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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. It has certainly shown us how utterly nasty, and gross a lot of people are. I too thought it was a given that you washed your hands, and covered your mouth while coughing and sneezing. While we are on it. I am still confused with those who blow their nose while in a restaurant, at a table, while people are eating. I can’t help but feel that is a bodily function that is best done in a restroom. I personally don’t like to hear people shooting out snot rockets while I’m eating. Cheers all.
  2. That’s fantastic! Wearing a mask while alone in your car, is the exact same as masturbating while wearing a rubber. Just doesn’t make sense.
  3. I just listened to this again. Having collected all things Zeppelin that I could get my hands on, coming across this site many years ago, and finally participating in it a couple years ago, I’m truly blown away every couple of months. A massive thanks to all of those who have gone to great lengths to make this site what it is, and the constant sharing of ideas, thoughts, and material. Somehow those words of thanks do not seem like enough. Simply amazing performance, and even more incredible find/liberation of the concert and pics. Cheers.
  4. Yeah man, if you are in your 40’s and having success with that age group. And they are mature, and consenting, and you have a good time, and you are not hurting anyone, or being hurt. I believe 2pac said “I ain’t mad atcha! Do your thang boy”!
  5. When we start thinking this is cool music on a Zeppelin Forum, I guess I’m way out of touch. Douchey song, Douchey lyrics! I guess that’s what happens when you have to pander to an audience because you lost yours. I remember when he was on tour with Too Short, and Ice Cube. No wonder Robert was embarrassed that he represented them at the Kennedy Center Honors. Im sure OANN, NewsMax, and Fox News are pumping this like crazy. Probably the new intro music to Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck radio shows.
  6. Naw, I was straight up being a passive Jack ass with the first comment. The reply was to just be straight and admit it. I agree with some of what you said for sure. But that’s my point, just being able to have a back and forth is something that I feel is being lost. I don’t think that you are wrong and I am right. That’s kind of what I’m saying, getting others perspective is important to me. I have changed my mind on plenty of feelings and thoughts I’ve had through the years. Shit I hope that is considered growth as a human. And glad to hear your pops was able to muscle through it while undergoing chemo. He is a tuff dude for sure. Hopefully he can beat that and continue to be around. I lost my pops at the young age 56 from cancer, to go through that on its own is tough, to go through it with that and come out is awesome. Have a great weekend.
  7. I am a life long Cali Bay Area native. We certainly have seen the changes. The interesting thing I took from the article was that the once revered agencies that have lost public support in my estimation was completely torn apart from the previous administration. I have never seen or heard any other administration prior to his that simply went against them, told as many blatant lies, and actively tried to tear them down. The other was the reference to jailing opposition/opponents. I have also never heard any other political party, President, or presidential hopeful in my 45 years have rallies where they start, with “ lock her up! Lock him up chant’s “. At least not any that I can remember. There is no doubt we are in the middle of some very trying times, neither party is innocent. But to just simply lay it at the feet of one or the other party is ridiculous, and incredibly naïve. Perhaps dangerous. As a proud American, I really hope that we can all do a little better, bridging some gaps, mending fences, and truly start looking at ways to help all of us. Not just the Red or Blue team/gang that someone wants to be identified with. It seems as if it has done a tremendous amount of damage. It’s awesome to have convictions, beliefs, and to want to see your ideas and agendas pushed forward, but to do so at the at the expense of others is just not a viable system. As an independent I personally want to see us have some growth, and elect people that are for all of us. Not one or the other. It’s destroying our way of life. Or maybe destroying what our country stood for. I will also say this Woke Generation is becoming or is beyond my ability to understand. I think that’s how I know I’m getting old. Cheers, and I enjoy your contributions to the site. Cool to read your thoughts on all kinds of shit/stuff.
  8. Honestly, it was kind of troll behavior of me to write that. I apologize for that. You have serious convictions about your feelings. Whether I agree with them or not really doesn’t matter. Dialogue is always important to me. Having said that, I’m vaccinated and had a booster, and I also just got over having Covid. After not having had it since it began. I was kind of disappointed in my blood/immune system. I had it run through my shop on a couple different occasions, and had not gotten sick. The crazy thing was this, my mother-in-law is an organic chemist PHD, as well as being a Nurse for drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities and was able to get us some home test kits because of her job. I tested negative twice while I was feeling like shit, then got a positive test back on the 3rd one. My wife who had pretty much all the same symptoms never tested positive in her two tests. There is no doubt that it does affect others differently. But at this point I have some serious Covid fatigue and really I’m just at the point of not wanting to hear about all the different variants anymore. We have to just start looking at this as a sickness, like we have looked at all the other sicknesses which we do not have cures for. Again, this is just my opinion, not saying I’m right. On a side note, I had some really weird side effects from it. I’ve been a gym rat my whole life. Taken many supplements, and the tail end of having Covid I never had more energy, and I felt insanely strong, almost like I had taken a steroid. I have not ever taken them, but what I imagine they feel like. I have an employee who said that they basically had the same effects. Massive energy after the initial fatigue, and headaches. I did have some creepy feelings in my spine. Some crazy dull aching pains. That was probably the worst of it. Cheers everyone, stay safe and healthy.
