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Everything posted by jsj

  1. Ace. I haven’t seen this before. I was at both the NEC shows. The second night, which this is from was much better than the first
  2. I wasn’t suggesting he’s right. I was raising him as an example of misguided optimism. He reckons Page is probably practicing already for it
  3. I’m going to miss the nitpicking posts when you reach the end. I don’t even listen to the 77 tour but I still love reading these
  4. I think they generally weigh about this, 8 - 9 pounds is about normal. They often make them lighter now, with chambered bodies for the folk who can’t hack them. Pesobnally I like a heavy guitar
  5. I read the post and saw the price but replied too quickly to make myself clear. I was wondering what their current value is, unless the £20k price is the current price rather than their original price. Thanks for your link, much appreciated.
  6. Very nice. How much do they go for? Crazy money I expect
  7. I know that Gibson made some Page LPs a few years ago, but they were new guitars with his wiring set up. But did they also make exact aged replicas of his number 1 like has been done with Peter Green’s etc
  8. Why did Planty wear the same clothes at every gig on this tour?
  9. Do you know that Donovan pretty much invented Led Zeppelin? Along with the Beatles and many other things. Only last night I saw a documentary on him where he claimed that on Sunshine Superman he had not only Page & Jones but Bonham too playing on it and Page was making a lot of notes and how it was pretty much the blueprint for Zeppelin’s whole style It can’t be denied that Donovan certainly has been around but Jesus, no one loves him as much as himself
  10. Can I ask again how Bill Gates implanting a chip into the general public helps him buy more land?
  11. Why did he need to get a chip into people who took the vaccine to buy land from farmers?
  12. I’m still waiting for Bill Gates to start whatever nefarious practices he had in mind when he “tricked” the world in to taking vaccines containing his microscopic chips.
  13. What is it supposed to say? I can see Page but can’t tell what any other parts are supposed to be
  14. If I recall correctly real strings were attempted on Kashmir but the idea must have been dropped
  15. I misunderstood the concept of the solo in the middle of heartbreaker. When i read about the insertion of the separately recorded solo, I thought it meant it was added as an afterthought. I’ve had it wrong all these years!
  16. Has there ever been a version of how the song originally was before the middle guitar solo was inserted? That’s what I’d like to hear
  17. No sorry. I became aware of these two examples (TYG & MMH) many years ago when someone on the old forum posted a list of these kind of quirks and I checked them out. Headphones are required for both. The unplugging of the jack in TYG is easy to hear but only if you know to listen for it. It’s either after the first or second solo. I haven’t heard it myself for many years so I may check it out at the weekend
  18. The unplugging of the guitar jack plug after a solo in ten years gone an iffy keyboard note in misty mountain hop
  19. I agree but presumably Page signed it off, so he’s no better. the worst edited album I’ve ever heard in my life. I’m 57 and have never heard anything as shit as the edits in NQ, WLL and D&C. They might not have been able to do much with the film bu that’s no reason to fuck up the accompanying album
  20. He wanted the owners to know that he has a new album out “next year”
  21. This set off to be a really funny thread. You may remember it was about tinder profiles. Then it got turned into a row about politics
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