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Everything posted by aen27

  1. I love that first one. Pagey looks so gorgeous in that brocade jacket... and cigarette...fluffy hair..
  2. The title song from Love Parade sung by Maurice Chavilier and Jennatte MacDonald.
  3. It's kind of cool, being red tented.
  4. Seeing my friend at work as she is usually only there on Sunday, the day I'm not there. I haven't actually see her since April and listening to the soundtrack of Sugar Babies tonight, which I loved and still have in my head.
  5. I'm listening to my parents watching Dancing with the Stars.
  6. "Travelin' In Louisiana" from the Sugar Babies soundtrack
  7. I love this one! They are all really nice, racchan.
  8. I am so pleased you enjoyed the interview. I knew you had to get to read it. I love your new "user" picture.

  9. Yes. It's a stunning picture. I adore it --and -- I thank you for letting me see it.
  10. I realised that Mojo is actually the November one. I couldn't fix it now.
  11. Thanks for adding me, as well.

  12. Mojo October 2009 (UK) Guitar and Base November 2009 (UK)
  13. I remembered reading that is the real reason Jimmy agreed for Zep to do the French TV show, was so he could meet her. She was John Lennon's favorite too, as well as this lady... Juliette Greco
  14. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    ^ I think this is the first one? The ones before looked more like suits.
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