  9. Other than the Century thing, seems like you have it all worked out.
  10. Absolutely amazing! Thank you so very much for this. What a way to start a weekend. Just incredible, regardless of the quality. Cheers to all that worked on this. Mind- blowing find/release. Have a great night.
  11. Terrible, RIP Bob. He was a funny dude for sure. Bless his family.
  12. I’m paying attention John. We just live in a time where there is more access. More access to everything. Good or bad information. We can all dive down rabbit holes. A major difference is you can grab your phone and look up anything you want within seconds. To say that I’m not “ paying attention “ is pretty presumptive. I’m just not grabbing onto some weird blogs, or choosing to believe that people are eating babies and starting pedophile rings to get stronger. Pretty sure during the early part of the 20th century after the Spanish flu, going into the depression, and the start/during World War II there were a lot of people feeling the same way. Imagine if they had the same technology as we do now. As far as perverse, satanic themes, that’s actually not a new thing either. Not new at all. What is more common now is the utter distrust of each other. The actual hate of someone’s belief system, the depths to which people are going to now to hold onto power. There is a lot of good information out there on these very subjects. As stated before, I’m a 45 year old man, I’ve been hearing that it is the end of times my entire life. Growing up going to church, as an adult going to church. It’s one of the reasons I don’t go to church anymore. To practice my spirituality I do not need someone to tell me that someone who behaves a certain way isn’t saved, or those who don’t believe in their god isn’t saved. How about rather than being so judge mental, rather than thinking al the crazy shit we read or watch is true, getting into service, helping others, putting our principles into practice. Having said that, as bothered as I am by the attitudes of the far right, I’m just as sick of the woke cancel culture left. Have a great day John.
  13. That is also very well put. ITTOD was and is far superior to what was being put out at the time. There are some brilliant moments on that album which have all been mentioned. There are certain tracks which upon first listen I was not really into. But like a lot of things, as I listened more, read lyrics, listening to each instrument I started to appreciate those specific tracks much more. It truly is a shame that was all we got, if anything it showed their diversity, and musical genius that they possessed. I had ITTOD as my second or third album I purchased and was blown away at the difference between their first album and that album. They were constantly changing, growing, moving. As I got older, purchased all of their catalog, and dove into their live work on bootlegs and the live music they made available, I looked at ITTOD as the album that would have been the music playing at the end of their movie while the credits were being rolled out. Coda would have been in the deleted scenes. And I love that album as well. I also think ITTOD has some of Robert’s best lyrics. It’s a deep album lyrically. Bonham was crushing it, and some his best playing, Jimmy’s solo in I’m going to crawl is possible my favorite ever. It’s also one of my favorite vocal performances by Robert. And Jonesy was just doing what he always did, which was being possibly the best musician in the band. That man is simply amazing at every instrument, and is a brilliant arranger.
  14. I really encourage you to see what and how and who has used the filibuster to their benefit. Which party that is. I also really encourage you to go back to World War II and just see who the economy has done better under. It’s not even close. And how does our freedoms of being able to mail in vote, early registering, and making it easier to vote have to do with communism. I also think that DC and Puerto Rico should become states. That way they can also have two senators, and equal representation. I mean when the Dakota’s have 4 senators and less people in their states then many cities in our country how is that equal representation. Same with the Virginia, and the Carolina’s. As far as parties going to great lengths to make it harder to vote, their is one party that is the master at it. If we are to believe that Faucci, and Obama, Biden, and Pelosi all got together with all the worlds governments while practicing satanic rituals, and then said let’s unleash this Plandemic and get rid of Trump for a few years. In that 4 years we can make America a communist country and rule with an iron fist! What’s funny about that is our previous president has some pretty autocratic ideas and thoughts that he and his cronies tried to put into practice, and the gang just couldn’t shoot straight. Also, additionally what is funny, none of the previous presidents sane/non retarded kids push that whole election lie crap. Nor did his Attorney Generals, or his CIA, FBI, department of defense, or any of the other people that he put into place. I guess that the satanic left got them all on board for this massive global conspiracy. I do agree with you that I’m tired of school districts, and every other place shutting down because of Covid-19. People who are vaccinated, great. If your not, great. I’m tired of it here in California. I recently had a roll through my company, and I can’t ask for my employees to show me their positive or negative tests. I just have to believe them. And I have a sneaking suspicion that some of them may just be telling me they have it to get a few paid days off. I also agree that the media just helps feed the hysteria of this pandemic. No doubt people have lost lives, loved ones, not been able to see them in their last moments, it has ruined many social events, ruined businesses, peoples financial future. At some point this has to just become what the yearly flu/cold is and we have to deal with it. Shutting down the world just can’t happen anymore. People who don’t get vaccinated and get sick, and perhaps die, that is very sad, those who are vaccinated and survive, good for them. Those who die after being vaccinated, that sucks, those who are not vaccinated and survive that is good. Maybe we just need to stop thinking that a Democrat president is going to save us, or that a Republican President is going to right the ship. Maybe a panel of presidents would be a better representation of what we need. This team mentality really needs to stop. It’s destroying our country. As a 45 year old white man, I’m tired of old white men telling us what we need.
