? And these are Bipartisan groups. Or does none of that matter, and only what your sources feed you. And that source being Trump, his retarded kid, and his mouth piece Sean Hannity and whoever else who wants to have an autocratic leader. Alright, be well Sir.
  18. Great point. You know who I always admired. Gene Hackman. I don’t give a shit about his politics, or personal beliefs. He was just a bad ass. How about Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs. What a great part. And I think Michael is also a real bad ass. You have any new recording Red? If so, please post them. They are pretty cool. Interesting to say the least. Have a great night.
  19. Hahahhahaha! Yeah, that is the other aide of it. I just wanted to quote Mr Soprano.
  20. Hello Strider. I just reread this for the umpteenth time. Man, just incredible. Thank you for the memories. I had my wife read it, her and my first official date was Page and Plant at Shorline Amphitheater in Mtn View, 1998 Sept. I have seen Plant starting in 93 with STP and Lenny K. I was fortunate to see Page and Plant several times, and my wife and I were fortunate enough to have seen Plant every time he came to the Bay Area after Page and Plant. But reading your description of the power, the excitement, and listening to the Bootlegs of the shows. Just absolutely incredible. Sincerely thank you for this.
  21. My wife bought me a Tiffany wallet extra slim and I have had it for 5 years. Longest wallet I have ever owned.
  22. You could have not said that better Sir. Every bit of it I agree with. As Tony Soprano said. What happened to Gary Cooper. The Strong silent type. Like my Father, Grandfather. They were United States Marines.
  23. I would as well. I would vote for Mitt R over most of them as well. I would vote for people with integrity. With a conscious. All those who have exactly what I just pointed to, have all been labeled Rinos. It’s a total joke. John Kasich is another person that I find to have integrity, and honesty.
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