  15. Seems like a very loving Christian thing to say. Just accuse people of being pedophiles, and satanists and kill them. What is scary is that usually those are the very people who are usually the most evil. Also, people should be careful of accusing others of such acts and beliefs. I hope to god you haven’t gone down that rabbit hole of far right wing propaganda Steve. I want to believe that this is you being sarcastic. Not actually believing in some crazy right wing bat shit crazy theories of pedophile baby eating pizza parlors. Come on man. I’ve read almost every post you have written on this site. Say it ain’t so Steve!
  16. Yes you are correct that there are far more intelligent people than the both of us who may have different views, and perspectives than I do. Or you. And I’m not saying Fauci is the answer. I’m also not saying he is not a politician, or that he is the end all, be all. Again this is anecdotal, my Mother-in-law is an organic chemist who has worked for Roach and Genentech for over 30 years. Considering that she has been intimately involved in making many life saving drugs, and is pretty in the know on the chemical make up of the vaccines, I trusted her opinion. When this all began, Covid that is. I was a firm believer that is was crap, and that it was a flu, and that it was no big deal. Well, it is all of those things. It is also a big deal to all of those who have lost their lives, and as importantly who will never be the same because of it and it’s side effects. Largely which are not fully known. We can all go round and round on the entire progress of this illness, and the vaccine. Some things are just common sense, and it seems like there are a lot of people who lack common sense. There are also far more conspiracy theorists, or our access to these conspiracy theories are far more accessible than ever before. People also like to push their theories more than ever before because there are far more platforms to be able to do so. There was a hilarious segment done by Jordan Klepper on the croud who believes we can make it go away by yoga, or breathing, or by some other nonsense. My point is, that on both sides we have individuals, and large groups who are getting their information from less than reliable sources. Then passing that on in a less than reliable way, and presenting it as if it is a fact. The common sense part is, certainly our health and lack of health is a reason we are being hit as hard as we are. Collectively as Americans. The group mentality of some, for example, those who are at risk, should probably mask up, make sure and wash up, and try and mitigate their risk to getting this. Those who want to get the vaccine, get it. Those who do not, don’t. But if you are not getting the vaccine, to walk around with the attitude of don’t tread on me, and you’re taking away my rights just seems a bit silly. As Americans, we have had to make sacrifices over the years. Many times. I just don’t see this as being all that different. The new culture of not believing anything that is given to us by reliable sources and believing someone on a blog, or YouTube channel because it fits our narrative is far more commonplace than it ever has been. I am also not saying that is what you are doing. Just pointing out that it is a fact. I would also like to say that I certainly do not know all that is going on behind closed doors, with our government, as well as other governments. I do not know if this is as serious as we are being force fed. The seriousness of it, I can only go by what is in my corner of the world, as well as what I can read and or watch and try and gather as much information as possible. I would just choose to not get my info from a blog, or any social media, or what some random person tells me, or a friend etc. Fact checking what we read, or a report that we watch is pretty important as well. And then if I’m told we can’t trust the fact checkers, then what can we trust? Right on Hummingbird69. Thanks for the reply and your thoughts on it.
  17. Honestly that made me spit the coffee out of my nose/face when I read it. Thank you for the laugh today Mr. Jones! Also thank you for the thread. Richards book was one of the first books I got when I started getting deep into Zeppelin as a teenager. While I’m sure certain parts were maybe exaggerated, I also tend to think that much more of it was his true recollections of the times and experiences. Doesn’t make them accurate, or exactly what it was. But it was to him I believe. What a life he lived. I would have loved to have had a conversation or two with him. He is truly a remarkable story. When you consider what he participated in the 70’s to have come out of that alive is a miracle. Then to have had the second or third act is pretty incredible. Bless his family and friends. He will be missed by many.
  18. Well Sir, I suppose I’m glad you have me labeled as that, and we have come to that conclusion. Aside from posting on this forum, checking out all the interesting thoughts and views of a majority of the people on this forum I do actively try and participate in my community. If your opinion of me, is that I am part of the problem because I hope that people don’t actually think Joy and Whoopi are all that informed, or influencing all that many people, and that Jan 6th was a sickening display, and was certainly not looked at as a staged event from anyone other than some crazy people on blogs, or someone who happens to have some crazy YouTube channel, I guess I would be part of your problem. I suppose wanting people to try and see others perspectives, not wanting to gaslight, not wanting seemingly educated people to get their news from daytime talk show hosts, not wanting people to form their views from extremely slanted blogs, or as Strider said any of the opinion based news programs that are actively trying to scare the hell out of most Americans. To continue putting them/us in our respective corners, going to great lengths to try and make sure that like minded adults who come from different cultures, economic conditions, different backgrounds can’t actually rally as a nation and get behind each other, as well as get behind our elected officials and actually make a difference, then yes I’m part of your problem. Having said all of that Hummingbird69, I hope you have a great weekend, and that you and yours continue to be healthy. Also back to the topic, although this is purely anecdotal, pre vaccine, in my circle I had a 36 year old brother in-law who had no known health problems pass away from Covid. At my former company I worked for, we had 30 plus people get Covid, one guy I’ve know for over 25 plus years will never be off of an oxygen tank after this because his lungs apparently have been damaged so severely they won’t heal. Would this vaccine have saved my brother-in-law’s life? I don’t know? Would it have helped my buddy enough to not have to be on an oxygen tank for the rest of his life? I really don’t know. I’ve said it a few times, I had never had a flu shot pre Covid, and actually I still have not had a flu shot unless you count the Covid vaccination. The reason I bring that up, I certainly won’t be getting my news, forming opinions, or taking advice from any of the above mentioned formats. Alright, sorry to be long winded. You have a great night.
  19. That’s 2.4 old housewives out of 350 plus million if you are counting the illegals you love to think about. I don’t know about the social media aspect of Joy. I’m telling you she doesn’t mean shit to anyone and you want to argue your point with. You are grabbing some view, from a crazy old lady on a day time talk show who I seriously doubt has that many viewers. On top of that, there are a few people on that show who don’t agree with her. Yes I’m saying you shouldn’t worry about a 70 year old lady who is talking trash on a daytime television show. And don’t get your news from a social media platform. Those who do are just as bad as those getting their news and forming opinions based off of crazy blogs. Or maybe put it this way. Those who read Zerohedge, and Breitbart are the exact same as those who watch and pay attention to Joy Behart. She is a talking head personality, the same way they are. They are not an authority on anything. All of them. Just a dipshit with a forum. A way to spread their views. She is not a journalist the same way some jackass who writes his opinions on a blog. Pretty easy. Also, the name of the said show, is “ The View “! Not “ The Facts”! Or “ No Spin Zone” or Zerohedge!
  20. That’s the thing about opinions. That statement is to some the epitome of being brainwashed. We all watched the same thing. You on the one hand see it as some staged event. Even when we were all being told that the event was happening. And the event was planned by that orange bad man. In my opinion to see it any other way than a bunch of backwards hillbilly’s thinking they were going to somehow change the rigged election was laughable, until it turned deadly, and until it turned into one of the biggest black eyes in American politics during our lifetime. Certainly the Kennedy assassination, then his brother. Those were pretty crazy, sickening events that happened. Having said that because I am seriously interested, how am I detached from reality thinking that what happened on the 6th wasn’t a “violent insurrection”? I think that the lady who had her head blown off, the cop who was crushed to death, the idiots running around with zip ties and stealing shit and videoing it kind of spoke for itself. I’ll put it this way. Anyone who thinks it was a staged event, and that someone other than the actual people who talked about it openly for a month leading up to it is seriously detached from reality. My point is. What the hell does that mean. We are on a vaccine portion of a Led Zeppelin forum. Don’t get the vaccine. It’s cool. Go read Zerohedge, and Breitbart, and continue to be a “ Brainwashed Degenerate “.
  21. I guess if you would like to cherry pick one situation. I’m sure that there are others as well. That has nothing to do with most people have no clue who Joy Behar is. Or for that matter give a shit about her thoughts. But by quoting her, and picking her out of the crowd to prove a point and or make a point about an entire group of people and their political leaning is crazy. Joy Behar, Whoopie, and whoever else is on that show are watched by how many Americans? How many of those base their opinions off of what they say verses the other talking heads that are on that show and clearly are aiming at a small portion of the population?
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